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  1. KingCEO

    All Disney rooms booked

    Hows this for Ironic; Im reading these posts and my father calls and says that we're staying at the All Star Music in June, and if I wanted to go with my g/f:lookaroun
  2. KingCEO

    Pixar gone in 6 weeks-no way Eisner will be gone

    I cant believe they edited the persons name LOL which happens to to rhyme with Rick and is another name of it.:D
  3. KingCEO

    Pixar gone in 6 weeks-no way Eisner will be gone

    I just read an article in a business magazine regarding how ________ Cook will suceed in 2004 after 2003's billion dollar earnings for the Studios. They gave a couple of thoughts of how its going to be tough after they lose Pixar soon. The comment which stood out to me was the common agreement...
  4. KingCEO

    New Commercial

    Its been a while since Ive seen Song of the South as well, but if you remember it and I dont then I guess I cant say anything further, sorry. Also me being from Florida, when we say South it means down here, not the whole States that lie on the Southern US. MGM was hurried up so it could beat...
  5. KingCEO

    New Commercial

    OK HMFan Your turning all of my answers more confusing than it needs to be. When I say south I mean like Southeast you know where slavery was dominant and where Song of the South was based upon. Southwest is classified as the Southwest and/or west. Secondly I never said he looked like Porky Pig...
  6. KingCEO

    New Commercial

    I got that bit of info from the Unbuilt Epcot Pavillion forum when there was supposed to be a Movie Pavillion in Epcot but when Universal was coming to town they made it into a "Half Park MGM" to compete. Thats why I concluded to that, but I could be wrong
  7. KingCEO

    New Commercial

    14 LoL Good Argument Anyways I just wanted to mention one more thing but if you want to know bout copying, read a couple of forums here about how MGM was built and hurried up so it could beat Universal to the punch.(Universal coming to Florida was concieved before MGM was even thought up as a...
  8. KingCEO

    New Commercial

    Ive never expected you to change your opinion, I respect when people hold firm with there opinions. I just needed that post to get things off my chest. There are alot of other people who dont know some facts and still say their opinions. Ive always grew up on you cant base opinions with out...
  9. KingCEO

    Any update on Splash Mountain condition/rehab?

    Correct, and another thing was one of the turtles wasnt moving up and down.
  10. KingCEO

    New Commercial opinions can be refuted however if it is proved just wishful thinking or completly wrong and no one has done so now since it has been posted. But yes it is still an opinion that I happen to agree with. If they were to copy what the WB Roadrunner would look like that would be...
  11. KingCEO

    New Commercial

    Directly from Hidden "On Splash Mountain, there are 4 referances to Warner Brothers charecters. Throughout the ride, there are signs, in which each one reads either Bugs, Daffy, Road Runner, or Porky. They are part of other phrases in the signs, yet they are all in capital...
  12. KingCEO

    New Commercial

    Its a jab, yes, I didnt say it was a negative one.
  13. KingCEO

    New Commercial

    Right before the Laughin Place drop, they have a roadrunner, a sign that says Porky Pine, and mailbox that has B.B. on it. Thats what I can remember so far. I dont know thats why I said I cant remember, butI remember hearing it from somewhere about a year ago.
  14. KingCEO

    Huge Monorail expansion?

    Thanks for the quick response.:) Ya even the CM said it was wishful thinking, the proposed plan he told me sounded awesome. He did tell me though that if I cared about it enough I should try to gather a whole bunch of people and write a letter/petition to WDW execs.
  15. KingCEO

    Huge Monorail expansion?

    As I was leaving the Magic Kingdom to go to the TTC, I overheard a Monorail CM talkin about the Monorail expansion. I had asked him about it and he said it was supposed to connect all four parks and that the Magic Kingdom would be the center of all the monorail transportation. He said that it...
  16. KingCEO

    Any update on Splash Mountain condition/rehab?

    LOL back and forth.:hammer: Yes they are working.
  17. KingCEO

    Any update on Splash Mountain condition/rehab?

    I know the rabbit never works it just makes me mad because I know its there.:brick: Anways Question 1 - Yes Question 2 - Dont Recall Question 3 - Yes And the jumping water still didnt work at the Laughin Place
  18. KingCEO

    Any update on Splash Mountain condition/rehab?

    I just got back from Disney and Splash Mountains painting rehab is for the most part complete, just a little things here and there. They do need to however paint the Briar Patch and fix the jumping Brer Rabbit. Hope that helps
  19. KingCEO

    Is eisner comming to town?

    I am now entering my name and hopefully all of you will follow me as I plan to bring back the glory days of Disney. Support Me for my quest and dream to become the Walt Disney Company's Chief Executive Officer. I have great ideas and no they are not to convert everything into a thrill ride, but...
  20. KingCEO

    New Commercial

    Well none of the parks never really said the products sucks, they just said if you prefer this come here. Ya that universal employees in my eyes can never compare to Disney cast members. But that doesnt mean Disney CMs cant be rude either. This past trip on Mar 18-21, I asked a Monorail CM if...
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