Pixar gone in 6 weeks-no way Eisner will be gone


Well-Known Member
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Do you think there is any snowball's chance in heck that after corporate puppet extrodinaire, Judith Estrin, stated that they believe in Eisner, he'd be given the boot to potentially salvage the Pixar relationship?

Even though if was painful to hear they wouldn't be a part of Disney a few months ago, it didn't seem real. Now with days counting, it looks like it's almost a done deal that they are gone :cry:

Maybe Superman can reverse the rotation of the Earth or something

Maybe Uncle Mikey can go run Six Flags. It's always fun to have yet another reason to despise Six Flags :hurl:


New Member
I am afraid that this talented and extraordinary partnership is about at the end. The puppet board is not about to jettison Eisner without a clear successor to take his place and even then will only do so if they feel that they have no other alternative to that action. They feel that the splitting of the positions is all that needed to be done.

(edited for spelling)


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The day that George Mitchell is independant is the day mkt should be released from his 'straight jacket' :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well, depending on whose interpretation of the business world you choose to believe, in the long run, it may be better for both.

Pixar needs to be free of Disney, so they can make better profits, and run an even better studio.

Disney needed a wake up call, and when Pixar is done with their contractual obligations to Disney, the phone will ring at Disney. Hopefully the cascade effect will happen and Disney will put more effort into films.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by no2apprentice
Well, depending on whose interpretation of the business world you choose to believe, in the long run, it may be better for both.

Unforntuantely you are right. Disney needs a major kick in the teeth and a backhanded white glove slap in the face. They were able to get complacent with Pixar in the fold.

The only problem, I don't want to support the new films they do knowing that if they succeed, they look like geniuses, but if they fail, it further hurts the company.

Maybe if they fail, they can blame it on Steve Jobs giving them faulty Macs to work on and fire the computers and use that as a tax write off. Computers don't need to be given severance packges from what I can tell :D


Well-Known Member
Pixar thinks can run as a successfull studio sans-disney. They are going to go thru a LOT of hard times once they are "on their own feet"....so they WILL end up getting a new deal with SOMEONE. Disney or not. Ive seen first hand how the studio is run and they were more dependant on disney then they ever admitted. Pixar, even tho yes..they have evolved leaps and bounds since they first became a full functioning studio, still isnt 100% on how to do a complete production on their own (im talking about all aspects..not just the films creation). From what i gathered when there, there was an overall feeling of disney being "lax" on their end because of how easy they made their half of the deal sound..but its "easy" for them simply cuz of who they are.

...hope that all made sence..

in the end..after all the mudslinging thats been going on in this scenario...dont expect to see disney and pixar in the same series of credits again...its over.


Well-Known Member
I say this with the sincerest hope that I am proven wrong. But after the Disney Board's response to the shareholder revolt, which was basically a "F$%K You!!," the Disney/Pixar partnership has come to an end. I'm sure their yes people have told them that this is good for Disney and that Disney does not need Pixar. And I'm sure Uncle Mikey has told them the same as well. Well, who can forsee the future. Maybe it will be good, and then maybe not. My bets are on not.

We are still living in Disney's Greed Age when common sense is thrown out the door and Disney heritage is merely something to be "branded" for short term gains.


Well-Known Member
..just so that i dont seem like a total anti-pixar advocate here...

Disney is going to hurt JUST as much from the loss as pixar is.

They are going to attempt (and i emphasize the attempt) to make a toy story 3 without the aid of pixar. Disneys CG department needs to be GREATLY beefed up to create a movie thats even close to HALF the quality of Toy Story. And even then..its going to look vASTLY different, because pixar using Renderman, which yes..can be licenced out to other companies..but do you SERIOUSLY think disneys gunna shell out the expenses to do so from their new nemesis? (and renderman ISNT cheap).

Ok..and time for MORE corporate irony:: (PRE-WARNING...TOTAL geek stuff to follow)

Disney is a dedicated user of Alias Maya (formally Alias|Wavefront), a company thats been in the target for a corporate takeover for about 2 years now..by *drumroll* Apple. Pixar also uses Maya, and Alias mysteriously added Mac support for the program (even tho its hardly used on apple computers due to reasons i wont get into here), thus adding fuel to the rumor fire of apples intended takeover of the company.

And yeah..Pixar and Apple share a common CEO :)

One way or the other...in the end..steve jobs is going to make profit from disney it seems :) (disney pays high licence fees to use maya..and they arent about to switch platforms)


New Member
I just read an article in a business magazine regarding how ________ Cook will suceed in 2004 after 2003's billion dollar earnings for the Studios. They gave a couple of thoughts of how its going to be tough after they lose Pixar soon. The comment which stood out to me was the common agreement between alot of Pixar ....

"We Love Disney, we have no problem with them.
The problem is Eisner"

Am I missing on why he still works with them, or why we havent heard anything on a sucessor?

O wait thats me

:king: ;)


New Member
I cant believe they edited the persons name LOL which happens to to rhyme with Rick and is another name of it.:D
I just read an article in a business magazine regarding how ________ Cook will suceed in 2004


Well-Known Member
Its not what it seems....Steve Jobs has personal issues with Eisner....somewhere in his warped mind he feels he's somehow next in line to be CEO if eisner gets the boot. So the high profile (and what appears to the public to be a devistating loss to disney, being all eisners fault) is all part of a plan to get eisner out sooner. TRUST me...pixar was asking for a LOT, and any other company would have droped them just as fast as disney did had the same offer been made to them. It was delibrate. They WANTED to get denied.


Well-Known Member
After giving the whole Pixar thing a lot of thought...I think in the long run its going to be better for Disney to go it alone in this...but if they're going to go it alone, they should go out and get the best equipment no matter what the costs...

However, I would still like to see 2d animation...perhaps have one of each released each year....

If the movie has a great story, with great characters, it doesn't matter how they animate it....

Let see what happens...

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by General Grizz
I reserve that comment for every April 1. :D :lookaroun :wave:
Ah... Stupid me... :hammer: Should have known... I'll get back in my basket :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Grizz's article really saddened me. I think there is a uniqueness to 2d animation that 3d just doesn't have. Some sort of fluidness that I can't really explain. Plus, even w/ the box office flops, Disney, in my opinion, STILL has the corner in 2d animation (I don't see anyone else making 2d films).

Basically, in my opinion, if Disney says that 2D is dead... then it's dead, but only they can bring it back to life. I really think that's what hurts me most in all of this. I mean it takes a lot of money and manpower and RISK. That's the problem. Eisner doesn't want risk. You know what though? A sailboat is meant to be sailed, not sitting on the docks just because it's safe and cost efficient. Disney has a legacy to fill that I believe centers first around unique entertainment which is traditional animation. This is where it gets its prestige.

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