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  1. Bravo 229

    WDW Picture of the Day (Beautiful Blue Skies!)

    WDW 40th Sing Along by Brava Centauri, on Flickr
  2. Bravo 229

    Oct 1 40th Merchandise

    I got to the TTC at 5:30am and there were about 30 people waiting for the gates to the monorail/boat to open up. We were then told the monorail wouldn't be operational until 7am and we could either wait or walk to the Magic Kingdom. A large group of us walked to the MK because per the webpage...
  3. Bravo 229

    Does anyone still collect pins?

    I have a small collection, around 30 or so, which is comprised of a few rare pins and some special event pins. They're not particularly displayed anywhere, but I have some on a lanyard and one Norway Mickey pin from EPCOT that I put on my golfing hat - I guess you could say its my good luck pin!
  4. Bravo 229

    WDW Attraction Pictures

    Figment of Imagination by Brava Centauri, on Flickr
  5. Bravo 229

    WDW Picture of the Day (Beautiful Blue Skies!)

    Big Thunder Mountain Railroad by Brava Centauri, on Flickr
  6. Bravo 229


    I saw it from the EPCOT Monorail station. Didn't get any pics, but it was neat to see for sure!
  7. Bravo 229

    Observations from Magic Kingdom 9/24/11

    I was there that night, and got back out to the TTC around 11:45. I noticed three or four families hop on the tram around me have to get off because they forgot they had parked in the Hero zone (I was in the Villains lot). I think it will be great in the long run to reduce the tram waits, but...
  8. Bravo 229

    WDW Photo of the Day Thread (Part 9)

    Tree of Life by Brava Centauri, on Flickr
  9. Bravo 229

    Can any theme parks other then Disney use Disney show material?

    I'm not a legal expert, but I am very sure they would need consent from Disney to use any of the properties they have the exclusive rights to. If Mickey appeared at a local theme park, it was either pre-arranged between the companies, or they brought in the Mouse illegally (without permission)...
  10. Bravo 229

    WDW Picture of the Day (Evening Shots)

    Imagination! by Brava Centauri, on Flickr
  11. Bravo 229

    WDW Photo of the Day Thread (Part 9)

    Spaceship Earth by Brava Centauri, on Flickr
  12. Bravo 229

    WDW Picture of the Day (Beautiful Blue Skies!)

    Reflections of Spaceship Earth by Brava Centauri, on Flickr
  13. Bravo 229

    Which should i skip

    If you have to, skip Animal Kingdom. If crowds are low, you could easily start at AK and be in the Studios by noon if you were to do both as mentioned above.
  14. Bravo 229

    The Return of Figment and Dreamfinder

    But the money being spent on AVATAR is for something that is long overdue... Hopefully after they refurb Test Track, Imagination will be the next thing in EPCOT to get some attention!
  15. Bravo 229

    The Return of Figment and Dreamfinder

    I would say that was more of a teaser or possibly even a curtain call for the Dreamfinder character for now. I too would love to see them both return to the park and attraction, but there's no indication of if or when that will happen. Having said that, who would've ever thought Captain EO or...
  16. Bravo 229

    Favorite Disney Park Musical Past or Present

    Tarzan Rocks! wins in a close contest. The former Hunchback show and the Nemo musical are right up there too!
  17. Bravo 229

    Downtown Disney: Unimpressed

    Go to Earl of Sandwich and order the Holiday'll be back! :animwink:
  18. Bravo 229

    How do you see the resort?

    Its all part of the great circle of life...I mean WDW.
  19. Bravo 229

    I think some folks need to re-evaluate how critical they are with Disney...seriously

    I'll admit it, I've long been one of those who complains at every little thing Disney does to WDW, but lately I've been trying to look at things from a more logical point of view. With the announcement of a new AVATAR land, I for one am excited to see where this goes. Animal Kingdom has been...
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