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  1. pixiedust2007

    Any special counter-service places in the parks?

    MK: Count me in as another for Pecos Bills Epcot: Tangerine Cafe in Morroco (The lamb schwarma plate is AMAZING)
  2. pixiedust2007

    Is it better to avoid the extra morning hour park or take advan. of the extra hour?

    If you do not have a Park Hopper, I would DEFINITELY avoid the park with morning EMH. It will become extremely crowded once the park opens to the public and then you will be stuck there with the huge crowds. I would recommend going to whatever park had evening EMH the previous night - they...
  3. pixiedust2007

    How have crowds been?

  4. pixiedust2007

    How have crowds been?

    Hi all! :wave: I was wondering if anyone could tell me how crowds have been this year so far in May? We leave in a few days! :sohappy: Thanks!
  5. pixiedust2007

    WDW May 2007

    We will be there May 13-19, staying at the Poly. So far, we have ADRs at California Grill, Brown Derby, and Jiko, all for dinner. I am really hoping crowds aren't too bad. The last 2 times we were there, it was during spring break, so I'm just hoping crowds are better than that! :wave:
  6. pixiedust2007

    Any Deals for May?

    Wow, thank you so much for this! We already had our room at the Poly booked May 13-19, and called our travel agent with this code and she was able to rebook and save us almost $500! Thank you! :wave:
  7. pixiedust2007

    Dining Suggestion

    Hi Everyone, :wave: I am looking for a dining suggestion for Epcot. It has so many great choices, that I think I always get overwhelmed when trying to choose that one. So far, on the trip we are eating at: Cali Grill, Jiko and Brown Derby. What are everyone's favorites in Epcot? Thanks!
  8. pixiedust2007

    ADR's one month out?

    Hi there, I am going from the 12-19 and I made my ADR's about 2 weeks ago and everything I wanted was pretty much wide open, even Cali Grill during Wishes on Mother's Day! (I am hoping this means it won't be too crowded while we're there :)). That being said, I think the suggestion about...
  9. pixiedust2007

    how many more days for you?

    75 days - too many :(
  10. pixiedust2007

    Birds in Crystal Palace?

    Hi everyone, We have not been inside the Crystal Palace since one of my first trips to WDW, about 20 years ago. My mom remembers there being birds in the atrium in the Crystal Palace. :shrug: Is that true? If so, are they still there? Thanks!
  11. pixiedust2007

    Where would you be right now?

    Sitting down outside of Pecos Bills with a burger and fries.
  12. pixiedust2007

    Just can't stand it!

    As much as I'm dying to get to our next trip (May), I also like to plan and have something to look forward to. It almost seems to extend the vacation a little bit for me. I spend a few months before looking at touring plans online and reading the unofficial guide. I like the build-up.
  13. pixiedust2007

    Going to DisneyWorld In July Help

    I would also recommend following (at least loosely) the touring plans in the Unofficial Guide. We have found this to be imperative during more crowded times. I think the most important thing is to be at the park when it opens. This should give you at least an hour of touring with pretty light...
  14. pixiedust2007

    beginning of march?

    Last year, we went from about March 11-17 and it was very crowded. However, the weather was perfect and the parks were open late. By following the touring plans in the unofficial guide we didn't really have any problems seeing everything we wanted. We would just get to the parks before...
  15. pixiedust2007

    Park clothes at Jiko?

    Hi everyone :wave: I'm planning on going to Jiko for dinner during our upcoming trip to the World. I am not sure when the best time is to do this. It makes the most sense to do it the day we are at Animal Kingdom (they close at 6). My question is whether it is ok to go to Jiko in our park...
  16. pixiedust2007

    Mother's Day

    Thank you so much! I can't wait :sohappy:
  17. pixiedust2007

    Mother's Day

    Hi Everyone, I'm heading to WDW from May 13-19. Our first day there will be Mother's day and I'd like to do something special for my mom. Has anyone been to any special brunches or dinners for mother's day? Thanks! :wave:
  18. pixiedust2007

    Crowds in May

    Thanks! :) The past 3 years we went over Spring Break in Mid March and it was pretty crowded. We are hoping crowds are a little lighter this time. We were fine as long as we got to the parks at opening and got all the popular rides done early, but we were hoping it might be a little more...
  19. pixiedust2007

    Crowds in May

    Hi everyone! I've been reading these boards for a long time, but this is my first post. I just booked a trip for May 13-19, 2007. Does anyone have any experience with the crowds and weather at this time? Thanks!:wave:
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