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  1. ScrappyTam

    Crowd size now vs. crowd size from years past

    FastPass was not around when we went in 98, so that's something I need to learn more about. As a matter of fact, there's lots of new stuff that's going on there since then. Should almost be like going for the first time.:xmas: Also, fortunately for us, my travel agent let me know about the Pop...
  2. ScrappyTam

    Crowd size now vs. crowd size from years past

    It's been 9 years since our last trip to WDW. Our trip this time is taking place at about the same time we took our last trip - early Dec. I have heard that there are no *slow* seasons anymore. In '98 we didn't walk on the rides, but the waits were maybe 10-15 min max...we all got to be in a...
  3. ScrappyTam

    14yo alone for a while at WDW

    Yikes! So I'm the OP and have been pulled away from the computer for a few days and came back to this thread. WOW! I didn't realize I would create such controversy. :eek: My original thought was that she might enjoy DQ for what it is. We've never been, so I really wasn't sure about the...
  4. ScrappyTam

    14yo alone for a while at WDW

    That's my concern as well.... Yeah....I have concerns about letting my dd out and about like that as well. It would be nice if there was something around for that age group that would be considered safe, yet age appropriate.
  5. ScrappyTam

    14yo alone for a while at WDW

    We are heading down to WDW in Nov, and I'm thinking about having a nice meal with my hubby without the kids. My youngest is 9 and she's interested in doing one of the kids clubs. However, I've got a DD14 and not so sure about her. I don't know that she would enjoy sitting alone in the room for...
  6. ScrappyTam

    POR vs. AKL w/construction

    My family will be heading down to WDW at the end of Nov. Right now, we have ressies at POR, but are contemplating an upgrade to AKL. My biggest concerns about moving to AKL are 1) the construction going on & 2) the pool area may not be as fun for my kids (9,14). The price difference is something...
  7. ScrappyTam

    On the backs of our 10 and 11 year olds...

    I am disappointed myself that a 10 year old is considered an adult when charging for a buffet. I do realize that there may be a few kids in that age range that can eat like an adult, but not many. I'd much rather see a mid-range price for those tween & early teen years. Many of the locals...
  8. ScrappyTam

    Have you ever heard of or been to Ocracoke Island NC?

    Yep, I've heard of it. Especially since I live and grew up here in NC. Never have been though. I grew up in Wilmington, which is just minutes away from several beaches.
  9. ScrappyTam

    Share your favorite quote from a movie

    Indiana Jones: You want to talk to God? Let's go see him together, I've got nothing better to do! PCU
  10. ScrappyTam

    Share your favorite quote from a movie

    "I want my two dollars!!" (at least I hope this is the right movie for this line :lookaroun ) The Great Muppet Caper
  11. ScrappyTam

    Disney Dining Card: What Many People Don't Know

    Do you need to have your AP pass with you when you use the card?? Just wondering that if I *gift* the card to someone else, do they have to be an AP holder too??
  12. ScrappyTam

    Epcot's Ice Station Cool to undergo 6 month rehab

    Do you think that its odd that they would be doing a rehab on that particular exhibit during the hot summer months? It seems to me that maybe do it during the fall, winter, or spring would be a much better time.
  13. ScrappyTam

    Share your favorite quote from a movie

    I'm gonna get medieval on his a$$. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
  14. ScrappyTam

    What is your favorite WDW recipe that you have actually made??

    I know that there are many WDW restaurant recipes available in print and on the web. I was wondering, what has been the best recipe that you have actually made and tried. If you have the link or are able to share the recipe with us, that would be wonderful as well. Thanks!
  15. ScrappyTam

    How difficult to get concierge rooms?

    Is it difficult to get a concierge level room at the resorts? When we go, it tends to be during value season. I just didn't know if these rooms go quickly or not. Also, do AP discounts go to the concierge rooms as well?? Many thanks, Tam
  16. ScrappyTam

    New Dining Plan - age dilemma

    I know the delimma that you are in Holly! My dd will be 12 when we hit WDW, and most of the places now have her as an adult. There is no way she will eat the same amount as an adult. This wouldn't be such a problem for restaurants where you pay by the entree, but for the buffets, sometimes the...
  17. ScrappyTam

    Dining Plan Options - AP & MYW

    Thanks for your input! I am leaning towards the AP option. Especially if I can get a rate for Sept that is as good as or better than whats up for now. Oops, maybe that's another thread. :lookaroun Thanks again! You guys have been a tremendous help! :D
  18. ScrappyTam

    Dining Plan Options - AP & MYW

    So basically I have 2 options: 1) Get an AP and hopefully discounted room, then either do meals on our own w/o discounts or get the DDE card for $50. or 2) Pay rack rate for the room, get everyone MYW tickets, and then the dining plan for everyone. Is that correct????
  19. ScrappyTam

    Dining Plan Options - AP & MYW

    I know that there are several different Dining Options available, but I keep getting them confused. My family and I are planning a trip in Sept. and I am contemplating using the dining options. We we go will have 1 AP and 3 MYW passes. (2A, 1J, 1C). I have read that there was some way for AP...
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