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  1. SteelerGirl86

    Let's Bring It Back... Rate The AVATAR Above You

    10, because i like other languages!!!
  2. SteelerGirl86

    A post about Music.. hmm:-)

    thankya Thanks hun..bravo comes through again! Elton john concert on tv on my birthday..ooooh fun! :-P
  3. SteelerGirl86

    A post about Music.. hmm:-)

    elton is REAL good Finals, i feel ya there. BUT..if its on Bravo, can you let me know? they were playing it on a main channel here, but decided to flat out cut it off after an hour to play the show "las vegas". Anyway..bravo should have the entire thing, i love bravo so much..they always play...
  4. SteelerGirl86

    A post about Music.. hmm:-)

    Ok so, i am not even 20 years old..but i am just sitting here in my dorm with my roomate and we noticed that Elton John's The Red Piano was being played on tv..its his show in Las Vegas..which got me thinking about how much i appreciate his music. Wow, i actually love oldies and newer stuff. I...
  5. SteelerGirl86

    Can anyone help?

    llllucky i wish i could help you but i just want to tell you that you are lucky and im jealous. Canadian boys are wonderful..just look up sidney crosby..(im guessing you have heard of him since you live in PA too :-) congrats tho!!
  6. SteelerGirl86

    Christmas Gift Idea, need boys help!

    woahh wow that is BIG and kind of i do love him though! haha i just dont think this college student has like 200 bucks to spend on his christmas gift.. and i know hes not spending that on me:-P
  7. SteelerGirl86

    Christmas Gift Idea, need boys help!

    awesome yes he is a beer guy!! rolling rock..for the most part, uhh iron city too..not much of a belt guy but you gave me a really good idea.. if i do that whole like package thing i know a good store i can get him some good hometown beer related things. so thats a good addition!! oh..i think...
  8. SteelerGirl86

    Christmas Gift Idea, need boys help!

    yaa he does drink! tell me more about this alcoholic stuff...i couldnt buy him like the 6pack but i could buy him accessories.. as for sports, im from pittsburgh, so i love them as much as i was kinda thinking of like a pitt. penguins hoodie and then like putting it with some other...
  9. SteelerGirl86

    Finals Week

    YUCK finals i have two on monday and two on tuesday... they might be rough but for some reason im not freaking out about them..i just want them to be over, when they are over, i am going to wait the few more days until my birthday!
  10. SteelerGirl86

    Christmas Gift Idea, need boys help!

    oops hahaha hes a boy to me. but i understand that could be misleading. On the clothes note though, he just wears alot of brand names like plastered across the chest or anythign but from the typical american eagle, abercrombie kinda places. Thats why clothes make it hard feels...
  11. SteelerGirl86

    Christmas Gift Idea, need boys help!

    Hey guys, i'm new to this board because i usually post on the college program board, but i need help. I'm 19..freshman in college, and my boyfriend is 22. He is a huge sports fan (Pittsburgh sports mainly lol) only i don't know what to get him for christmas..hes not into cars or anything...
  12. SteelerGirl86

    I think i've decided..finally!

    Thats really cool that you are going early, my birthday is Dec. 16th so i would be down there for mine too if i do next fall. My family also said they would come visit (prob. for birthday since its more crowded during christmas week) and i wouldnt be like totally alone or homesick..i dont know...
  13. SteelerGirl86

    I think i've decided..finally!

    ok, im pretty sure i want to try and do the fall '06 program. I dont know how i would feel about being alone for christmas, but i think it would definetley be an experience. Anyone else pretty sure theyre going to be there for that session too? I wonder when i would go to the presentation...
  14. SteelerGirl86

    CP meetings

    Im sorry this doesnt really help you.. but i had your question too and im going to add on to it.. I was really trying to think hard about which time is better to be down there, fall or spring? Fall seems more exciting because you can experience all the holidays and stuff but spring might be...
  15. SteelerGirl86

    Im New, Whats the best job?

    awesome well trust me, id have to come mom would KILL me becuase she saw my brother do what your all talking about..He stayed for a good 5 years, about 4 of them were with Disney, but then he found better pay.. he was a junior in college too..but theyre not going to tell me i can't...
  16. SteelerGirl86

    Im New, Whats the best job?

    aw..really..thats AWFUL...nice advice of you. Thanks but im going to go to florida..
  17. SteelerGirl86

    Im New, Whats the best job?

    thanks! you worked at CIRQUE....OMG! lucky! i wish that was part of the college program, im obssesed!
  18. SteelerGirl86

    Im New, Whats the best job?

    Hey guys, Im a new poster on here..and a freshman in college. I was just wondering what you all would say the best job to sign up for is.. I am a waitress at home but apparently CP'ers cant be tipped? So i was thinking, between like.. hotels/recreation/ride op. what is the best? :rolleyes:
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