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  1. U

    What is the strangest thing another guest has asked you in the parks?

    I have a good story: I boarded the Monorail at the MK, sitting behind me was a middle-aged couple. After the doors closed, and a few moments of silence, the lady yells out to me “where is the next stop”? I was the only other person with them and turned around and told her the next stop was...
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    Where did you get your "Dreams"?

    Everyone in our group won a dream fastpass on Rock N' Rollercoaster. This was back in February when they were adding the singles line. It was around 9:30 and the dream squad was waiting for everyone before you walk into Studio C.
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    Superstar TV

    I remember Superstar Television very well. Back when it was around, I was selected for two parts: Baseball Player - I remember it was Johnny Carson (I think) asked how I've been hitting all of these homeruns, and my line was: "I'm not sure, I just close my eyes and swing" Bonanza: I just...
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    Chape's 3-18-07 Update

    I think I remember someone posting a date in another thread, but does anyone know when the Electric Umbrella will open?
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    Spaceship in Spaceship Earth

    Martin: Great drawing! Looking at the picture, it looks like the window with the AA girl waving is wider than I thought it was. Was the window wider than the board they used to cover it up in the '94 rehab? I've been following this thread for sometime now, and it's great to have all of...
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    Western Way is a Huge Speedtrap.....

    Here is a story from WKMG. The Orange County Sheriff's Office is using officers dressed in Holiday costumes. I wonder if they will do this on Disney property?
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    Is Wonders open today/tomorrow?

    I was there today (Wednesday) and it was still closed. I can't wait for this to open once again. I'm going to bring my camera along and make some pictures...
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