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    Where do you leave the mousekeeping tip?

    The "huh" part you ask of, is FACT.
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    Dinosaur quietly losing sponsorship? (No surprise really)

    I agree about the non-tolerance of Political correctness, it is the demise of free intellect and individualism. And, i could care less WHO sponsored the ride. Money talks, whomever pays up, gets the advertisement. WDW has ALWAYS had sponsorship of some attractions. Im a White Castle guy, lets...
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    Where do you leave the mousekeeping tip?

    no, dont worry about me. Its MY resposibility to ensure me/my families future. Individualism, thats what built this nation, and our founding Fathers spoke of it. But, if you want , you MAY call me bro. and, if you like, Cincy will be testing for "fire recruit" in late July. If you can "pay...
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    Analysts project 10 pct attendance decline at Disney's U.S. parks

    Very respectable post. and accurate. But as for "how can it?" that lies with the individual that is trying. no one else.
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    Analysts project 10 pct attendance decline at Disney's U.S. parks

    How many hours of work hours or days is in that one day? Who cares? I work alot of O.T. to acheive our every other year trip. I am happy to do it. Things cost money. Period. And, WDW or D.L. is a bargain compared to other vacation destinations. Some folks afford things, some cant. What do...
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    Where do you leave the mousekeeping tip?

    Thanks for the friend comment. Its important in life to be friends. Also, if one goes to..."wdwlive" i believe...jeez, im just not sure of the can find the pod cast concerning the whole mousekeeping tips thing. It may have been on wdwinfo pod cast.....:confused: But in the end, i want...
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    Analysts project 10 pct attendance decline at Disney's U.S. parks

    You are wrong on EVERY point. 1. Quanity does not trump quality, do you really think six flags is a better park than the M.K., if so, you're on the wrong board. 2. I stated its a priviledge to visit WDW. Which, it is. D.L. when it FIRST opened was "expensive" by economic standards then. Do...
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    Where do you leave the mousekeeping tip?

    Mousekeeping is a non tipped position at WDW. They are union employees that make appox 12-13.00 per hour, or more. Actually, it is a good job to have at the "world" some will say, MUCH better than a basic C.M. And, they have opportunities to make more through incentives. This was a topic on...
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    When will we see the following in WDW?

    Actually, JITI i heard, and i HOPE, is supposed to get a major rehab in 2010. This is according to Jim Hill, i think. I need to try to look it up. As for the others, not sure.
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    Analysts project 10 pct attendance decline at Disney's U.S. parks

    Thats a good point. We too, now with 2 kids, stay at the Values to save some $$. However, im working a ton of O.T. NOW to save for our 2011 trip. We want to stay at either W.L. or C.S.R.
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    Analysts project 10 pct attendance decline at Disney's U.S. parks

    Rest assured, not everyone could afford to goto D.L. when it opened. Not even close. And, since when is it "elite" to think that someone has acheived financial stability enough to afford a vacation. Is it elite to be middle class? In not sure where you get that from. I stated that it is a...
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    booking online vs calling

    I appreciate the support and kind words. And, yes it is important to call WDW for ressies. One never knows what they can get unless they ASK.
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    Analysts project 10 pct attendance decline at Disney's U.S. parks

    There is a HUGE difference between the "priviledged" and those that are priviledged to go. I think you are having a difficult time understanding the difference. We are FAR from "priviledged' however, we work to earn a living that gives us the ability "priviledge" to be able to take a vacation...
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    Replacing Downtown disney/pleasure island?

    Why not just build P.I. WAY out in the everglades? Keep the rif raf/less than disireables away from WDW and Downtown Disney. Honestly, A radically VERY FEW will miss that place. THEE best decision Disney has made since building WDW was to close P.I. I cant ever remember a time (when on...
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    Analysts project 10 pct attendance decline at Disney's U.S. parks

    Well, there you go. I forgot about that. See, sirgoofy.....One CAN go for free. So, no more complaining about the cost of Disney. Even a poor person can get in for free on their birthday. Does this count for ALL the citizens of the world?:)
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    booking online vs calling

    Do whatever is cheapest. Oddly enough, i get cheaper rates on the phone. There is alot of "discounts" that one can get by either having a code or simply ASKING. I have gotten AAA rates many times, and im NOT a member. I just kinda...throw it out there about being a firefighter.:) But...
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