Finals Week


New Member
Good Luck on Finals everyone!

I have Sociology at 12:45 on Monday and then my Programming Final at 8pm Monday as well as a paper for another class that isn't due until Thursday, but I will have it done by Tuesday morning at the latest so I can leave town on Tuesday afternoon.

This was in the school newspaper yesterday and I thought it was fun:
'Twas the week before finals
And all through E.L.
Everyone was preparing
For those five days from hell

No students were nestled
All snug in their beds
For visions of essays
Were haunting their heads

Everyone's pulling all-nighters
There's definite proof
Caffeine pill sales at Sparty's
Have gone through the roof

Each student is struggling
And trying real hard
To fit a 500-page textbook
On a 3-by-5 card

There's difficult questions
That leave us divided:
Do you study your notes,
Or what you've highlighted?

In every student on campus
This anxiety, it burns
And if you listen real closely,
You can hear their concerns:

"This paper's a killer
And will lead to my burial
Still a page and a half short,
Better switch it to Arial"

"I've got tons of long-dead writers
To cram into my head
Eh, they'll still be dead tomorrow
I'll just take a nap instead"

"There's multiple choice in bio
That I'm guaranteed to fan on
Why's my future so dependent
On a single freaking Scantron?"

"I've done econ all night long
And my grade still faces deflation
You think there's a store nearby
Where I could buy some motivation?"

"If I can just get started
I know I'll have the power
To keep it going strong
Only 14 breaks an hour"

"Twenty pages of accounting?
That's guaranteed to delight me
I wish there was a place on CAPA
For me to submit, 'Bite me!'"

"I've been reading for hours
And math's still got me stumped
Maybe I'll listen to 'The Final Countdown'
To get myself pumped"

"For anthro, I'm trying to understand
What it means to be a Buddhist
But it's tough when my roommate picked this week
To decide to become a nudist"

"Why should I give a care about
The technique of the Mona Lisa?
Hey, I've got a better idea
I'm gonna go four-point a pizza"

"I'll study in my dorm room
It's quiet as a mouse
With no distractions whatsoevr
Cool, a marathon of 'Full House!'"

Each test seems life-and-death
Each question could impact you
But hey, look at the bright side —
There's no MSU bowl game to distract you

But while it seems tough now
And might make you want to holler
Just think, it'll be worse in a week
When your books sell for a dime on the dollar

So do the best you can
I wish you lots of luck
Here's hoping you ace them all
Or at least that you don't suck.


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Original Poster


Well-Known Member
MicBat said:
Anyone else feeling highly unmotivated??? :wave:
Unfortunately, YES!!!!! Instead of studying, I spent yesterday watching "That 70's Show" on FX (It was a marathon). After that, I played KOTOR till 4 in the morning....Ahhh, college..:brick:


Motivation? What's that?

I just finished a comprehensive essay so I can spend tomorrow studying discrete math. Then after that final on Monday I get a nice break until my calc 3 final on Thursday. I got really lucky this semester with the finals schedule, but is still going to be a crazy always is.


New Member
MicBat said:
Anyone else feeling highly unmotivated??? :wave:

Yes! It took my 8 hours to write a 6 page paper yesterday. And today I have to edit it and then study for my 2 finals tomorrow. I really like being done with Finals by Tuesday, but having everything on the same day is starting to get to me stresswise - especially when its all on the first day of Finals Week.


New Member
YUCK finals

i have two on monday and two on tuesday... they might be rough but for some reason im not freaking out about them..i just want them to be over, when they are over, i am going to wait the few more days until my birthday!


Well-Known Member
One more to go!!! Unfortunately, I have no idea what it is on because my ISDS professor is an a$$hole and decided that it wouldn't be on anything we've done this semester. "Read the entire computer concepts book and uh, study it", he says......wait we have a book??? Oh yeah, the one we've never used...:brick:

I'm a very unhappy LSU Tiger at the the moment but that'll change Saturday at 1:30 when I'm done!


Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
One more to go!!! Unfortunately, I have no idea what it is on because my ISDS professor is an a$$hole and decided that it wouldn't be on anything we've done this semester. "Read the entire computer concepts book and uh, study it", he says......wait we have a book??? Oh yeah, the one we've never used...:brick:

I'm a very unhappy LSU Tiger at the the moment but that'll change Saturday at 1:30 when I'm done!
It's difficult... I didn't study all that much. Who do you have? If it's who I had (dont remember his name), the final is only worth 5%. I think I could have gotten a 30 on the final and still kept my A.


Well-Known Member
MicBat said:
It's difficult... I didn't study all that much. Who do you have? If it's who I had (dont remember his name), the final is only worth 5%. I think I could have gotten a 30 on the final and still kept my A.
I have Plaisance. I have a B because he gave us an assignment over Thanksgiving Break that I didn't know about. I got 2 zeros out of a hundred.:fork:


Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
I have Plaisance. I have a B because he gave us an assignment over Thanksgiving Break that I didn't know about. I got 2 zeros out of a hundred.:fork:
Yeah.. I think that's who I had.. Old guy that talks about Natural Light a lot? :lol: Have him next semester for my last ISDS.


Well-Known Member
LSUxStitch said:
::Beer In Hand:: Relaxation has commenced.
I'm still waiting for my econ final at 5:30. I really haven't studied enough, but I dont feel like I can study any more. It will just confuse me even more!


Well-Known Member
MicBat said:
I'm still waiting for my econ final at 5:30. I really haven't studied enough, but I dont feel like I can study any more. It will just confuse me even more!

Hah, All I had this week was a Psych Final, which I got a 98 on BAM!!! and a presentation for computer cartography (mapping) that I did on Disney World, so that was a breeze to talk on today lol


New Member
nikimsu2002 said:
Yes! It took my 8 hours to write a 6 page paper yesterday.

Sounds like what I do. I tend to write papers quickly and get decent grades (like a heavily-researched 8-page paper on costuming and etiquette in "My Fair Lady" being written in 6-7 hours)


Well-Known Member
I'm going crazy. I've got one class that I have a 90 in, and two that I have 89s in so I'll be doing quite a bit of studying next week. If I keep my A and turn the two B's into A's I'll have a 4.6 GPA this semester, so it'll be worth the effort.

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