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  1. M

    Disney College Program Questions

    hey indycarfan7, I had my internship from Jan-May of 2007, I was in my first semester of college. Credits aren't taken into consideration. There is no cost for the internship, they do however, charge rent depending on the size of the apartment. There are 1br, 2br and 4br (there may be 3brs...
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    Universal Vs. Disney

    okay so lets drop it then we both made our points and lets just stop this before we get into a major arguement huh?
  3. M

    Universal Vs. Disney

    well yeah disney did open 20 years before Universal but they got some of their best thrill rides recently... like with in the 1990's and so did Universal. It doesnt matter when Disney opened if you think about it. MiB is like no other attraction that disney has (maybe Buzz lightyear) but it...
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    Universal Vs. Disney

    hey i hear you but im just telling you what my friends told me... I know disney did not origonate most of their attractions but my friends and I just thought it strange even though the technology was out there LONG before disney; then why did Universal wait until after Disney had it, it may not...
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    Journey Into Imagination Building

    i dunno... I wonder...
  6. M

    Universal Vs. Disney

    I dont know anything about the mummy or anything... all I do know is that Disney was the first theme park to have the motion simulator then universal got one... thats the only ride "copy" that I know of... Well somtimes after Disney creates a ride a couple of my friends came and said that...
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    Universal Vs. Disney

    i know i dont know why i put the imagination thing I just found it funny that while they were in this little arguement you steped in and (i think) tried to be funny...
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    Post Abandoned Disney Ideas you know

    I love seeing disney's conseptual art... it is awsome to see what they first invisioned the park to look like!!
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    Nemo's 2/20 World Update -- Everest, WoL, The Land, and more

    I think this is the best thread on this site...
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    Post Abandoned Disney Ideas you know

    I love seeing disney's conseptual art... it is awsome to see what they first invisioned the park to look like!!
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    Universal Vs. Disney

    :lol: you have quite the imagination:lol:
  12. M

    Universal Vs. Disney

    ive never been to busch gardens... how is it??
  13. M

    What new ride or Attraction would you like to see...

    so do I really remind you guys of that guy jay?????????????
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    What new ride or Attraction would you like to see...

    This is a kinda old thread but I am still interested and want to bring it back... So what do you think?
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    Universal Vs. Disney

    hey listen i am sorry if you got offended however you came in and you saw the title and read my thread... It shouldnt matter what I named the thread... You are right I was out of line to say that and i'm sorry... you are entitled to your opinion. I was not happy when I recieved a private message...
  16. M

    Disney's America

    I think that disney's america would be a new chapter in the Disney expierance and a new story for people to tell. Walt Disney would be happy with whatever the company does. However for now Disney's America will just be a mystery. Post whatever news you have about this subject and please...
  17. M

    Universal Vs. Disney

    The post was ment to share expierances and thoughts about the two... not neccesarliy (sp) start arguments about the subject. We have established that both are good parks and are fun to visit. Now lets just share things that we like about both rather than a competition.:)
  18. M

    Disney's America

    Well aparently about five years ago a large part of that years profits mysteriously (sp) dissapeared. The exact same time as this supposid texas property was bought. odd huh?
  19. M

    Disney's America

    I know if it is true it would be soooo much fun...
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