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  1. SrcrersApprntce

    Cell phones... any advice?

    ATT/Cingular phones Hi, I've got a BlackJack that works fairly well, graphics, video, internet, MP3 but what is aggravating is that it doesn't have voice recognition like even the earlier Motorola/Nokia phones do. My suggestion is to look into the high end Blackberrys, as I think they were...
  2. SrcrersApprntce

    Shake up in imagineering=alot of new rides?

    Blue Sky As a long time lurker, if Lee/Corrus don't sing out, it may be due to an NDA, or not enough to pay attention to. I don't mean to speak for those guys in any shape or form. Every read I've gotten from them has been pretty solid, so I'll hide and watch. :dazzle:
  3. SrcrersApprntce

    Your opinion: Best food & snacks in WDW

    Good Stuff Hot Dog: Casey's!! Chowder: Columbia House Frozen snack: Dole Whip, followed closely by Mickey bar In/out/on your way international: San Angel Cantina (outside), Mexico Pavilion Wandering about food: Turkey Leg--for some odd reason, I always get one in Tomorrowland instead of...
  4. SrcrersApprntce

    Epcot futurist dead at age 60

    I saw this in the Orlando Sun today--it's amazing how many dedicated people are behind the scenes; R.I.P. Tim and Godspeed.,0,163250.story?coll=orl-business-headlines OBITUARIES Tim Onosko, 60; futurist helped...
  5. SrcrersApprntce

    Cool new AAs at DCA

    Oops--my bad. I didn't realize XSTech actually got interviewed and posted this yesterday (with video!) under this thread: on Local 6 about Disney watching fan on Local 6 about Disney watching fan sites. Sorry for the information regurgitation. :brick:
  6. SrcrersApprntce

    Cool new AAs at DCA

    I believe he is back at Glendale.
  7. SrcrersApprntce

    Cool new AAs at DCA

    These wireless robots try not to act remote The audio-animatronic Muppets roam a Disney theme park "seeing" and "talking" to visitors. By Kimi Yoshino Times Staff Writer March 2, 2007 Watch out, Mickey Mouse. The Muppets may be...
  8. SrcrersApprntce

    The Frog Princess news

    Latest from MSNBC Disney first: black princess in animated film ‘The Frog Princess’ will be set in New Orleans, scored by Randy Newman MSNBC News Services Updated: 10:02 a.m. ET March 9, 2007 <script language="javascript"> function UpdateTimeStamp(pdt) { var n =...
  9. SrcrersApprntce

    I have a WDW confession

    I think you should at least give it a whirl--cool effects and my son likes it!:) Truth be told, I have attended some nights where everything obviously did not go as planned; c'est la vie! All in all a nice way to close a Disney MGM Studios day.
  10. SrcrersApprntce

    Why WDW is the Crown Jewel of the Walt Disney Company

    Y'know, I don't think one is better than the other--different strokes for different folks, I'd say. Boy, you sure did bring up memories--Sunday nights, "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" and Uncle Walt. I'm glad my son has been able to experience the WDW that I did as a kid!!
  11. SrcrersApprntce

    I Dont Know If It Learned Its Lesson

    You, sir, are observant--and have confirmed my lifelong study of the feline. I had a cat that took it upon himself to chew through the power cord of my police scanner whilst I was taking my afternoon nap. Of course, as soon as he connected himself to the DC current, he began to have seizures...
  12. SrcrersApprntce

    Why WDW is the Crown Jewel of the Walt Disney Company

    One of these days, I've got to hop JetBlue to Anaheim from Ft. Lauderdale to see DL. I was here for the opening of WDW (very young--6 years old), but Uncle Walt's original stomping grounds must be very special, not matter what is outside the berm.
  13. SrcrersApprntce

    Happy tears from now on at Illuminations!

    I wish your DS the best! Wow--technology is awesome!! My family and I will be in the World the first week of April, but I don't think it's going to compare to what your DS will experience. My DS is 9 and I believe EPCOT is his favourite, so we're looking forward to Illuminations as well.:wave:
  14. SrcrersApprntce

    Tigger--Be Free!!

    No charges against Tigger:,0,4679653.story?coll=orl-home-headlines No big surprise, huh?:sohappy:
  15. SrcrersApprntce

    It's my Cat's Birthday :)

    Happy B'day Pepper Hi, I've had a rescue cat for about 2 years--he likes his home! I'm sure Pepper will too! Thanks for caring!
  16. SrcrersApprntce

    WDWMAGIC 10 Year Anniversary guest book

    Thanks Steve! I've been a lurker on this board for about a year or so--time to give a hearty round of applause to the forum and all of the contributors. I have loved WDW since 1971 and your contributions have increased that tenfold. :sohappy: -Bill in Boca Raton
  17. SrcrersApprntce

    Test: USA loves London

    Just a test, since I am newly posting, but a long time reader. With the events of today, my love goes out to all Londoners and citizens of the United Kingdom. We are not afraid! From South Florida, and thinking of Main Street and Cinderella Castle, I wish you all...
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