Why WDW is the Crown Jewel of the Walt Disney Company


Active Member
You have to factor this in - LAND. IF DL had been built on more land, then more people would go there.

edit - i'm curious on the attendance numbers for Tokyo Disneyland... I've heard it's busier than WDW, but do not know that for sure...

The "Land" variable is not what neccessarily what makes Walt Disney World more popular.

When Walt Disney World was ONLY the "Magic Kingdom" alone, it's popularity and attendance quickly surpassed Disneyland's.

All the other stuff that was built afterwards just made the Walt Disney World resort MORE popular.

BTW: Tokyo Disneyland held the top spot for the most attended theme park in the world for quite sometime. It usually would get 1 or 2 more million people than Magic Kingdom. (Magic Kingdom is STILL the most visited theme park since it opened though)

As soon as they opened Tokyo Disneysea, Tokyo Disneyland's attendance dropped as a result of it and hasn't been able to recover.

Last time I saw the comparisons between Tokyo Disneyland when the park was number one, the number's went like this: (Not EXACT attendance numbers)

Tokyo Disneyland- 16.4 million

Magic Kingdom- 15.6

Today's numbers:

Magic Kingdom- 16.2

Tokyo Disneyland- 13.5

But as a whole, Tokyo Disneyland receives a little more than what the Disneyland resort does. (25 million)

Walt Disney World resort has ALWAYS been the most popular overall. (43 million people)


New Member
I think they both are the crown jewel for different reasons.

WDW because of everything it has to offer and because it attracts so many people from around the world.

DL because of the quality and magic it has that the MK *in my opinion* lacks. MK may look better, but the quality of rides doesn't even touch that of DL's. Yes I'm biased because I've grown up with DL in my backyard, but from talking with others, they agree with me.
I'm very happy for you and others, but what you fail to realize is DL is the size of a couple of blocks, and WDW is twice the size of Manhattan. How can you say the quality of WDW is worse!!??!! The second gate at DL is nothing more than a cardboard and stucco shopping center.


But it's still the park that Disney insists on focusing all their advertising dollars on.

Not because it's a "crown jewel", but thanks to Rasulo's god-awful "global" structure which mandates that 90% of the advertising you see will have images from WDW in it...even ads for Disneyland.
Give it time...before you know it you won't be able to buy a shirt or even get a napkin or cup that says "Magic Kingdom" or "Epcot" or "Walt Disney World." Everything will say "Disney Parks" instead.
Stupid, stupid idea...just horrible. :brick:


I'm very happy for you and others, but what you fail to realize is DL is the size of a couple of blocks, and WDW is twice the size of Manhattan. How can you say the quality of WDW is worse!!??!!

Big, BIG difference between QUALITY and QUANTITY. Size got nothing to do with it.


New Member
One of these days, I've got to hop JetBlue to Anaheim from Ft. Lauderdale to see DL. I was here for the opening of WDW (very young--6 years old), but Uncle Walt's original stomping grounds must be very special, not matter what is outside the berm.


As someone who grew up watching Uncle Walt on Sunday nights I got a very special feeling inside the first time I walked down Mainstreet USA at Disneyland. Knowing that Walt walked around and worked there it was just a neat feeling I got. I've been to the Magic Kingdom at WDW over 500 times and out to Disneyland twice and I have worked for the mouse for 12+ years. I love both why does one have to better than the other.? They are both great for different and alot of the same reasons. just my 2 cents


New Member
It certainly is. IMHO :D Just look at the JC (termite infestation on the dock, left until it`s too late), the PotC STILL undergoing renewals from it`s rehab, the HM (again, minimal upkeep) countless faulty effects on Splash and Thundermountains (when did you last see Tumbleweed actually in it`s flash flood?), Golden Horseshoe space-for-rent, Peter Pans Flight (tin foil anyone?), a playground that took a decade to develop, Space Mountain (constantly being bumped down the queue for it`s much needed refurb due to other pressing park issues), the SGE fiassco, The Laugh Floor mess, the Main St. Mall.....

Not all - as SoCals know. However, Orlandos Dermographics and targets are quite diferent to Anaheim - hence the advertising.

To be fair, Martin, we've got Rockin' Space Mountain and Rockin' California Screamin' right now. Once upon a time I thought Disney World had some of the worst attractions ever - Journey Into Your Imagination (2000), Lights Motors Action, and Under New Management - but now we SoCal annual passholders can boldly claim we have the two crappiest attractions EVER! That makes us the crown jewel!
And yes, we get lots of Disneyland advertising here. It's everywhere - billboards, TV, radio, local newspapers...any media outlet Disney can find they advertise in. I love it. Except for the current Rockin' commercials, I can't get enough of Disneyland advertising. I wouldn't mind more Disney World ads, though. We don't really get much of that here.


New Member
As someone who grew up watching Uncle Walt on Sunday nights I got a very special feeling inside the first time I walked down Mainstreet USA at Disneyland. Knowing that Walt walked around and worked there it was just a neat feeling I got. I've been to the Magic Kingdom at WDW over 500 times and out to Disneyland twice and I have worked for the mouse for 12+ years. I love both why does one have to better than the other.? They are both great for different and alot of the same reasons. just my 2 cents
Y'know, I don't think one is better than the other--different strokes for different folks, I'd say.

Boy, you sure did bring up memories--Sunday nights, "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" and Uncle Walt. I'm glad my son has been able to experience the WDW that I did as a kid!!
Do you think that since WDW is the crown jewel of the WDC that they'll spruce up the other parks, adding more things to do? In my opinion, I don't think they will do that. I think they'll keep adding to WDW along with all the other Disney parks, but I was just wondering what everybody's opinion was.


-like you guys said its unfair comparing WDW to DL because in a sense you comparing a big company to a small company. its like comparing my Wanger's IGA (grocery store) to Wal*mat. Yes, both serve food and misc stuff. (Wanger's mostly food), but Wal*mat has clothes, eletronics, etc.
- if my logic right, isn't not easier to DL look better than MK? i mean DL has two parks to worry about and other resorts (sry i never been to DL and have no idea of the resorts, waterparks (does DL have one?), misc). So when extra money or ideas of rehab come, its easier to spend becasue of the a lot less assets to have maintenance works on it.

*sry for the wanger's reference only thing i could think of?!?!:rolleyes: Wanger's is a local grocery store. one-stop-shop for drinks, groceries, and party items. if you didn't get my explaination


Active Member
Original Poster
Guys there was two points to this thread. One that everyone keeps talking about(why WDW is better than DL and why it isnt) and the other that no one is talking about it why WDW should get the attention it deserves. I personally am really peed off that Disneyland is getting so much money put into there parks and that there is limited money put in ours. I mean I know we just got everest but DL has all kinds of cool stuff coming. Why cant our subs return? Why did our Nemo ride have to be Nemo-lite? Why does Latassear( or however you spell his name) get to run around Disneyland making great changes and WDW gets none of his ideas??? From what I hear there Midway Mania is going to be way better than ours and already most of there attractions are. I just dont understand this since we make most of the money for the company.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, Martin, we've got Rockin' Space Mountain and Rockin' California Screamin' right now. Once upon a time I thought Disney World had some of the worst attractions ever - Journey Into Your Imagination (2000), Lights Motors Action, and Under New Management - but now we SoCal annual passholders can boldly claim we have the two crappiest attractions EVER! That makes us the crown jewel!
And yes, we get lots of Disneyland advertising here. It's everywhere - billboards, TV, radio, local newspapers...any media outlet Disney can find they advertise in. I love it. Except for the current Rockin' commercials, I can't get enough of Disneyland advertising. I wouldn't mind more Disney World ads, though. We don't really get much of that here.
This is OT but, hi neighbor! :wave:

I actually like both Rockin' rides....:lookaroun


Active Member
Eh....I love WDW and all....but in my opinion Disneyland is, and should be, the crown jewel. That place has magic all over it...Walt's touch is felt everywhere.

I have to agree 100%, I grew up on WDW and love it to death, but DL does have that magical feeling that WDW can't match in some ways. (this excludes DCA of course :D )


Well-Known Member
Guys there was two points to this thread. One that everyone keeps talking about(why WDW is better than DL and why it isnt) and the other that no one is talking about it why WDW should get the attention it deserves. I personally am really peed off that Disneyland is getting so much money put into there parks and that there is limited money put in ours. I mean I know we just got everest but DL has all kinds of cool stuff coming. Why cant our subs return? Why did our Nemo ride have to be Nemo-lite? Why does Latassear( or however you spell his name) get to run around Disneyland making great changes and WDW gets none of his ideas??? From what I hear there Midway Mania is going to be way better than ours and already most of there attractions are. I just dont understand this since we make most of the money for the company.
Yours (meaning WDW) has 4 parks, 2 water parks, DTD, and many hotels that Disney needs to put their money into. DL has 2 parks, 3 hotels, and DTD. So it makes sense that we have more money to spend because we have less to take care of.

I havn't heard of DCA's Midway Mania being better than WDW's...I thought they were going to be the same thing? How can WDW's be better than DCA's?:shrug:

WDW's subs can't return because it now has a playground on top of it. DL was lucky enough to have kept everything.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Actually, I think YOUR numbers are way wrong...

Here's (part of) what you wrote...
I agree with you but your numbers are way wrong. This is 2005 years attendance for DL Resort and WDW Resort

MK: 16.2 Million
Epcot: 9.9 million
MGM Studios: 8.6 million
Animal Kingdom: 8.2 million

DL: 14.5 million
California Adventure:5.8 million

So, lets see WDW is getting 42.9 million people coming through the gates and DL is getting 20.3 million people.


You're getting your sums by adding up the total visitors for each park. But those aren't all distinct, individual guests. Most, if not all, of the MK visitors went to at least ONE of the other three parks. There weren't 9.9 million people who went to Epcot who DIDN'T go to MK in 2005. The people who went to Epcot, MGM & AK probably also went to the MK. It's tantamount to saying there are 20 kids in a class, they go to school 180 days out of the year, therefore their classroom has been attended by students 3600 times out of the year.

Likewise, most if not all of Disneyland's guests went to DCA, though probably few if any DCA guests DIDN'T go to DL, see what I mean?

Plus, I don't know if your numbers reflect repeat business. If you visited the MK two different days in one year, are you counted as one person or two?

It's more appropriate to say that the WDW complex was visited by app. 16.2 million people, the DL complex was visited by approximately 14.5 million people, and how much of a "jewel" WDW is in Disney's crown depends on other factors like how much revenue it generates and how much profit they make on average per person.



Well-Known Member
I believe Disney's attendance numbers are generated by counting "day guests." That is, whichever park a guest enters first on a given day is the park they are recorded as entering. Arguably by doing this, any individual preference a person or family can have is evened out. Therefore, if you add up these numbers and see that 45 million guests went to WDW in a given year, that means that there were 45,000,000 one day visits by a single guest. This is the best way to create equivalent measures between the different resorts. There is no way to really know how many distinct guests visit WDW or DL in a given year--too many variables. I would guess, however, that the average Disneyland guest visits Disneyland more in a given year than the average WDW guest--there are just so many APs in California. You may have 14,000,000 guests to Disneyland in a given year, but with 650,000 APs who probably visit at least 10 times a year on average, then we are already covering 6,500,000 of those guests with 650,000 people. Then we would have to account for how long WDW vacations are, but I would guess the average WDW vacation is less than 10 days--probably some number b/t 6 and 7.


Active Member
Original Poster
Actually, I think YOUR numbers are way wrong...

Here's (part of) what you wrote...
I agree with you but your numbers are way wrong. This is 2005 years attendance for DL Resort and WDW Resort

MK: 16.2 Million
Epcot: 9.9 million
MGM Studios: 8.6 million
Animal Kingdom: 8.2 million

DL: 14.5 million
California Adventure:5.8 million

So, lets see WDW is getting 42.9 million people coming through the gates and DL is getting 20.3 million people.


You're getting your sums by adding up the total visitors for each park. But those aren't all distinct, individual guests. Most, if not all, of the MK visitors went to at least ONE of the other three parks. There weren't 9.9 million people who went to Epcot who DIDN'T go to MK in 2005. The people who went to Epcot, MGM & AK probably also went to the MK. It's tantamount to saying there are 20 kids in a class, they go to school 180 days out of the year, therefore their classroom has been attended by students 3600 times out of the year.

Likewise, most if not all of Disneyland's guests went to DCA, though probably few if any DCA guests DIDN'T go to DL, see what I mean?

Plus, I don't know if your numbers reflect repeat business. If you visited the MK two different days in one year, are you counted as one person or two?

It's more appropriate to say that the WDW complex was visited by app. 16.2 million people, the DL complex was visited by approximately 14.5 million people, and how much of a "jewel" WDW is in Disney's crown depends on other factors like how much revenue it generates and how much profit they make on average per person.

My point of doing this was not be exact to the tip. I was fair in my #'s if you look at it. If you average on how much you make from one visitor WDW is bound to get more than Disneyland. Epcot probably has more counter service restraunts than all of the Disneyland Resort. So sorry to you!

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
personally, I would think wdw makes more money for disney than dl, too. I was just arguing over your numbers, how you came to your conclusion, not the conclusion itself. considering the extent wdw is able to go to, to extend visits & keep people on-site, economic times would have to get 9/11 bad for wdw to not make some ridiculous scratch.

As for the above comment that wdw is able to gauge the first park someone enters each day, and use that number in their daily tally, that would be an intellectually honest thing to do. and you're right in that it would almost impossible to completly monitor all visitors to wdw (there's also the possibilty of locals visiting dtd or dining at a resort without going to a park, adding to wdw's bottom line without enhancing park attendance levels). But what about day-to-day? if i visit monday & wednesday, am i one visitor two?

i'm now typing ona moto q so please excuse typos.


New Member
This is OT but, hi neighbor! :wave:

I actually like both Rockin' rides....:lookaroun

Hey howdy hey! Are you north, south, east, or west of the 'Land?
I'll like the Rockin' rides, too...on April 26th when they show up on the Yesterland website. Space Mountain with cheesy interior lighting and projections of goofy dancers (not to mention a bad remake of a great Stevie Wonder song) just doesn't do it for me somehow.

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