The Imagineer 2-- Practice Project 2 (Due 2/21 8pm EST)


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NOTE TO JUDGES: When the deadine is up, feel free to post your coments DIRECTLY to this thread BUT please no "rankings", TrevorA and I will be deciding on that information tmrw nite and we will hopefully have REAL Project 1 posted Friday Nite/Saturday Morning with Teams AND how we will be judging FOR REAL this season...

REMEMEBER: projects due TOMORROW (Friday Feb. 18th) by 8pm EST!!!


You guys obviously know what your doing, but just a thought: maybe set a date/time that we can begin posting submissions?

I know I didn't help the variety, but I'm looking forward to a Living With the Land submission as I blanked on that one.
Well, i did have a GMR one, but another I was looking at was LwtL. I agree, it'd be cool to see a submission on that. But I currently don't have an idea on that one (inspiration hasnt hit me yet; that's how all of my good ones appear).


New Member
For all of you that have been asking for a Living with the Land project (Tazer19, mewhunter67), here you are…

My scene will replace the current desert scene, which I don’t believe adds too terribly much to the ride. ( around 3:50-4:30)

The desert will be replaced with a mountainous scene, because in my own personal experience, this is the most beautiful ecosystem of them all.

Narrator: The Mountains contain their own special ecosystem which is very different from the rainforest. The plants that live at these high altitudes have created many adaptations to help them thrive in this environment. The plants have a very short growing season, so they grow through the snow, keeping short stems to avoid wind, and bright flowers to attract pollinators. They have little to no known use to us, but they sustain the environment in which they live. (Replace the meerkat animatronics with marmot animatronics) Even though they do not impact us, we impact them greatly. When only a few people walk over and trample part of a field, that same part of the field may not grow back until over one hundred years later.
Segway to Prairie: That same impact is also found in the Prairie…

Some of the plants that could be used: longissima 100PI.jpg
(Sorry, I think I went a little overboard on the pictures, but I couldn’t choose! They’re all so pretty!)


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In the Parks
It seems like I'm the tally guy, so...

Seven projects left! You have exactly 22 hours and some change to turn in your entries for Practice Project II, and then we are off to determine the teams. You would be well-advised to turn them in on time, seeing as how you won't be put on a team if you have not entered.



New Member
In response to Mater's 'paranoid' post further up, originally I had an idea for Kali River Rapids which was very similar to the one Chrononymous posted. So I've kinda had to change it, this idea was very last minute and not as thought out as my original one- which was practically what Chrononymous did. But enough of the excuses....

The History: As you're probably aware the original plan was for Kali to be Tiger River Rapids. The rafts would have floated through tiger enclosures and seen them in their 'natural habitat' in what would would of been a rapids version of Kilimanjaro Safaris. But when the animal specialists noted that screaming guests would send the tigers to the back of the enclosure so that guests couldn't seem them, the idea was abandoned. The budget was part of the problem as well, as usual, just look at the size comparison of the planned Tiger River Rapids to the existing ride:

The Idea: My scene would be a homage to the never realised concept. Since it's opening, KRR has successfully educated guests about illegal logging and deforestation. But another aspect of this that isn't really picked up on is the danger to the wildlife when their habitats are destroyed.

After passing through the burning forest, plummeting down the chute and turning past waterfalls; guests who aren't too busy drying themselves will notice a streak of three bengal tigers by the waters edge. These are animatronic of course and some of the most advanced ever, the tigers move their heads and legs, and growl realistically. These are the tigers that have had to flee from their home after the fire destroyed, refugee tigers if you like.

Due to the raft having seats on all sides there needs to be action on both sides otherwise the people with their backs to it will miss it. On the other side are three more tiger animatronics, but these are angry. Their territory has been invaded by the tigers who have fled. Tigers fiercely defend their territory and so a serious fight is bound to ensue. Here's a picture of one very angry tiger:

Further down, keen eyed guests will notice a tiger lying on the ground- dead. It's not too graphic, it is a family attraction after all, but blood from the tiger's neck will be clearly visible. This is a subtle look at yet another crisis that threatens bengal tigers, poaching! Today, there are only around 2,100 Bengal Tigers left in the wild and they are classed as an endangered species due to the threat of illegal logging and poaching. As guests end their Kali River Rapids journey with a soaking from onlookers, they leave the ride with a stark message that the tigers will be extinct in the next 30 years if this continues.

This scene will further add to the story of the rapids ride and it will be located in the bit between the waterfalls after the chute and the cavern, where currently nothing really happens!

Umm, that's it, sorry it might not be as good as what I originally did, but I didn't what anyone to think I was copying. Actually I've just noticed a problem, if there's nothing there at the moment then does that still count as a replacement? I've realised it's more of a added extra. Oops.


New Member
Well I thought GMR def needed a refurb so thats what I am going to do! So I am going to replace Tarzan with Twilight. Ok, you guys will probally think I'm crazy but if you think about it ever since the movie it's changed the movies a little bit, there have been tons of movies to come out about vampires and more to come so why not I said. And plus think about all the people it would a track.

Ok, so I am going to do the scene when Edward is with Bella in the forest and Edward shows that he is a vampire.
Host: Twilight was a big hit. Twilight stars Rob Patterson as Edward Cullen and Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan. Seems like people wanna forget Prince Charming and go for a vampire!

(sorry if the words are wrong I'm sorry I'm not obsessed so I don't know it by heart)
Bella: Edward, I know what you are!
Edward: What?
Bella: Some kind of mythical creature.
Edward: Bella, just tell me!
Bella: (whispered) A vampire.
(Edward runs away up on a hill)
Edward: Bella, don't look at me!
Bella: Edward, whats wrong??
Edward: Nothing Bella, just leave!
Bella: No!
Edward: Do you really wanna know what I look like?
Bella: (nods)
Edward: (turns to the sun and shows that he sparkles)
Bella: Gasp!

Lights fade and you move on to the next room.

You need small LED lights for Edward so you can see that he sparkles.
You also need fans cause I think its a windy day.
Animatronic Edward and Bella.
One big LED light for the sun to shine on Edward.

What It Might Look Like

This picture is when Bella tells Edward what she thinks he is:


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According to my list the following ppl have NOT turned in a project:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get your projects in ON TIME to be considered for team positioning...

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
The Basics:
I chose to add a scene in the Great Movie Ride. The scene in the ride with sorcerer Mickey from Fantasia projected on to the wall would be replaced with a scene representing Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

The Details:
The scene would include a large car that looks like the car in the film suspended from the ceiling in a way that allows it to move back and forth. Animatronics of Caractacus Potts,Truly Scrumptious and the children,Jeremy and Jemima would sing along to this song. Behind them would be a large screen,displaying the area they fly over in the video posted above. The screen would wrap around the edge of the show space and out of view of guests. The screen would have to be wrapped under the car a bit,similar to Soarin', and the edge of the track would be built up and covered with fake foliage to hide the small amount of blank space beneath the car. The car would start out on ground level,slowly rising up as the wings come out,as in the clip posted above. The guests would stop here to watch the show for a bit. The car would have real headlights,and an occasional puff of smoke.


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Side note: comics101 has dropped out, and will be replaced by plutoismyhero (if he confrims)


Sorry, know it was still long, but i hope i made it more detailed and to the point :)

Ok, so I had wanted to do a LwtL one, but i couldn't think of anything, so i went with my GMR one :)

Alright, now my project is actually more of an update, as opposed to a replacement; however, it does change what is there, so I figured it'd count :) Whenever i've ridden past, I always feel like this could have been updated, or done so much better; it had more potential. :D

*unfortunately, i could better explain with pictures, but i have no way of updating any, so I hope my explanation covers it*

Scene: Sorcerer Mickey

I wanted to add more of a facelift and better representation of the fantasia part of the GMR.

As the audience leaves the Casablanca scene to head to the small corner, the room is noticeably darker. thick 'smoke' (most likely dry ice or other simulation that has been darkened) flows downwards from teh top of the room, as if you are heading into the clouds. the 'clouds' billow and gather on the floor, and it gets thicker.

Flashes of light break thru the 'cloud', as if lightning is striking (small stage lighting, also to the noise of thunder). We see small pegasi also flitting thru them, most like small AA's on turntables appearing out of the clouds and in again. These will be Blacklighted, as it highlight the features better. as you get closer, the music from this section of fantasia gets more audible.

the host turns to the audience, and says, 'folks, it's getting a bit rough in here; I'm afraid we've entered the fantastic realm of Chernabog' as he says so, a larger AA of chernabog will appear (in the top right corner, where the car first turns) and the clouds part (due to wind generators, and the he appears, with larger flashes of lights, and his accompanying music gets louder and and raises his arms to another clash of lightning(loud thunder). he looks over everone, and reaches out...

and a flash of light from the left block him from view.

guests turn, and the host goes, ' look! it's everyone's favorite hero, mickey mouse!'

there is now a door to Oz, the room is dark up til you leave. Above this door, is a scuplted rock cliff, where mickey usually stands, also accented with blacklight paint. mickey himself is an HD projection, on top. he waves his arms, upwards, first right, then left. each wave of the arm send up lit water soaring on each side of him. (water jets, backlit with a multicolor lamp) two broom sticks, one on either side of the car path, above are individually lit and are also AA's. They act as tho they are throwing buckets of water out to mickey, and a colored jet of water shoots to him. (first one lit, then the other).

as the car closeson mickey and the door, mickey looks down, winks, and thrusts both hands at the guests, who are hit with blinding light and a strong force of wind. the car picks up speed and shoots into oz, to complete the sequence. :D


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Times Up!!

I dont have projects from Tiki or figmntal95! IF you still wish to send in a project you can post here till 10pm EST..

BUT you wont be in the running for Team Leader position for first project.

As no one will be elminated.

All information will be posted Tmrw morning, JUDGES feel free to post comments, on each of the projects..

TrevorA and I will be posting the offiical results tmrw morning.. Along with Project 1


Gaah, really sorry about being late. Stress of actual college kind of interfered this week. Anyways, here's my changed scene.

My idea for a replacement scene will be in the Jungle Cruise at Disneyland, California. The scene being replaced is the strip of ride at the beginning known as the "rain forest". Why is this being replaced? Simple. It's just not thrilling enough of an opening to the ride. I realize there's such thing as "transition", but really the Jungle Cruise in its current inception doesn't really get going until the bathing pool anyways. I figured I'd put in a little action a without as much wait.

I've always felt that crocodiles don't get enough "face time" in the Jungle Cruise, being carnivorous river reptiles and all, you'd think they'd play more of a role than just "be careful kids, ginger snaps." So my idea for a replacement of the rain forest is to right off the bat, as soon as you leave the station, enter Crocodile Lagoon. In this small section, much like the piranah section you'd see paintings of crocodiles along the rocks. There will be three turntable crocodiles swimming around the boat. Suddenly, a rush of water comes up to the boat, and two crocodiles begin snapping at the guests on both sides. The skipper has to use his gun to scare them off.

I feel that this scene not only gives us a stronger opening, but also links the piranah scene together and gives us a memorable set piece from one of the most under-utilized creatures on the Jungle Cruise's riverways.



Active Member
Am I too late? Sorry I've just been busy this entire week. Also I totally forgot you had changed the date from the 21st. Even if it doesn't count, here is my project:

Disney bought Marvel, which is a huge deal, but they still really haven't done much with it. My idea would be to replace the Tarzan scene in the Great Movie Ride with Marvel Superheroes.

On the left side of the room would be a scene from X-Men. The X-Men are battling it out with Magento and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

On the right side would be the scene from the third Spiderman movie where Mary Jane would be caught in a web, and Spiderman swings in (using the same technology as when Tarzan swings in) to battle Venom.

New Effects:
-New Audio: music from the SPiderman movie and character voices.
-Laser effects for Cyclops' eyes
-Mystique AA actually can transform into different characters.
-Toad AA can jump.
-Venom AA will be similar to Hopper, and will even spit acid (water) onto guests
-Storm AA will fly on a track and create a wind effect.
-Mary Jane's net will drop a few feet every few seconds.
-As the car is exiting the scene, Magneto attempts to throw a giant ball of metal at the vehicle, but Storm blasts it away with lightning.
-A Wolverine AA will interact with the guide, saying: "Get yourself and your cargo outta here, bub, before it gets ugly" to which the guide will respond "


tiki, i understand college stress... this week was really bad, and I didn't do too well :P i almost didnt get this in on time, i had to type it up quick at work XD got in some trouble...

:) i apologize for teh way my entry is written tho; i had to slightly shorthand somethings to get it done in time; somethings are a little difficult to understand and others arent fully written out :(

Otherwise, good luck, and there's some great stuff here! :)


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Thanks figmntal for the entry. Yes it counts, BUT you just can be in the running for the "leadership" portion ofproject one.

I figured it was partially my fault b.c of the wrong date in the title, and we cant change the title.

Ill post the outcome in couple...


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Practice Project 2 Feedback:
Top 5 (ive taken his list and just put the top 5)
1- stitchcastle
2- Maneatingwreath
3- circusole
4- Tazer19
5- jasonflz

MaterA113-- (not in any particular order)
- figmntal95- i liked it a lot, even though i HOPE that disney wont put Marvel in the parks, this seems like a good, solid addition, this seems like theONLY place that they would be a nice addition.
- WDW Vacationer- seems ok, bit confusing. Not great, but not horrible. I am a bit confused, sorry. And I know that you can do better
-MANEATINGWREATH- I love the Jungle Cruise, it seems ok, and a bit overdone, but over all good story and theme
- Chrononymous- glad someone did Kali River Rapids, LOVE how it takes a kinda boring area and adds life to it AND makes it fit in with the story
- kermitdefrog- originally I was IFFY because it just seemed to be another PotC scene, but overall good, I liked the take over, and I think it would work better if it replaced the gangster/western scene, as there would be more room. Overall, great improvement from PP1.
- CharlieD- happy you did KRR also, love the inclusion of history, and love the story inclusion, great job, but its not a specific scene.
- stitchcastle- I liked the replacement great addition to the boring finale, I also like the incorporation of the RFID technology
- tazer19- ok, since AiW isnt even out yet I wouldn’t consider it a classic, BUT that being said, I like the idea and effects, BUT it seems to big to fit in such a small place
- jasonflz- of course it seems like an obvious choice, but you did a great job to make it different than other ideas out there, im personally not a SW fan, but it was a good addition and would fit in that space
- Tiki- even though I’ve never been to DL, the seem does seem boring, especially if its similar to WDW’s, it’s a good replacement
- Fractal514- ok, it wasn’t great, but it seemed kinda boring
- MathewGW- personally not a fan of Lord of the Rings, but it was a great scene, LOVED the effects of the scene
-circusole- liked the Living with the Land replacement, great addition to a very very boring area
-FutureImagenner- seems like a good addition, cant see it working though, but good start, its an improvement from the first project
-Mewhunter67- I liked it, but as you said, it’s a refurbishment, NOT a REDO!

Overall: Great job all around! I’m pleasantly surprised, and you all improved over the first project. I’m glad you all are in this season. It was kinda easier to compare when almost everyone did Great Movie Ride, but for me the stand outs were the ones that were DIFFERENT, so Living with the Land and Kali River Rapids. Once again, great job can’t wait for the rest of the season.

After a deliberation with TrevorA, we have decided that: (we looked at both Practice Project 1 AND 2.) Official Team Leaders for Round 1- Project 1: stitchcastle, and jasonflz

Will post first REAL project of Round 1- Project 1 will be posted momentarily WITH the team list AND our layout for judging and teams for the rest of the season. Stay Tuned!

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