Disney's America


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~*~*~*~*Official Disney's America Thread*~*~*~*~

Alright I know this isnt WDW however I thought that I should pass this on. About 6 months ago I was on this news website (CNN, MSNBC, something like that) and it said that they just got an inside leak that about 5 years ago the Walt Disney company purchased 10 to 15 square miles of land somewhere in texas. Rumors have been flying around about Disney's America coming to the Lone Star State. That would be pretty cool.

Okay if you have any Disney's America rumors websites etc... then post it here thanks.



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now if this is true I am wondering why Disney has'nt done anything with it... also why havent we heard anything further about Disney's Amercia if they do indeed decide to put it there??


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no ones interested????? i thought this was going to be popular...

if no one replys by tomorrow im canning it.


Well-Known Member
Considering I lived where they were going to put the Virginia one, I've delt with the subject for many years and am rather sick of it. My comments are well known on the subject, apparenly historical preservationists prefer tehir lands to have condos, townhouses and suburbia take them over than a theme park just a few miles down the road....

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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PhotoDave219 said:
Considering I lived where they were going to put the Virginia one, I've delt with the subject for many years and am rather sick of it. My comments are well known on the subject, apparenly historical preservationists prefer tehir lands to have condos, townhouses and suburbia take them over than a theme park just a few miles down the road....
I know what you mean. Bush Gardens was originally supposed to be built on the North side of Jacksonville but the city wouldn’t approve it. So instead we got a sod/barley farm that smells like 1000 tons of stale beer. In the summer you need to turn on your wipers as you drive by because of all the bugs. What a great trade! Thanks a lot COJ.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
This topic has been discussed quite a bit, though not for a little while now. However, I doubt either opinions or information have changed.


If Disney has bought a large piece of land it would have to be in the annual report as it would not be a cheap purchase. Has anyone looked at the accounts in the report for that year?


New Member
Supposedly the city of Houston sent out information on the vacant Astrodome years ago to potential tenets including Disney.
With the Galveston cruises really taking off, the mild Orlando like weather, and the central location it would seem to make sense that a south central Texas location could work for a third US land/world.


New Member
I heard that too Moink... Not sure whatever came of it - but it still sounds like it would be fun - make for a fun road trip - FL, TX, CA - :D


Well-Known Member
Master Yoda said:
I know what you mean. Bush Gardens was originally supposed to be built on the North side of Jacksonville but the city wouldn’t approve it. So instead we got a sod/barley farm that smells like 1000 tons of stale beer. In the summer you need to turn on your wipers as you drive by because of all the bugs. What a great trade! Thanks a lot COJ.

you wanted BGT.... hmm... :lol: :hammer:

I live near it.. my sister works for them... :lookaroun (I get in free)

I would love for disney's america be built.... how about buuilding it in DCA....... :sohappy:


PhotoDave219 said:
apparenly historical preservationists prefer tehir lands to have condos, townhouses and suburbia take them over than a theme park just a few miles down the road....

No, we prefer for them to remain the way they are so that our children can enjoy them and learn from them just as we have. Thus, I will continue to devote my time and money to save battlefield land that can then be entrusted to the National Park Service.


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jesserin said:
I heard that too Moink... Not sure whatever came of it - but it still sounds like it would be fun - make for a fun road trip - FL, TX, CA - :D

I know if it is true it would be soooo much fun...


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uklad79 said:
If Disney has bought a large piece of land it would have to be in the annual report as it would not be a cheap purchase. Has anyone looked at the accounts in the report for that year?

Well aparently about five years ago a large part of that years profits mysteriously (sp) dissapeared. The exact same time as this supposid texas property was bought.

odd huh?


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I think that disney's america would be a new chapter in the Disney expierance and a new story for people to tell. Walt Disney would be happy with whatever the company does. However for now Disney's America will just be a mystery.

Post whatever news you have about this subject and please keep it up to date (as will I). This is now the OFFICIAL DISNEY'S AMERICA THREAD!!!!:sohappy:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Figment1986 said:
you wanted BGT.... hmm... :lol: :hammer:

I live near it.. my sister works for them... :lookaroun (I get in free)

I would love for disney's america be built.... how about buuilding it in DCA....... :sohappy:
BG would be a better alternative that what we have in its place. All of this supposedly happened in the early 70’s so it wasn’t like I remember it first hand (Born in 71). From what I have read BG originally started out as a hospitality center for Bush employees and then later became a theme park. There was also a push to get a Six Flags built here when Cecil field shut down in the early 90’s but the residents put a stop to that as well.


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I live in the small city of Rome, NY, which prides itself in holding a lot of American History (starting place of the Erie Canal, Ft. Stanwix, birthplace and burial place of writer of the Pledge of Allegiance, etc.)...anyways, rumors floated around many years ago when our air force base (Griffiss Air Force Base) closed, that Disney was coming in to buy the area to turn it into Disney's America. Things floated around the papers and a few businesses sprung up, but in the end, nothing. Woodstock 99 came to the base, and it is now a thriving business and technology park. The area contains QUITE a bit of space, and Rome, NY is in central NYS...interesting huh? Has anyone else heard of this interesting rumor???


Well-Known Member
evanssc said:
No, we prefer for them to remain the way they are so that our children can enjoy them and learn from them just as we have. Thus, I will continue to devote my time and money to save battlefield land that can then be entrusted to the National Park Service.

While i'm all for that, apparently you havent driven down Route 15 or Route 29 or 234 lately. Im more offended by the traffic and the rampant development of the land where its being turned into urban sprawl then Having a local theme park, decdcated to history and going towards keeping those lands preserved.

I mean have you seen how bad it is at Gettysburgh, with the sprawl? Look west from seminary ridge and you see houses.... Lots of houses.

And the Disney's America Site was about 8 miles west of the edge of the manassas battlefield, at I66 & Rte 15.

I'm all for preserbvation but when the arguments that were used to fight Disney, with all the bad stuff they said, when those statements come true anyways... Its pretty offensive.


Well-Known Member
evanssc said:
No, we prefer for them to remain the way they are so that our children can enjoy them and learn from them just as we have. Thus, I will continue to devote my time and money to save battlefield land that can then be entrusted to the National Park Service.

At some point we have say to enough is enough. We have enough battlefield parks. We have so many here that they're not even being maintained. If one listens to presevations, you'd believe that every piece of ground in Virginia has had either a civil war soilder or a revolutionary war soilder stepping on it. I'm not opposed to preserving history, but when you've seen one field you've seen them all. Take some pictures, put them in a museum, but let the developers develop their land. They paid for it, they have the right.


PhotoDave219 said:
While i'm all for that, apparently you havent driven down Route 15 or Route 29 or 234 lately. Im more offended by the traffic and the rampant development of the land where its being turned into urban sprawl then Having a local theme park, decdcated to history and going towards keeping those lands preserved.
PhotoDave219 said:
I mean have you seen how bad it is at Gettysburgh, with the sprawl? Look west from seminary ridge and you see houses.... Lots of houses.
And the Disney's America Site was about 8 miles west of the edge of the manassas battlefield, at I66 & Rte 15.
I'm all for preserbvation but when the arguments that were used to fight Disney, with all the bad stuff they said, when those statements come true anyways... Its pretty offensive.

Yes, I have seen the land you mention. I am sure that Disney would have had the best of intentions with the park and would have wanted to represent a large portion of our American history, but if you think for one minute that it would not have greatly changed the surrounding land and enviroment then you are mistaken. With any Disney park comes all the supportive services needed to keep it going and all the other businesses hoping to get in on the tourist action.

The land around the park would have been snatched up to make way for all the businesses that would have followed Disney's initial development. The road expansion you mention would have been nothing compared to the vast network which would have been needed to support the new park and the influx of tourist. The area around the park would have quickly been developed and land that has now been preserved for future generations would have been lost forever. Do you really believe that the “urban sprawl” that you are so offended by would have been less if Disney had come in? Just take a look at the area surrounding any Disney park and you will see a true commercial sprawl.

The CWPT along with twelve other preservation groups has been able to save over 500 acres of battlefield land around<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com /><st1:City>Manassas</ST1<IMG class=inlineimg title=</st1:City> andChancellorsville</ST1:p since the start of the Disney discussion. This land is now free from future development but would certainly have been lost if Disney<st1:country-region>America</ST1:p</st1:country-region> had been built.

As for<st1:City>Gettysburg. </ST1:p</st1:City>The CWPT has also been working there to not only preserve threatened land, but to also help return park service property back to its 1863 appearance. Of course you see some homes west of Seminary Ridge; the battle was fought in and around a town that still exist today. The truth is that <st1:City><ST1:pGettysburg</ST1:p</st1:City> is one of our greatest successes with close to 75% of the original park now preserved.

In the end, it was a good thing that Disney tried to acquire the land around <st1:City><ST1:pManassas</ST1:p</st1:City> because it opened the eyes of many preservationist organizations to get to work and save what could be saved. Much of the original threatened land has now been saved and each year brings more money and awareness for preservation.

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