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  1. C

    Unused park hopper from 1996

    my father in law gave my son a completely unused park hopper from 1996 that we had planned to use for our upcoming trip. My husband's wants to hold onto it for sentimental reasons/ value. He thinks it may increase in value but I cannot find anywhere that it even had any value past saving us $300...
  2. C

    contact info?

    I am not sure if this can be anwsered but if i wanted to write a letter so someone "higher up" such as Jim Macphee, do you know where i would adress it, either e-mail or postal? thanks
  3. C

    job requirements?

    do you know if there is a higher up position than the entry level along the same lines? I have a Bachlor of Fine Art. Taking pictures for Disney is one of my dream jobs but i didnt go to school for photography so other than hobby and a class here and there i wouldnt say i was very experienced.
  4. C

    job requirements?

    does anyone know the job requirements for disneys photopass? or where i could find information on this and how to apply for this job? thanks!!
  5. C

    First trip report 2/9-2/16 (pic heavy)

    haha yes, we watched the weather every morning, they were calling for bad storms and of couse it had to be AK planned day. We slept in that morning and it only rained until late morning and the sun came out! i loove florida!
  6. C

    Attention YOAMD CM's!

    I 'won' a trip to disney world, ::sarcasm:: i didnt win any of the things they were giving away but i saw a lot of fastpasses, lanyands and ears... im estatic those people won and even more estatic i was in WDW didnt need a prize to make me happy :) as i was getting off the train that goes...
  7. C

    What Is Your BEST MEMORY At Walt Disney World?

    my very first time in WDW over 20 years ago i will never ever forget the fireworks at MK. I was like 5 years old and everything was soo overwhelming the characters were amazing but the fireworks i had and still have no words for... and then when i was 13 my grandmother had just passed away and...
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    First trip report 2/9-2/16 (pic heavy)

    FINALLY got my photopass pictures :sohappy: :sohappy: Thought I would share some of my favorites from the week... enjoy...
  9. C

    First trip report 2/9-2/16 (pic heavy)

    haha dole whips... so i couldnt remember where you said that stupid stand was and spent the week looking for it. We did find it the first day we were there but decided to pass on it since we had ice creams in our hands at the time and i suppose i couldnt double fist on treats..haha. Anyways, so...
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    First trip report 2/9-2/16 (pic heavy)

    thanks! Did i say i was engaged? if i didnt i didnt mean to.. you might have misunderstood my lil story about ANOTHER girl in the crowd before the parade i talked about... I didnt thou..haha Ill add photopass pics when i get the cd
  11. C

    First trip report 2/9-2/16 (pic heavy)

    day 6 So wed. night we decided to buy ticket to the PPParty so we did go to MK of wed like I had planned instead we headed back over to MGM to ride RRC and TOT again. We got FP for RRC and waited for TOT and then got FO for TOT, rode RRC (front row) and rode TOT one more time..haha. I love that...
  12. C

    First trip report 2/9-2/16 (pic heavy)

    Day 4 and 5 Now that I am all into reliving my trip I am going to be up all night doing this. Tuesday was Epcot day. There is so much to see there and we planned to do it all in one day but that didn’t happen. We wanted to get to this park early but apparently forgot to set the alarm the...
  13. C

    First trip report 2/9-2/16 (pic heavy)

    Day 3 Day 3 was what Monday already! Its going way to fast.. Monday was AK day and we woke up to rain, but at least it was warm rain and since Home was expecting a major snow storm early in the week, ill take the warm rain in WDW any day! We started in Asia and saw its tough to be a bug and...
  14. C

    Carouselof Progress still seasonal?

    "its a great big beautiful tomorow" haha. the song is still stuck in my head. I was on it like 4 days ago :cry: and now i have to be home. It was cute, catchy song. I think that there was 4 other families in there with us...
  15. C

    First trip report 2/9-2/16 (pic heavy)

    days 1 and 2 Our first full day we had reservations at the Crystal Palace for breakfast.. Pooh was waiting for us so we had 8am ressies. I thought it was soo great walking through MK with no one there I got some great pictures. Breakfast was good, character interaction was alright, we don’t...
  16. C

    First trip report 2/9-2/16 (pic heavy)

    I really wanted to write a good trip report becuase everyone was so helpful and i love reading everyone else's especially the details so i will try to make it as detailed as possible... I got so many great tips, advice and ideas from everyone on here I thought I would write my first trip report...
  17. C

    i got burned!

    as long as it took to wash it off. i burned instantly.. i got it on both legs and couldnt take it. so id say about 30 seconds on one leg and 2 on the other..
  18. C

    i got burned!

    Since i am a loyal reader or WDWMagic.. i wanted to let you all (women) know when happed to me on tuesday so it wont happen to you. I leave for WDW tomm morning!! yay :sohappy: and decided on tuesday used the Veet product like i have many times before.. this time it apparently had a chemical...
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