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  1. mightyduck

    Official Meet T-Shirt Thread

    Woohoo! I can't wait to get mine! :) Thanks, Zac!
  2. mightyduck

    Happy Birthday Mitzer!

    Woohoo! Happy birthday!
  3. mightyduck

    Just what we need...

    Oh, Maria! This DOES feel like it's too soon! I was thinking of you as soon as I heard.... Take care, and know that you're in our thoughts.
  4. mightyduck

    Atten Students: School Protest

    Well, the key is "unauthorized." Ask for it to be put in your 504 plan, Figment. It is a valid accommodation. I teach in a public high school--they are certainly allowed if it is for 504 or IEP accommodations.
  5. mightyduck

    Atten Students: School Protest

    I know what the 504 plan laws require; I do it all the time. However, a) you were complaining about the content of the class, which has nothing to do with your needing a 504 accommodation, b) you were demonstrating through your post that you maybe needed to pay more attention because you clearly...
  6. mightyduck

    Atten Students: School Protest

    All right, then. :)
  7. mightyduck

    Atten Students: School Protest

    Okay, wait... You WANT to be in Darrel's pants? I'm so confused...
  8. mightyduck

    Atten Students: School Protest

    Hmm... Good question. I propose we launch Figment1986 and find out if any measurable intellect was gained upon re-entry. ;)
  9. mightyduck

    Atten Students: School Protest

    Amen, brother Tramp! :)
  10. mightyduck

    Atten Students: School Protest

    You need a 504 accommodation for your wrist, and you're complaining about content? Give me a break. You are looking for excuses, you lazy thing, and the real world doesn't care what kind of physical accommodation you need if there's nothing in your head. Blame someone else. Good plan. Why didn't...
  11. mightyduck

    NJ Shore

    Oh, and for the record... I didn't say I LIKED Sawmill pizza. I thought my story was really more of a discouragement. As for my brother, I suspect alcohol may have been involved though he denies it, and I think when his band plays there, they get fed and watered on the house.... But we don't...
  12. mightyduck

    NJ Shore

    June 30th! I have to go until June 30th! I can't take this anymore!!!!!! But your support is helpful. :) (The kids are completely out of control--we have OVER A WEEK between finals (today) and the last day of school.... The kids know it and they are being sent home for the rest of the...
  13. mightyduck

    any harry potter fans?

    Well, i guess I know how I'll be spending my weekend! I pre-ordered my copy months ago from Amazon, also.... I hope it's here when I get home on Friday so I can relax with a good book! :)
  14. mightyduck

    Happy Birthday Tigggrl

    Oh, wow.... That's hard to follow. I didn't get you a sports car. This will have to do: Happy Birthday! :sohappy: Woohoo! :sohappy: Hope it's a great Disney day for you! :)
  15. mightyduck

    NJ Shore

    Yeah, good idea. The worst part was when I saw the dog the next day. I pointed out to my mom that there was something wrong with the dog--she was eating dirt. And then my mom told me she knew, and it wasn't dirt, and then she told me what the dog was eating.... And I wished she had let me think...
  16. mightyduck

    NJ Shore

    Oh, there you are, Susan! Good luck on finals! (And bless your heart for being done this week! I have two more weeks! NOooooo! And you guys thought the teachers LIKED going to school!) Yes, several Ocean County members are lurking about. :) We know where you are (not specifically, of...
  17. mightyduck

    NJ Shore

    And I now have a Sunday evening wedding planned for August.... My north Jersey family is going to love the ride home... (just stay over! Go home Monday!)
  18. mightyduck

    NJ Shore

    Does it count as spending your summer at the shore if you are a year-round resident? ;) I know--the traffic this weekend, with the weather finally clearing a bit and warming up and Father's Day and all, has just been horrendous! I drove to Large Hospital yesterday, and it was crazy! All the...
  19. mightyduck

    Official Meet T-Shirt Thread

    Oh, no, no... Thank *you*! :)
  20. mightyduck

    Resort stores question

    I have in the past mailed a box to myself at the resort Priority Mail (not really that expensive) of things I didn't want to worry about opening in my carryon (I never check luggage) or, uh, didn't want to worry about getting past security for a number of reasons.... (I also put all...
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