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  1. Poco909

    Are video cameras allowed in the PI clubs?

    what if i wanna take pictures...can i bring my digital camera inside( and is the flash allow?)
  2. Poco909

    park hopper plus water parks and more question

    Thank You Very Much With The Information:)
  3. Poco909

    park hopper plus water parks and more question

    k we got a 5 day park hopper plus water parks and more option. I was wondering how this works, can u hop to 2 water parks and a theme park or 2, or a water park, pleasure island and a themem park, or is it just only one water park, pleasure island,or etc and can hop to a theme park person day...
  4. Poco909

    Yay! we did it!

    alrighty! we book our trip from Sept 14 to Sept 20 2008, yipidy yay! lol we r staying at Cornado Springs. Last time we stay at Port Orleans, which was beautiful there, and now im excited to try a new moderate resort:). Can't wait to bring my camcorder and digital cam and doo a movie!(which ill...
  5. Poco909

    which resort should we choose?

    yeaa probably did sold out the free dining at PO...we really love that resort, still deciding, in my opinion, i would like to try CS..we'll see what the rents think...but PO may be an option if they change their minds and just decide to go there without free dining....but its fine wherever we...
  6. Poco909

    which resort should we choose?

    yaaa we stay at POR last Oct 2005, it was nice, we wanted to stay there again,. but we wanted the free dining and it wasnt offer there, only at CB and CS
  7. Poco909

    which resort should we choose?

    me and my parents r planning to go in sept, and we need to decide between conado springs or carribean beach resort, i know the CB main pool is close but as long at the quiet pools r open its good. Anyways...which resort would u say is the best? can't decide which one to go to? share your...
  8. Poco909

    disney in sept?

    hey i was just wondering how are the crowds in sept, we always went in oct, but thinking of going in sept this what would be the average wait time for a ride, more or less busy then october??? just curiouss thanks:)
  9. Poco909

    disney songs

    what disney song would u wanna sing on karaoke??? I really love the reflections song in mulan
  10. Poco909

    Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween

    i got my pirate costume to wear this year:D...i love receiving free goodies:D
  11. Poco909

    resort cups

    oh i remember one time mcdonalds sold glass cups of the 4 theme parks a while back, i got animal kingdom, they were pretty kool:D
  12. Poco909

    resort cups

    i love that they had cups u buy and u can get free refills for your time u still have yours, how many do you have and what resorts r they from? i got the POR and its still up here on my desk and i haven't drink from it since i was there in Oct 2005
  13. Poco909

    I starred in the Backlot Tour Pre-Show!

    me and my dad were the crew on our last trip, its funny that we didnt put our hoods on, so our head got soak, lol
  14. Poco909

    What is your 10 favorite rides or show at Disney World

    my favourite rides are: 1. Tower of Terror 2. Splash Mountain 3. Haunted Mansion 4. Pirates of the Carribean 5. Rock and Roller Coaster 6. Dinosaur 7. Kali River rapids 8. Space Mountain 9. Buzz Lightyear ride 10. Test Track
  15. Poco909

    disney wake up call

    did u do it! it was cute with stitch and mickey when i went in oct. 2005
  16. Poco909

    Embarrassing Stories from WDW

    ok one time me and my family were waiting in line for the buzzlightyear ride, i dad let out a quiet fart and people ahead of us said"eww what is that smell" lol me and my dad still laugh about
  17. Poco909

    Kingdom Hearts?

    oooo i love KH games, i wish i could meet them in disney world
  18. Poco909

    Can't decide between POR and POFQ

    i was at the riverside last year, it was soo beautiful and awesome, lol, well it was my first disney ressort but really it was cool, not too sure bout french, only saw it a few times but riverside was a really kool experience, i go there again
  19. Poco909

    so any of you dressing your kids as disney character

    my niece is being cinderella.......maybe i;ll dress as one of the pirates from pirates of the carribean, lol or look like a ghost from haunted mansion, what about you guys????
  20. Poco909

    ellen energy adventure

    does anyone know a place they would have ellen's energy adventure ride video and it wont cost any money, i want to watch the video, lol thank you
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