Carouselof Progress still seasonal?


Well-Known Member
I know people won't like this, but its about time they dump this attraction for something fresh

NOO! I rode it for the first time this past trip and I saw why most people just adore this ride. It was so awesome.

Could it use a refurb? Yes, but the concept is AMAZING!! I love it.


Original Poster

Still the ending scene they've had since the last major update in 1994 (!)
(Yes, that's about 13 years ago.)

The final vignette still has Grandma donning 3D goggles, playing a video game, and getting 975 points!

When I saw it it was in 1990, since a few years back it was just running seasonal. Now is the best time of your life song was still playing at that time. So the end will be a bit new for me.


Well-Known Member
Most people do not "adore" this ride. If they did, it wouldn't be seasonal. This ride is only popular with Disney diehards and historians
Despite being listed as "seasonal" it has been on 365 daily open status for at least a year and a half now. It's open EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. and has been for quite some time.

Trust me, it gets ridden. Every theater has people. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But seeing as it has four theaters and it boards every five minutes another large group, there doesn't tend to be a waiting line.


Well-Known Member
The final vignette still has Grandma donning 3D goggles, playing a video game, and getting 975 points!

Did you say 975? :lol:

I would love to see the show get an update and refurbishment. Even though the show needs that update badly, it's still one of the best attractions in the park.


Despite being listed as "seasonal" it has been on 365 daily open status for at least a year and a half now. It's open EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. and has been for quite some time.

Trust me, it gets ridden. Every theater has people. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But seeing as it has four theaters and it boards every five minutes another large group, there doesn't tend to be a waiting line.

Frankly, I think its on the endangered species list.
"its a great big beautiful tomorow" haha. the song is still stuck in my head. I was on it like 4 days ago :cry: and now i have to be home. It was cute, catchy song. I think that there was 4 other families in there with us...


New Member
When we were there last summer, we watched the first part, and then the second, and then it got stuck and we had to watch the second part about 4 or 5 times before they got us out. When we did get outside, the CM told us that sometimes little rodents get caught in the tracks. It was pretty funny, but we were definitely ready to get out of there.

Little rodents? Oh nooooo!!! Poor Mickey:lol:

Peaches Magee

New Member
We went last week and did CoP cause I always remember it being one of my mom's favs, so in her memory we went to see it. And yes I rember it being the cool-down ride. I still enjoyed it. Though I am a sarcastic gal so I kinda poked at everything... anyone else notice that the little boy in the 4th of July scene now has a lazy eye?
And the fact that all furniture and appliances in the "future" scene are all from the mid-80's? And the graphics on the virtual reality game... awesome! ha!
And when the daughter says "Grandpa, don't tell me you didn't even have a car phone?!" We all laughed on that one.
I vote for keeping it cause it is a classic and a huge connection to Walt and his memory, but definately needs some upgrades for sure.


New Member
I have loved this attraction since I was a little kid. Its one of my best memories of Disneyland of the lete 60's and early 70's

Absolutely!!! Couldn't agree more. In fact, when I just now started reading this thread, the song came back to me. The most memorable thing about that ride was at the end when you walked up on stage, up the escalator and saw the giant model of a futuristic city. That part amazed me. So cool!!! Do they still have that part?
The few times I've been WDW its been closed altogether, so hopefully I'll see it this summer. Does WDW have the escalator and model ending? Hope so. If not, did it ever have it? It was a unique ending to purely Disney attraction.

And on a side note: Bring back Mr. Toad


Well-Known Member
They don't have the ending with the top section not revolving, and no escape elevator. I remember that too as a child in DL. They have, however, replaced the carpets and speakers in the past year. The attraction looks and sounds great. Everytime I go on it, there is something little that I notice that isn't working (like the "lazy" eye!), but they clearly work hard to keep up on the maint for the 40 year old experience. My kids, wife, and I all sing along when we go. It's one of our most treasured experiences and one that we will all miss when it finally spins it's last rotation. We all know that every time we go, that it may be the last time we see it. It's a huge treat every year, and last fall was operating open to close.

There are critical attractions that define the MK experience for us. Splash Mountain, the HM, Space, BTMR (Always after dark), the TTA, Buzz, Philharmagic, and the COP. We almost never miss any of them, and then rotate the others.

We will REALLY miss the COP.


New Member
This is always the first and last ride of each trip for us. Our 6 year old has the entire show memorized, she loves it so much! It would really be a huge shame if they ever took CoP away....


Well-Known Member
My sister (16) loves this ride! I think it's a true Disney classic. Everyone should pay it more attention. Progress always surrounds us, being aware of it is important. :sohappy:

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