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    any tips for someone from UK

    here's a link to my post of my top tips: hope these help and have a great time! chuck
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    AK Question...

    just got back last month, and boma was our favorite restaurant at wdw. try top get to ak lodge while it's still light so you can see the animals on the savannah before dark. the ak lodge lobby at night is absolutely stunning. one of the most beautiful buildings i've ever seen. boma is...
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    Which Park...

    i'd say mgm. we got there about 10:00 AM, were done by 4:30 without really skipping anything. it was definitely the least amount of walking, so it's a good park to do late in the week when everyone is tired. someone else posted a complaint about there not being enough to do there, but we felt it...
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    september or november for honeymoon?

    that's when we just went - the week before thanksgiving. crowds were very, very light, weather was in the 70's and low 80's, the christmas decoration went up while we were there, and mickey's x-mas party was on 2x. awesome week to be there! chuck
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    Hit me with your Best snack

    at typhoon lagoon, there is a stand by the lockers where they serve freshly made (still hot from the fryer) donut holes. then they sprinkle them with sugar and serve them with a little cup of chocolate sauce for dipping. to. die. for. technically speaking, they are excluded from the dining...
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    First time going to Disney

    here are two links i posted from my recent trip. first is my trip report: ...and second are my top wdw trip planning tips: hope these help - have an awesome time! chuck
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    You hate it?!? I LOVE IT!!!

    the only thing i really hate is it's a small world. as for things overrated, my vote goes to le cellier. very rich, heavy food that you can find at any steak house back home. chuck
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    WDW Trip Report 11/12 - 11/18

    the paint brush thing: on tom sawyer island, the cm's hide paint brushes (house painting sized) around the island, about 15 of them, i believe. they do this in the morning (so i've heard), so it's unlikely to find them later in the day, but hey, like i said, we found *two* of them at 3:00 pm...
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    My Top 15 WDW Tips

    yeah, we packed medications and such in our carry ons, but i never imagined that the luggage would take so long. oh well, lesson learned. chuck
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    My Top 15 WDW Tips

    just got back from my trip. since so many of you were so helpful to me in planning my trip, i hope that i can return the favor with this list. i tried to focus on advice that isn't too obvious. hopefully, you guys can learn from the things i did well and the things i didn't do well: 1. use...
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    WDW Trip Report 11/12 - 11/18

    flight: jetblue rocks. the steward/announcer for the trip down was hilarious. the dude was practically doing a set. the tv's made the time flying seem like nothing. magical express: it took about 4 hours for our luggage to get to our room. i guess that was the magical part. otherwise, great...
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    Space Mountain: Embarassing or Appreciated

    just got back from wdw andmy boys and i loved space mountain. sure, it's kind of dated and hokey, but much of wdw is as well - just off the top of my head, splash mountain, the poly, and virtually every ride in world showcase coime to mind. but to me, that's part of the charm of all of these...
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    Bummed Out About the Weather Forecast

    well, the forecast here on wdw is a lot better than the one on yahoo. i'll go with the one here. chuck
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    Bummed Out About the Weather Forecast

    we're *finally* leaving sunday morning for a week at wdw, and the forecast is really crummy. :( thunderstorms are predicted on several days. i thought i once heard someone here say that in orlando, rain tends to be over and done with pretty quickly. is this true or just wishful thinking...
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    Shark Reef Questions

    So, what's the deal with this? Are you really swimming with sharks and stingrays, or is there a glass wall between you and them? Or are they the kind of sharks that don't bite? I don't understand how this could be safe - it seems kind of risky, especially after Steve Irwin's death. Also, do...
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    Questions About Drinking Water

    Ive heard several people here say that you should bring your own drinking water to WDW because it's so expensive at the parks. Someone here suggested buying and bringing Brita water bottles as a good thing since the drinking water in Orlando doesn't taste very good. This sounded like a good idea...
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    Our Very First Trip

    so sorry to hear about your difficulty getting off the bus, friend - i would have offered to carry you off myself had i been there. otherwise, sounds great. i'm glad to hear about the short wait times as we'll be there 11/12 - 11/18! chuck
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    Take a Picture of Your Child Each Day Just in Case...

    when our two boys were small, my wife would also dress them alike so that if one were to ever end up missing, she could tell people "he's dressed like this." chuck
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    EMH Question

    my kids are 8 and 10, and i was thinking the same thing, that going extra early to catch EMH would be too much, especially for the five straight days we're going to be in the parks. we'll be at WL, so the transportation (from what i hear) isn't as efficient as it is at many of the other...
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    EMH Question

    we're not doing the park hopper option. it's the first time we've gone to wdw as a family, so we'll pretty much be spending a full day at each of the parks. besides, we have small kids, so we can't get around from park to park very efficiently. chuck
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