Search results

  1. goofyguy

    Woo Hoo! I'm now a cast member!

    I decided this week (for the experience of having done it more than anything else) to see about getting a weekend job at WDW. So I went in for an interview this morning and 3 hours later I emerged a cast member. After my Traditions class this weekend I'll be a host at Innoventions. Not...
  2. goofyguy

    Test Track lines..What's up

    I can't speak for everyday at Test Track, but it just so happens I was doing data collection there on the 4th. What happened that day was that Test Track shut down for 40 minutes due to an electrical storm in the area. The majority of people in the Fastpass line opted to leave and were given...
  3. goofyguy

    Temping at Disney

    I can't be sure, but considering what I've heard regular cast members make, I believe I was making more. They tried to fill most of the positions with cast members, but when they didn't have enough, they called in temps. I was only there for 3 weeks, and just a few days each week. The...
  4. goofyguy

    New Queue Configuration For Test Track

    Hey! You beat me to it. I was just getting on here to post that. And dxwwf3, the Single rider line still goes to Briefing Room 3 (or at least it did as of yesterday). I just finished a temporary assignment last night where I spent 8 hours counting the people going through the Single Rider...
  5. goofyguy

    ISTCrew's July 27th WDW Update

    Patrick, You didn't happen to grab a bite at the Plaza Pavilion yesterday did you? I only know you from pictures on this site, so I couldn't be sure, but I thought I recognized you. Since I don't really know you though, I didn't want to just run up to a random person and say "Hey, aren't...
  6. goofyguy

    Temping at Disney

    Although I moved to Florida a year ago, I'm just getting around to looking for a job. Since landing a permanent position can sometimes take a while, I decided to sign up with a Temp Agency. So what's the first job they assign me to? Disney! :D I worked in Epcot last week, the Magic...
  7. goofyguy

    Changes coming to Kali River?

    I did actually look for that, and no, none of them did. And Mr. Nonacho, I do not know, nor have I ever known any Imagineers (either real or dreamed up in my fevered imagination). :) I'm not insisting Kali IS changing. Merely sharing an overheard bit of conversation that in all...
  8. goofyguy

    Changes coming to Kali River?

    Today I was at the Animal Kingdom doing a few laps around the park. (Part of my exercise regime involves going to AK or Epcot a couple of times a week and doing a few brisk laps around the park). Anyway, as I was passing the Everest area, I noticed a group of Disney employees having a...
  9. goofyguy

    Photo Slide Show on Spaceship Earth

    They were actual photos, not laser images. Some of the images worked better than others. The landscapes -- Seattle skyline (I think), San Fransisco Bay, etc. -- were a bit hard to make out. The U.S. flag, however, was amazing. A few of the other images I remember -- The Capital Building...
  10. goofyguy

    You know you're from...

    You know you're from TEXAS if: 1. You measure distance in hours. 2. You've ever had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day. 3. Stores don't have bags; they have sacks. 4. Stores don't have shopping carts; they have buggies. 5. You see a car running in the parking lot at the store...
  11. goofyguy

    Goofyguy’s E-ticket Extravaganza!

    Three Parks – Six Attractions – Four Hours: Can it be done? First, let me set the stage. I’m a stay-at-home dad (at least until the kids head to Dallas to spend the summer with the grandparents) and it’s a pretty rare occasion that I get to talk to an adult other than my wife. As such, I...
  12. goofyguy

    Which way do you hang...

    I'm with you. I like my roll to be free roaming.
  13. goofyguy

    Any experienced baby swappers??

    You also have to go through the line for Kali River Rapids, although you can bring your stroller with you. However, don't worry about trying to remember how each attraction operates. Just let the cast member in front of the attraction know that you would like to do a baby swap and he/she...
  14. goofyguy


    I like cheese. Oooo! I see something shiny in another thread. Gotta go!
  15. goofyguy

    Wiggles merchandise?

    It was still there two weeks ago. That's the only place I know for sure that they have Wiggles merchandise, but I would bet you can find it other places as well.
  16. goofyguy

    Hopping for one day

    You also may want to try visiting Guest Relations. They might let you pay for one day and exchange your unused days to get a 4-day Park Hopper. Now, please keep in mind that I have absolutely no affiliation with Disney, so I don't know whether or not this is something they will do, but it...
  17. goofyguy

    If you lived near DisneyWorld....

    My family and I moved to the Orlando area from Dallas in August of last year. We're only about 20 minutes away, so we do something in the parks about once a week, even if it's only for an hour or two. As for the work question, my wife found a new job about a week after she started looking...
  18. goofyguy

    School Mascot Battle

    At my high school we were the Skeeters. At football games they would haul out this giant Mosquito with little fists at the end of its arms (or legs) and a sinister smile under its long, pointy nose. Oh, how I hated that beast.
  19. goofyguy

    City of Tomorrow

    Doing a quick search, I found the following: The info is from this site: The site also has what looks like a drawing of the city, however it's not very clear.
  20. goofyguy

    City of Tomorrow

    cloudboy, I have vague memories of the city in World of Motion as well, and it was definately not the model of Epcot that's currently seen in the TTA. I'm not sure I remember it well enough to provide an accurate description, however. What I seem to remember (which could very well be...
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