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  1. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    What did you mean by that, vacationer? I'm not sure i quite follow:shrug:
  2. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    anyone been to a radio station, or been around in one (ironically, i'm sitting next to my campus's) they have lots of random things; depends on who's there. I'd love the hear the prop ideas you have vacationer :) i have a few, i'll ponder them while i'm out today.
  3. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    agreed on teh only equipment visible only thing. like kind of how the jungle cruise has the empty office, or other siad examples (just it wont be 'empty') I actually think teh host's only door is a good idea, with a window into the booth that is obscured by equipment :) maybe we could have...
  4. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    as cool as it would be to have them, i think it should be a cast member. C&H are both one of those mythical characters at disney. they're elusive, but you still know enough about them they may be aquaintences, and you formulate your own opinions on them. they become kind of like tall tales. it...
  5. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    Lol, I didn't realize the name would pick up; [goofy;s barnstormers] just popped in my head, didn't think it would catch on. Thanks to fractal for the slight change to actual brainstorming (as opposed to the pun i'd intended)!! Apparently it's a hit :D and everyone seems to like it. but i do...
  6. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    Wow! i need to be back on the site more often lol. I'm gone afor a bit, and we have a crazy amount of ideas, that all look great by the way. The Tower of dino bones really fits what i was thinking for a structure. I always look back to the tower of the four winds as an axcellent weenie (I...
  7. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    ok, s for a good place to take of things; i've used a site called wiggio. you can pool all material, leave messages (similar to what we do now, of course) but it has a lot of communication features, with ways to get out info. check it out if its interesting :):
  8. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    I know what I said previously about not focusing on negatives, but I jsut wanted to give us a reference. Here are two photos of the area; the first is unmarked, the second, with landmarks, just to give reference. it'll help get some ideas going about use of the land :D Unmarked: <a...
  9. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    I just noticed chrononymous had a similar idea of wedding the two sides... :) so, what she said!
  10. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    *i broke my post up to make it easier to pick thru* as much as we know what we're dealing with, let's just keep throwing out ideas, like we've mostly been doing, and then worry about the specifics (lack of space, cramped, location, etc), unless it somehow fits it with a creative spark (i...
  11. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    Hey guys! Sorry i've been out; I work all day! Glad to be working with some great individuals. So far, I love what i've seen :D And fractal had a good point, don't forget the story of the land... *ahem* lemme look in the imagineering guide to AK... wow, so many notes... : apparently, it...
  12. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    Cranium Commandos!! XD Figment's Imaginators Brava Centarians just looking for ideas in my fav park... hope for tomorrow, EPCOT Center somethine with tom morrow.. idunno, i just liked him :)
  13. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    we could do an obvious play on imagineering or blue skying, etc... for some reason, my first thot was Goofy's Glorious Barnstormers (like a play on brainstorming) or something like that...
  14. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- Practice Project 2 (Due 2/21 8pm EST)

    tiki, i understand college stress... this week was really bad, and I didn't do too well :P i almost didnt get this in on time, i had to type it up quick at work XD got in some trouble... :) i apologize for teh way my entry is written tho; i had to slightly shorthand somethings to get it done...
  15. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- Practice Project 2 (Due 2/21 8pm EST)

    Sorry, know it was still long, but i hope i made it more detailed and to the point :) Ok, so I had wanted to do a LwtL one, but i couldn't think of anything, so i went with my GMR one :) Alright, now my project is actually more of an update, as opposed to a replacement; however, it does...
  16. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- Practice Project 2 (Due 2/21 8pm EST)

    Well, i did have a GMR one, but another I was looking at was LwtL. I agree, it'd be cool to see a submission on that. But I currently don't have an idea on that one (inspiration hasnt hit me yet; that's how all of my good ones appear).
  17. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- Practice Project 2 (Due 2/21 8pm EST)

    lol, i'm now glad I aksed about that; but yes, it did :). I had thought about a GMR addition, someplace I've always wanted to update, but it has limited space in it. however, so many people are doing GMR (i mean, come on, who hasn't wanted to update it?), i may do another one for variety...
  18. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- Practice Project 2 (Due 2/21 8pm EST)

    I have a question; will have to be physically able to fit in the area of the ride? or is nothing no object? Say like, GMR is in rooms, or the same with LwtL. Thanks, And great ideas so far! and i like yours, jason! I know alot of people ahve wanted starwars in the GMR, but you covered it well. :)
  19. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- Practice Project 1

    Thanks for the input! I was afraid for the very thing that was pointed out :), as I was trying to rush it ( i even had mind to add some drawings!) To be honest, that does tend to be my drawback, i'll have to fix it up! Thank you anyway for the advice!
  20. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- Practice Project 1

    Ok, wanted a first apologize for being so far after the deadline :(; been kinda busy and I only just had this idea last night (most of my best, IMO, are last minute thots :P) If my description isn't too clear, it's because I was trying to finish real quick :D some backstory, real quick; ToT has...
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