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  1. M

    Visiting Resorts?

    Elevator up to the top of the Contemporary to get a view of the's spectacular. The Coronado is pretty neat too....there's a nice path that you can walk around that's pretty cool and refreshing in the right heads by the pool there, which is pretty nicely themed...
  2. M

    epcot to mgm

    I'm with the walking crowd here. You can take the boat ride, and that's kinda neat to do once, but it's just so much easier to enjoy the weather and to enjoy the experience if you're walking to MGM. I discourage you from driving at all costs because it's not worth it and it'll take you a while...
  3. M

    Best meal you've had at WDW?

    So tempted to turn this thread into another "turkey leg" love-fest...but I won't. My best meal would probably have been at 'Ohana. With the kids....if you do the whole experience, it won't matter what you get for food, they'll remember it for the rest of your life.
  4. M

    New Everest Info

    Just to clear up a few things: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad's mountain is currently the tallest mountain in Florida, standing at, I believe, 192 feet. Blizzard Beach's giant slide (the name escapes me for the moment) is billed at 125 feet with a 120 foot drop.
  5. M

    What's going in place of the 100 YoM logo?

    I kinda like having MGM be a part of the Disney Studios name, if only because MGM happens to be my initials..... --MGM
  6. M

    SE Coaster

    Two things that I realy don't understand here.... 1) Why doesn't Disney stick there new thrill ride somewhere where it will be well received like UoE? I don't see why it is that of all the attractions in FW, SE is the one that needs to be gutted. 2) Instead of gutting SE, why can't the...
  7. M

    Do you think WDW should have.......

    What I miss is the Skyway in MK that they got rid of back in '99. I thought that was pretty neat and made for a cool over-view experience. Kind of sad to have seen those go. But, life goes on. --MGM
  8. M

    What is the weather like?

    About four years ago or so I went during that time of year. The weather is extremely unpredictable, so I would pack to forsee almost any weather possibility (rain, 40-degree nights, high-70 degree days, etc.) Never hurts to be careful. --MGM
  9. M

    Future World Closing Hours??

    It seems to me that the idea behind "closing" FW early could be just to funnel the crowd towards the back of the park and to WS, where many of the more popular shops and stores are. Also, it gets people back into the area of the park where the food is much more expensive, should a family decide...
  10. M

    Has Disney Never Built Something That They Announced?

    Well, I keep hearing these "Beastly Kingdom" and "Fire Mountain" and "Bald Mountain" rumors, and they all seem pretty lame to me. --MGM
  11. M

    New Resort

    I wouldn't think that a new resort would be built there for a number of reasons. 1) There are enough of the Disney Deluxe Resorts in that area already, and traffic to the Magic Kingdom resorts can be a real bear during heavy seasons as it is. 2) Having a resort over there that didn't...
  12. M

    How often do you visit

    Well, I do leave the site here and there...but not for very long at a time :rolleyes: --MGM
  13. M

    Epcot Bridge??

    They definitely pay people to be the "victims" on that show. (sigh) Some people can be so naive. --MGM
  14. M

    Starbucks & Krispy Kreme w/Disney??

    Just a Big Kid, I love that avatar.......excellent! --MGM
  15. M

    Soap and shampoo at CBR

    Yeah, I exclusively bring my own stuff (usually Zest or somesuch) since a) it doesn't take up more than a corner of my suitcase and b) even if I forget, I can just run down to the Publix on I-Drive and take care of whatever I need. I just find that the soaps that Disney offers don't take care...
  16. M

    World Showcase Dining

    Is this a feature that they're actually considering on Project Gemini? I know in a number of other parks they have this feature with the discounted fare after 4 or 5 PM and always thought that this would be good for Epcot. Oh well. --MGM
  17. M

    Ideas for my trip...

    I'd have to agree with all the posts mentioning fireworks--that's really an awesome way to "catch the spirit". Miniature golf is also not a bad idea. --MGM
  18. M

    Retro Merchandise

    I'd like to get my hands on some of those tees......they seem really cool. Anyone know of a website where I could find all of those designs? --MGM
  19. M

    Ok experts... which moderate priced hotel, and WHY??!!

    I'd go with Caribbean because I think it's better to walk around in. With OPR right there it gives you a place you can walk to to get food, and it eliminates a lot of your need for a car. Plus I think that the views are nice and on a good night I think you can see the Epcot fireworks pretty...
  20. M

    AT&T Offical Announcement regarding Sponsorship

    Heh, that's cute. But seriously. This is a smart business move anda good thing for SE if Microsoft ends up taking over sponsorship. Frankly I'm still ticked that SE is going under for Project Gemini, and I think that it'd be really neat if Microsoft would hold that process up and offer some...
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