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  1. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    It depends on what your goals are and what your'e doing. If we have the same plans of enjoying world showcase after dinner and we're both already in epcot for the day, then walking over to Tutto and eating is much quicker than walking out of the park, getting on a tram, walking to your car...
  2. C

    News Catherine Powell's position eliminated

    I still believe that Star Wars is an IP that can be a very big win for Disney, i'll say this without seeing the land and it only being half open, they just flat out fumbled it. They did what the current disney leadership has always done. They focused more on finding a way to get another penny...
  3. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    I gotta say, i think thats pretty spot on with how a lot of us feel.
  4. C

    News Catherine Powell's position eliminated

    That's a shame. I suppose it has a lot to do with Star Wars under performing? Perhaps the bubble has popped?
  5. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    I'll be perfectly honest with you, if i came across as bullying to you yesterday, then i'll apologize, and if i did, it was because i was put off with the way you talked to me. I offered an opinion on something, and you came across as if i was just stupid, wrong, and didnt have the right to say...
  6. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    thats impossible for people to notice those things in online forums for four decades.
  7. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    I personally wish you would chill out on the personal attacks. I’m sorry you disagree with people here, but that’s no reason to talk to people the way you have. There is absolutely nothing wrong with differing opinions.
  8. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    so nothing about the decline? Are you just skipping over that part? cool man. you do you.
  9. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    Pretty sure i read last month that they reported a decline in attendance of about 3%, but because of increased ticket costs and per guest spending was up 10%,
  10. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    You wanna calm down for a second and ease off the sass? I get it you don't like what i have to say, and its ok to disagree. I stated my opinions on something, which i have a right to do, and i know for a FACT, that i DONT know about product pricing better that disney does. But i also know for...
  11. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    Easy there big fella. I didnt say anything about attendance being down from 2002. My point is i think they've hit a bubble, and i could be completely wrong on that. But you start seeing threads like this, Disney even reporting attendance is down in quarter reports, and add that with a new...
  12. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    No you're not crazy. I'll also point out that even with that increase in price, there are many more up charges, for example more after hours parties that cut into what used to be Magic Hours or normal park time. We pay more and actually get less time in the parks. I believe people are...
  13. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    Yeah i know, my wife an i went on our honeymoon in 2008, it cost us $2800 for a full week at POFQ with the dining plan. That's rack rate, it was our first trip together and the first one we had planned. We didnt know any better. That same exact trip, same time next year, comes to $4500. And...
  14. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    Neither do we...we're a family of 4 that stays in a value. I"m getting our numbers, with spending money to down around $225 per person per day for a week, and i'm pretty good at finding deals for disney. If you're able to lower it, id love some pointers.
  15. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    I think this is a great post, i think there is a difference between "affordability" and "Value". While i can still afford disney, i have a hard time justifying spending the money on it now. I can't find the value that i used to find easily.
  16. C

    Has Disney Pricing Increases/Atmosphere Cuts Altered YOUR FAMILIES WDW Attendance?

    Our passes expired last month, actually the day the price increase was announced. We had already decided because of the price increases on literally just about everything else, that it wasnt worth it. We had trips planned over the past year and half for awhile, but i knew when the parking fees...
  17. C

    Sentinel - Disney World draining, filling in long-abandoned River Country pool

    I'm you guys that are arguing about why they are filling it in. Do you really care why they are? What's the point...its never coming back. Maybe that area can be used for something else one day.
  18. C

    Monorail voice narration on busses

    so no more.."We're on our way to Disney's........"?
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