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  1. GoofyInOhio

    News Walt Disney World to resume sales of Annual Passes (New sales resume April 20, 2023)

    Any DVC owner or only those with a Blue Card can buy a Sorcerer pass? A question many of us white card holders are wondering.
  2. GoofyInOhio

    Walt Disney World annual pass price increases now in effect (February 2020)

    10 years ago I bought this pass for $700 (plus tax.) This now costs $2200 (plus tax.) Are the parks better? Yes. Are they 3 times better? No.
  3. GoofyInOhio

    News FPs cancelled when Hotel room cancelled

    Got up to book our FP for our split stay and could only book the first half of our stay. Those of us trying to enjoy multiple resorts are kind of punished/hosed because people abused the system and the IT at Disney can't figure out you're having a split stay.
  4. GoofyInOhio

    News WDW Resorts to add fees for parking

    So they will be adding this fee to everyone regardless of if I have a car or not?
  5. GoofyInOhio

    Does Jeff Galloway do the run/walk system in the Disney events?

    Yes he does his Run/Walk method at Disney races. He did Wine and Dine last year and I have run along side him during the Marathon as well not this past year, but the 2 before that. I've seen him run/walk with a few people and at wine and dine just one.
  6. GoofyInOhio

    The British Invasion leaving Epcot?

    It is in fact true.!/pages/The-British-Invasion/135728399797182 Edit - Their last show is April 30th.
  7. GoofyInOhio

    NEW Retro Epcot Center Shirts

    Here is the First one in my quote(Says Brown on the tag) $21.95- 400000469614 Here is the Second one in my quote (Says Blue) $24.95 - 400000469775 I didn't get the Brown one. My boss just brought me these back from her trip. :D
  8. GoofyInOhio

    WDW Marathon Weekend Expo

    Yes it's possible and it's open to everyone. If you stay on property she can use the same bus you do to get to the Expo. If you drive she can go with you as well.
  9. GoofyInOhio

    Family Support During Marathon

    I'm sorry I also wanted to mention that depending on your corral and start time your family will want to take that into account. The first wave is at 5:40, but if you are slower runner such as myself it could be 5:50 or 6:00 before you start. Those are last year's wave start times. Also...
  10. GoofyInOhio

    Family Support During Marathon

    Because it's on Disney property it's actually pretty easy to see you on the course. Disney has a tool that if it's not available now it will be closer to the Marathon that you can plug in your estimated time and it will give the people wanting to see you a good idea of where to be. I just...
  11. GoofyInOhio

    Crane going up today at the castle

    I hope it stays down too. :cool:
  12. GoofyInOhio

    Back from the mansion...with Pics!

    I know this is a silly question, but does this stuff stay up all the way through Halloween? I can' imagine they would only have it up for a couple days before each party. This stuff looks amazing!
  13. GoofyInOhio

    Haunted Mansion refurbishment (HM refurb)

    My guess is Ricky will have it up by early afternoon. Both Video and Audio. All I want to know is that it's open since we are going next week. I will have to skip all podcasts this week to avoid hearing it. The pictures look great of the exterior.
  14. GoofyInOhio

    Calling all Moms!

    No where does it say you have to be a Mom to do it. If you read the requirements is lists a bunch of things, but it doesn't say you have to be female. They may change that, but right now it does not.
  15. GoofyInOhio

    It's official: Wand is GONE !!!!

    First off oh happy day! My question is does anyone think this will be completed by the last week of September? We will be there then and would LOVE some photo's the way they should be.
  16. GoofyInOhio

    Dole Whip at home

    A couple of weeks ago Inside the Magic had this on their Podcast. There was a Video Podcast that showed you how to make it and everything. Very good stuff. Taste's just like it does in the parks.
  17. GoofyInOhio

    Tonight is gonna be magical!!!!

    Just got back and man did I love it. I would highly recommend seeing this film.
  18. GoofyInOhio

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Review Thread

    Just got back from the Midnight show and I really enjoyed it. Now I'll be honest and say I didn't think it was as good as the first, but that's probably my favorite movie ever. With that being said, Depp was amazing. There were a ton of twists and turns. Alot of Action. Can't wait for...
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