New Commercial


New Member
People who do that type of advertising may not feel secure about there own product, so they must attack other companies.


New Member
I'm not a big fan of the commercial or Universal for that matter. But I'm dragged kicking and screaming by my partner to spend on day at IOA. I've been to the studios half of the resort as well, not impressed. Their themes are awful, cardboard cut-outs and overgrown plants are not a theme.


Active Member
We've gone to Universal and IOA, and although I love thrill rides, and as crazy as this sounds, I feel almost likeI'm cheating on my wife while there. And as much as we may dislike the crowds at WDW, the smaller crowds somehow take away from Universal as well. It's has the feeling and atmosphere of a Disney wannabe, but a Disney neverbe.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by BeachClubVillas
You're so right. CityWalk is nothing but a cheap replica of Downtown Disney. It's like Universal tries to do everything Disney does but just can't get there.

Have to disagree. Ive eaten at a few of the places at City walk and to be fair had a better dinning experience than at DTD. Then you could argue that neither company actually runs the resturants so shouldnt get the credit or blame.


Well-Known Member
Their slogan bothers me a little....mainly because I think, as weird as it sounds, believing in fantasy, dreams, wishes, magic, etc. should always be part of a perosn's life. Its a shame that our society plays on the idea that as you get older, especially among men, the idea of still believing in such things is foolish and/or childish. Its not until you have kids of your own or work with kids that often times that belief in "fairy tales and pixie dust" comes you see it in the eyes of children. Luckily for many, that sense of free imagination and dreams sticks with them....hence why I think so many people say "I feel like a kid again" when they get to Disney. There is literally something there that no other company or theme park can duplicate....because it really is somewhat unidentifiable but works for so many people on so many levels.

I wouldn't cancel going to Universal because of it though. I really do enjoy my occasional trips there, and I think they have finally identified themselves accurately. They really are NOT about dreams, wishes, magic, imagination, hope, love, fantasy, etc. but more about pushing thrill and loud entertainment in your face. Its their claim to fame and what they are currently trying to use to separate themselves (until it fails like all their other attempts and they try something new), but ultimately why I think that no matter how hard they try, they will never get people to have that almost emotional connections that so many have when they go to or remember their trips to Disney.

I just get the feeling that Disney, its theme parks and its commercials, have a greater sense of "class" than Universal does in either department which ultimately will always keep Universal in the "shadow of the mouse".


Account Suspended
Disney should fight back agenst Universal and say in their commercials,"tired of all those rides almost exactly identicle to each other?" refering to those unthemed roller-coasters of Busch gardens and Universal. Also, most of Disney's commercials are stupid! Like the M:S one and the one with "uncle joe and the twins" (BTW I saw them filming that). Disney should figure out that we don't care what those dumb familys are doing at disney! I care about the rides, and they should consentrate on just showing footage of rides, NOT dumb familys adventures in disney with bad actors and horrible jokes!
This reminds me...

Six Flags used to jab at Disneyland, saying that their parks were "bigger, faster and closer", mostly in the late 1980's and early 1990's.

Now, that was insulting, since Disneyland or any other Disney park, no matter what, is better than Six Flags' parks (and Universal, too) in many ways.:mad:

ucf disneyfan

New Member
It kills me to go to IOA and ride rides that were originally designed by Imagineers with intent of being in Disney parks and seeing how poorly they were built. Dueling Dragons is a great coaster but I can't imagine how much better it would be if it were in Beastly Kingdom like originally intended. Eventhough Disney probably wouldn't have used B&M to manufacture the coaster the themeing would have made it work.


New Member
Yes that commercial straight P.O me to. Thats one reason Why I absolutely hate USF and IOA. Because they basically copy every thing disney does, and theres is always a bunch of crap. They copied the concept of having a log ride themed to some sort of film, and theres was crap. They copied a downtown disney, but theres is crap whereas you HAVETO go through there in order to get to their park.

I dont think disney outta stoop to their levels in theree advertisement. theyve made fun of disney in that commercial, and in shrek. Yet the idea of having a shrek 4d came from disney, because disney been making shows like that for a long time.

Ive been to USF twice, and IOA once, and I thought it was a big waste of time. I was pretty young and scared of every ride, but it still was stupid IMO.

Why make fun of them, and then get all your ideas from them too, and make it seem like yall came up with that ride concept.



New Member
Well that post was childish.

Anyways I dont know who you could say they copy Disney when actually Shrek 4-d and Terminator, where the audience gets involved, were really Universals ideas, even though they are 3d. The Mummy and Spiderman have nothing to be compared to in Disney. Hulk and Dueling Dragons are not Disneyesque rides but they are still great. Twister, E.T., Back to the Future are all rides that were original to UO. I do agree that though that some things (Storm Force and Ripsaw) were kinda Disney based ideas but Disney made it so popular that they became trademarks of a park. Six Flags has those rides (even though not themed) and Im not hearing anyone rip them and there were Log Rides way before Splash Mountain. As for Citywalk and Downtown, I enjoy both equally. I go to each one for different reasons. Just becuase Citywalk is the same concept as Downtown does not make it suck. You know its kind of hypocritical in some sense. You rip UO for ranking on Disney because its kiddie and that Universal is a different type of park for teens/adults/thrills yet you say they are copying everything from Disney which is geared toward Family:confused:

Many people enjoy MIB instead of Buzz because of its 3-d immersive environment and how interactive it is with the audience. Many like Ripsaw drop versus Splashs Drop. As many people say to each his own. Im just tired of the bashing, they are both different parks that offer different things.


New Member
One more thing

I forgot totally forgot about this but as Im reminiscing of my recent trip to Disney, I remembered that Splash Mt. takes a few jabs at Warner Bros./Six Flags and I dont hear anything about that from anyone here? I think there are a few other quick jabs on other attractions but I cant remember them off the top of my head. So in reality Disney can resort to retaliation.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Gosh, I hate it when Universal or any company does that to their compeditors by saying that their product sucks. I went to Universal one time, and I really didn't like it. The only rides that I think that they did a good effort on were Spiderman and MIB. The employees there were so rude. When I asked an employee for a near-by restroom, he just said, "Kid, I don't care in the least if you need to go poo-poo." :fork: Some of the rides like the Hulk Coaster had nice qeues, but the coasters themselves were so un-themed and lacked story. Plus, it didn't have any of the charm of a Disney park. I perfer DCA over any of Universal's Parks. Not to mention I saw one kid crying, saying that she wanted to go back to Disney World and see Mickey again.


New Member
Well none of the parks never really said the products sucks, they just said if you prefer this come here.

Ya that universal employees in my eyes can never compare to Disney cast members. But that doesnt mean Disney CMs cant be rude either. This past trip on Mar 18-21, I asked a Monorail CM if we could go to the front since the ppl I was with never been there. He didnt even look at me and said "Keep Moving K".The first day we got there my g/fs cousin wanted a balloon animal so she went to the guy and he said that he couldnt and the next show was in an hour. As soon as she came back to the bench, he started making balloons for the next half hour to everyone that came by. Not all CMs though were bad, I thought it was kinda funny though when I asked a Tomorrowland CM when should Stitch open and he replied "Theyre having trouble catching Stitch, maybe around the end of summer or fall theyll get him." and when I checked into the Pop Century, the lady who helped me check in said "Id like to thank you for being my fastest check in ever, I hope you enjoy your stay"

One thing that made me kind of laugh was at the Great Movie Ride when our Tour guide mentioned how Disney's nephew Roy Disney kept the Disney tradition alive today.


New Member
Originally posted by ucf disneyfan
It kills me to go to IOA and ride rides that were originally designed by Imagineers with intent of being in Disney parks and seeing how poorly they were built. Dueling Dragons is a great coaster but I can't imagine how much better it would be if it were in Beastly Kingdom like originally intended.
Next on Fox, "When Rumors Run Rampant". As much as people would like to believe the Dueling Dragons rumor.... it is just that... a rumor.


New Member
Re: One more thing

Originally posted by KingCEO
I forgot totally forgot about this but as Im reminiscing of my recent trip to Disney, I remembered that Splash Mt. takes a few jabs at Warner Bros./Six Flags and I dont hear anything about that from anyone here?
Jabs at Sux Flags on Splash Mountain? Where?

I think there are a few other quick jabs on other attractions but I cant remember them off the top of my head. So in reality Disney can resort to retaliation.


New Member
Jabs at Sux Flags on Splash Mountain? Where?

Right before the Laughin Place drop, they have a roadrunner, a sign that says Porky Pine, and mailbox that has B.B. on it. Thats what I can remember so far.

I dont know thats why I said I cant remember, butI remember hearing it from somewhere about a year ago.


New Member
Originally posted by KingCEO
Right before the Laughin Place drop, they have a roadrunner, a sign that says Porky Pine, and mailbox that has B.B. on it. Thats what I can remember so far.
And that constitutes a "jab" at Sux Flags?

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