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  1. papa-d

    New Walt Disney pictures logo....

    I, too thought it was great. I liked the old one, but the new is refreshing, and gives you a glimmer of thinking you are at the park.
  2. papa-d

    Probably best if i said hello!

    that's great
  3. papa-d

    Probably best if i said hello!

    Mr. Eisner. Since you're here, I want to say that I think you did a great job starting out when you first got to Disney. But somewhere in the middle, you just got stupid. Worrying more about Hollywood and the bottom line (although I know as CEO, shareholders are really your main concern.)...
  4. papa-d

    For transportation..can you beat the Value Resorts?

    Regarding Coronado Springs, correct me if I'm wrong, but if your bus stop is at the first depot, it seems like forever before you actually leave the grounds of the resort. That place is huge.
  5. papa-d

    For transportation..can you beat the Value Resorts?

    I think that if everything is running smoothly, the bus you get on at your resort goes to one place, and then comes back. The scenario I stated could have been because of a mechanical problem with a bus at Boardwalk. I don't have any clue as to why we went there. But again, in a perfect...
  6. papa-d

    For transportation..can you beat the Value Resorts?

    As far as the moderates go, it depends on how crowded the stops are. I've stayed at CBR in the past (Feb 2006) and if there weren't that many people going to that destination, we would swing by Boardwalk. I would think though that it depends on if another route was having problems. If you sit...
  7. papa-d

    Get rid of McDonald's in the Parks

    What exactly is discreet about the McDonald's fry stands when they list them on the park guidemaps?
  8. papa-d

    Lassiter reintroducing hand drawn features

    Being that Lassiter is a Disney Animation Allumni, I would think, considering the great story telling he helped lead at Pixar, knows that story is the biggest draw to an animated feature. Whether your a fan of traditional, CG, or even stick fugures, story is the driving force.
  9. papa-d

    Lassiter reintroducing hand drawn features

    Don't know if anyone else has read this, but Laughing Place has an article this week that John Lassiter is looking to green light 2 new animated features to be done traditionally. I don't know how reliable LP is, but this could be huge, not to mention the possibility to open back up the Florida...
  10. papa-d

    WDW park music on XM, any thoughts?

    I'm not sure, I found some good stations there, and I did'nt look further. But I would think there would be more.
  11. papa-d

    WDW park music on XM, any thoughts?

    Yeah, I listen to live 365 a lot, I was just imagining long drives and wanted something different than CD's. Like I said earlier, just something to fantasize about.
  12. papa-d

    WDW park music on XM, any thoughts?

    If they put one on Sirius, I'd switch in a minute. I just think it would be a good idea, even if its only for a select few. That means it would probably never happen, but its nice to hope.
  13. papa-d

    WDW park music on XM, any thoughts?

    If you're talking about Radio Disney, that's not going to happen. I don't listen to it alot, but the only thing park related on there that i've heard recently, is giving away trips to WDW. Radio Disney is a joke! I was thinking more along the lines as some of the live 365 stations. Some of...
  14. papa-d

    WDW park music on XM, any thoughts?

    I think it would be great if Disney would start a channel on XM satellite radio that played nothing but park ride audio. Anyone else think so?
  15. papa-d

    New attraction preference

    I think Disney Villains would be a great addition, depending on where it would be.
  16. papa-d

    What Tomorrowland attraction deserves a second chance?

    I would think that George Lucas had a say in it's departure, since he helped produce the show. Anyone know for sure?
  17. papa-d

    Reservations for Cinderella's Royal Table

    just a quick survey, reckon what the new dining format (one priced dinner) is having on booking CRT? Any thoughts?
  18. papa-d


    Sorry, I can't tell you anything on Fantasmic. But I do know that Cinderella's Royal Table books up quick, and for a long time. I've never tried Mickey's Backyard BBQ, though. But the sooner you can make priority seating arrangements anywhere at WDW the better.
  19. papa-d

    I need to tap into you guys infinite wisdom again!!!!

    Actually, POR you don't need a rollaround. Some of the rooms are equipped with trundle beds that pull out from under one of the double beds in the room, but it still puts a bit of a cramp on space.
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