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  1. TwilightRocker

    My Personal Project Gemini for Epcot Future World

    Oh wow, Matt88mph... I am a huuuuge Imagination fan and that idea is amazing! Maybe WDI should hire you! Haha... It would be so awesome to see that idea come to life. Maybe Imagineers should be reading these boards.
  2. TwilightRocker

    Aerosmith staying in RnRC?

    I've said it before and I will say it again. The day Aerosmith is replaced on RnRC is the day I stop riding it. Aerosmith is America's greatest Rock and Roll band. They are what American rock and roll is all about. If they were taken out of RnRC, I just wouldnt go on it anymore. I'd rather...
  3. TwilightRocker

    Project Gemini: Good or Bad?

    Ah, yes. Didn't see those posts. Well I'm a little more relieved that people actually care about Spaceship earth. But of course, Disney does have it's way od doing what it wants and then changing their mind after it's done cause they lose money on it. So they'll change SE and guests will hate it...
  4. TwilightRocker

    Project Gemini: Good or Bad?

    Dude, seriously. What is up with this Project Gemini? Are they seriously going to change Spaceship Earth into a roller coaster?! What the hell is that crap!? Am I the only one against this? I was surprised to see that there isn't a forum on this subject. Spaceship Earth is definitely one of my...
  5. TwilightRocker

    Coaster Kingdom

    I think that it would be awesome for Disney to build a new park with thrill rides. It would make sense for them to keep up because of competition from thrill parks in the area. However, a coaster filled park would be a mistake because the designs for the tracks would have been rushed. I think...
  6. TwilightRocker

    Are these props for beastly kingdom I Found??

    quote: "When AK first openned, it had a river excursion around the main island. On the trip around the island, you saw a dragon that was supposed to breathe fire. Maybe these props were made for the area surrounding that for decor. Just a guess but it kinda makes sense seeing the pictures...
  7. TwilightRocker

    Very First Thing You Do....

    I always go straight to EPCOT after checking in and ride Spaceship Earth. Everytime I go, it's the first ride I hit.
  8. TwilightRocker

    You Guys Are Going To Love Me.....

    I actually saw Space Mountain with the lights on in person once. They had closed it down and so instead I went for a ride on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority. When it went through the Space Mountain section, the lights were on and they were doing some kind of maintenance. It was really cool.
  9. TwilightRocker

    Who will replace Aerosmith?

    Rock on Boneyard Boys! Well, I'm upset to hear that Aerosmith is going bye bye. They are my absolute favorite band, and I can honestly say that when a new band steps in, I will not ride it anymore. It'll ruin the whole experience for me. I'd rather Rock n Rollercoaster be left a great ride...
  10. TwilightRocker

    Big Thunder Mountain, is it true?

    BTM vs. Cinderella's Castle Here's the deal. Cinderella's Castle isn't nearly as tall as it looks, which is probably why Thunder Mountain seems so much shorter. On Cinderella's Castle, the Imagineers used fiberglass. I'm sure everyone already knows that. However, as the castle reaches it's...
  11. TwilightRocker

    Mission Space Updated construction pictures on the main page!

    Space Perhaps I should clarify what I said about my cousin's friends riding Mission:Space. I was vague and can understand the confusion. Her friends are actually imagineers working on the ride who tried to get her to try it (the prototype) out but she wouldn't go near it. I didn't mean the...
  12. TwilightRocker

    Mission Space Updated construction pictures on the main page!

    Space I know Mission:Space is gonna rock. But I'm a little confused on the opening date. I have a cousin who works at EPCOT as Guest Services Manager for Test Track and she's always telling me Summer 2002. But I'm always hearing 2003. It looks more like 2003 from the pictures. Also, her friends...
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