Embarrassing Stories from WDW


Active Member
Well when I was about 5 or 6 I took a trip to EPCOT with my mom and grand mother. Well I had to go to the bathroom. It was then I realized I had 2 pairs of under roos on :(

Ms Brer Rabbit

New Member
I was in Epcot a few years ago and the family and I were grabbing something to eat at the Sunshine Season Food Fair (the OLD one...with the baked potatos n' such). Anyhoo, we all go our seperate ways to get what we want and i tell my parents to go find us a seat by the fountain. I get my food and scan the room for my parents and I spot 2 people setting their trays down at a table right along the fountain. So, i assume it's my parents (in my defense, they were wearing similar colors and looked to be about the same age) and i march right over to them, set down my tray on the table and loudly proclaim "Hey, way to find such a great spot!" then I look at my dining companions and i realize that not only are the not my parents, they're now looking at me like I'm crazy. So I sheepishly announce to thaem "you're not my family" and then look up to see my mom laughing at me from 3 tables over.


New Member
Disneyland 2005

I was on Peter Pan's Flight with my cousin,
when we got to Neverland, he shouted
"WE CAN FLYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I. Was. So. Embarrased.


I have been waiting for an embarrasing moments conversation to start again. They're my favs and this time i have some too.

The first one was at Dinosaur, when it was still countdown to extiction or whatever. Anyways, it was my first time on it and at the animal kingdom at all. My dad, brother, and i were just walking into the lines where one of those big inflatable dinosaur guys was just standing. Anyways, i hadn't seen ones of these guys in the park before so i thought it was just some sort of balloonish display. So i pointed my finger at it and laughed, standing about a foot away at this point, when the whole thing moved right at me. Oh, how it scared me and oh how my dad laughed.

Another one happened when we were doing our little monorail tour of the magic kingdom hotels. I was wearing just a black tank top at the time. Anyways, we were in the Contemporary gift store when i noticed a loose thread on my shirt. I pulled it out, thinking nothing of it. Continued to shop around and wander the lobby, etc. when i noticed that my shirts felt oddly loose. Turns out, the strap of the shirt had come off and the front bit of the shirt was hanging down. I was 17 at the time so, needless to say, I was a little exposed. We had to buy a shirt in the store.

I saved my personal favourite for last, It happened at the Beach Club. We were staying on the second floor and we were in a room that faced a hallway. So we could walk right to the room, but there were other rooms on either side of the room we were staying. Anyways, We had just returned from wherever and my sister and i had gotten a little bit ahead of the rest of my family. I decided it'd be funny to hide and scare them before they got to the door. SO my sister took one side of the hall and i was on the other. I stood with my hands over my head ready for when i spotted them. Turns out though, my mom had been onto us and let these two kids (around 10 or 11) run ahead of her. Anyways, these kids RAN around the corner where i was standing with my hands over my head and i scared the CRAP out of these kids. One fell down. I felt horrible, but my family didn't. They were on the floor too, laughing.


New Member
My brother and I were waiting for our parents to get out of the bathroom on main street in the mk. A giant crow about a foot tall landed on my brothers head, and just sat their for about 5 seconds until my brother noticed. And another time when I was little, my sister (5 at the time) threw her hamburger across the restaraunt hitting a lady in the arm. I dont remember why, I think she wanted it plain or something. My dad pulled her out of her chair, went around the corner and spanked her. But looking back, a flying hamburger is pretty funny.


New Member
:lol: OK, I have one (OK,. many-- but this one I have to tell). My daughters were 2 and 4, we were taking them to Disney for their first time. Even taking our teenage babysitter for parent time. The day we were leaving my 2 year old is puking sick. :cry: Needless to say by day 2 we were all sick, but we recovered and she didn't. She seemed fine, just had it coming from both ends. We were leaving EPCOT's illuminations and boarded our bus back to our hotel. She filled her diaper and it STUNK!!!!! Everyone who got on the bus after us (of course we were first and in the back),,, everyone either got back off immediately, or sat down and within 2 minutes moved to the front and then got off. We ended up riding back to our hotel with just a mom and teenage daughter in the front. We laughed so hard we cried.... how embarrassing.:lol:
Was nice to have arm and leg room on the bus though!!!:sohappy:


New Member
:lol: Oh yeah..... it has been 8 years and our teenage babysitter (who is now 23) still doesn't have kids of her own. Claims that trip (and that bus ride)was great birth control!!!:lol:


ok one time me and my family were waiting in line for the buzzlightyear ride, i dad let out a quiet fart and people ahead of us said"eww what is that smell" lol me and my dad still laugh about that..lol


Not old, just vintage.
2 years ago my friend and I went to EMH at the MK our first night we arrived in WDW. It was spring break so EMH was from 12am-3am that night. Wellll, we had woken up at 430am that day to get to the airport. By the time EMH rolled around we were dead on our feet. Anywho, we decided to go on Space Mountain around 230am. It was great until we tried to get out of the ride cars. Both of us completely tripped over ourselves, landed on each other and managed to knock over a little kid too. The father of the kid got so angry and demanded we be removed from the park because we were clearly drunk. :lookaroun Apparently no one told him MK doesnt sell alcohol. :lol:

Bottom line, we were just reallllllllllly tired and the last thing we should have been doing was trying to navigate Space Mountain. It was so embarassing though because this guy created such a huge stink over us...:lookaroun

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