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    Chef Mickey's Question

    yooh don't have to twirl yoor napkin... i didn't, so donald deceided to give me a big kiss... ewww duck germs
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    When is your next visit?

    my taxi to the airport is coming any minute now.... WDW is only a breathe away ahh
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    When is your next visit?

    a little under 7 hours.... it is 10:42 PM for me as of now. Last minute packing is really last minute. I still need to sleep. Ahhh
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    Special Thanks

    Hey everybody, I'm leaving for WDW in a little over 30 hours. Today i have alot of chores to take care of and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get on the boards before my flight. So anyway, I'd just like to express my thanks and gratitude for all of your help. You guys have really made my trip...
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    that's strange.... the MGM Fantasmic tracks should have been easier to find, its the only version of Fantasmic with its own soundtrack readily on sale. I even saw the MGM Fantasmic CD for about 18 dollars at Disneyland. Your best bet is to go to an online store and buy it. But yooh can...
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    Pictures of backstage areas?

    Do you guys really want to see this? I've also seen the backstage of many Disney Parks, and it does somewhat ruin the essence of Disney. Sometimes i even regret being so curious and wondering what is beyond the doors marked Cast Member's only. Its kina like pulling off Santa's beard at the...
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    Disney Resort Question

    I'm staying at the Contemporary in about two days and 4 hours 31 minutes and 15 seconds, 14 seconds.... anyways i was wondering if they charge to use their tennis courts...
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    Standing in Line?

    haha maybe fantasmic should have a fast pass system. I guess this is one of the pitfalls of having Fantasmic in an auditorium and having Fantasmic as a somewhat new attraction. On the westside(Disneyland), i have been known to wait 3 hours for a show, but in Florida on a prime day... that's...
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    Discount Tickets?

    Yooh need a sponser to get to certain stores like the Exchange, if yooh aren't a spouse or child of military personel. Ticket discounts haven't changed much, but since ticket prices have gone up the discounts don't seem that great. Because of 9/11 and the sudden dramatic increase of patriotism...
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    Disney Delivery

    I'm staying at a Disney resort and was wondering about this park store delivery thing. Its where yooh can have purchases made in the park or possibly other onsite places sent to yoor room. I was wondering how i can achieve this. Do i just tell the cashier i'd like it sent to my room, or do i...
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    disposable cameras

    lol ...soundtrack to a family vacation... hmm ::wheels in head slowly turning::
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    disposable cameras

    I use both disposable and indisposable cameras. I always have my digital Sony Cybershot handy, because there's nothing better than not having to pay for film and waiting for some of the more personal shots. also, there is no photo i can't fix with photoshop, and having direct digital rather...
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    E-RIDE Night Info for the Dumb???

    is e-ride nites available for other parks? if so, can yooh post similar information?
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    Fav All Star Resort?

    I've never stayed at an All-Star Resort, actually i've never stayed at any Officially Disney resort, i've stayed at some of the on-site non-disney resorts though. I was wondering how the All-Stars they compare to the deluxe resorts, because i was considering staying at one of the All-Stars, but...
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    Backpack on rides?

    I think backpacks can be a great asset but also a great hassel. Backpacks have always been helpful in carrieing maybe drinks, an extra bag of chips, cameras, etc. that's pretty obvious. But what i've found to be even more helpful is strollers! Strong strollers are great, and if they have a...
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    How do YOU handle it?

    i got in a couple days... and i haven't been able to sleep. like yooh guys, i have downloaded my fill of disney sounds, even those odd mixing of unheard clips and calling it "sounds of splash mountain", but after downloading each track i bought the CD to each song. i have burned full...
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    About GameCube

    stay away from gameboy?! are yooh crazy? gameboy advance is the best console out of any new system out there. I've seen some spidey themed accessories and what not over the internet. So just look on ebay. I've played magical racing tour, but i've never seen it for gameboy, what a shame...
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    No Fantasmic?

    oh cool if everything goes as planned i'll be able to see fantasmic just before it goes away. its been in refurbishment for a while on the westcoast, and i've missed it too much. Infact, the last time i saw fantasmic was at WDW. It was great, the arena feel was extemely different from the...
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    Disney Character dating game

    i would say mulan... of all the disney characters she'd be the first in line to drink boba.
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    Contemporary Tower Rooms

    well i'm going to go ahead and tell yooh... rain is gauranteed especially for july. but don't feel to bad, i'm staying at the contemporary at the same time as yooh are. we'll have similar experiences. i don't think that moving the visitors from shades of green to contemporary will help in...
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