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  1. Walrus

    Expedition Everest - Yeti Spotted! Videos Are Available!

    I don't won't to be spoiled but how many show scenes are there?
  2. Walrus

    Hannity Doing His Show From Saratoga Springs

    I am for giving LSD, and Marijuana to musicians. Look at all the great musicians in the 1960's and look at today. Cream, Beatles, Jimi Hendrix or today Justin Timberlake, Brittany Spears, and Ashley Simpson. I joined the boards to talk about Disney World but this one short post I made didn't...
  3. Walrus

    Hannity Doing His Show From Saratoga Springs

    On Alan Colmes no one likes him, his own side can't stand him. He dosen't fight for the left(remember he works for Fox News), and he also looks really creepy too. If they wanted to make it more fair I would suggest Paul Begala, he's very telegenic like Hannity.
  4. Walrus

    Hannity Doing His Show From Saratoga Springs

    Your boy George W. Bush also did drugs buddy, nothing is wrong with a little experimentaion.
  5. Walrus

    Hannity Doing His Show From Saratoga Springs

    Can you say anything original. On the Britain comment it's people like you why countries hate America, Britain is our greatest friend. Go back to school and get a degree, so that I can have an intelliegent conversation with you. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. Walrus

    Hannity Doing His Show From Saratoga Springs

    I guess the meaning of peace and love dosen't mean anything to you. He was ranked # 8 of the 100 greatest Britons.
  7. Walrus

    Hannity Doing His Show From Saratoga Springs

    :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm not going to respond to this due to your low IQ numbers.
  8. Walrus

    Hannity Doing His Show From Saratoga Springs

    I was only saying what my opinion was. Sean Hannity doesn't need any publicity he is a bad influence on America.
  9. Walrus

    25 Years Ago

    Although we never had another John Lennon on the basis of talent who do you think is the the musician closest to another John Lennon? I think Bono of U2 as a humanitarian and all.
  10. Walrus

    Hannity Doing His Show From Saratoga Springs

    Sean Hannity is a chicken hawk loser.
  11. Walrus

    25 Years Ago

    25 Years ago today John Lennon died. I just wanted to show you guys what I am feeling right now. I remember 25 years ago I was a senior at College and the news came down that John Lennon was shot and killed. I remember people were crying on the street and the only music you could hear was John...
  12. Walrus

    Everest night photos

    Hey board!!! Im new here my name is Joseph and I live in Texas. I must say Everest at night looks pretty awesome!!!! John Lennon Forever 1940-1980
  13. Walrus


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