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  1. Katya

    At sse

    Unfortunately (mostly on part of us cast members) they have to schedule enough of us to be there the entire day so if/when they open the ride then there's enough people to run the entire ride rotation. That being said, when the ride is not open, there are at least 7 extra people running around...
  2. Katya

    SSE Reviews

    Load and Unload were indeed spruced up a bit. I know it's probably not something that most people would recognize, but after spending a couple of hours sitting around in it you can tell. The turntables themselves are not new or different, but that would be pretty impossible to have changed, but...
  3. Katya

    Spaceship Earth Re-opening WDWMagic Meet

    I would definitely be in on this! Provided that this is not a day that I work. Which I might try to do because it would be cool to work on re-opening day. But, as it seems to me there's still some confusion, the date that any SSE CM should be telling you is grand opening is February the 18th...
  4. Katya

    SSE Reviews

    SO I just got back, my roommate and I got distracted at MK for too long so we missed riding, which is sad, but I was surprised to see the wall down and Power City (the shuffleboard type game) up! I know they've been working pretty hard on it, btu I thought the date they gave us for opening it...
  5. Katya

    Is anyone else avoiding the SSE threads?

    I read through them, but only because I'm ridiculously curious as to what people are thinking. I myself have only ridden the ride once so far, but I know that I'm impressed with what's there and have a lot of faith in the "they aren't done at all" story. Not to say I know anything officially...
  6. Katya

    Spaceship Earth - my opinions of the refurb - very very dissapointing

    There's no grand unveiling. It's a preview stage. A we're not done working yet stage. Of all things to wait until last to be worked on, load and unload would be last, if you asked me. For all intents and purposes it seems so much more like testing than anything else (although that's not it's...
  7. Katya

    SSE - Screen Error..? (2 pics)

    I got to watch one of the Super Drivers in the post show area boot up one day, it was pretty cool. :D
  8. Katya

    SSE - Screen Error..? (2 pics)

    Like the sign says when you walk in, it's only a look into and there are a lot of things still being worked on. I think this is probably a result of that.
  9. Katya

    SSE Reviews

    Heh, I've been trying to catch up on all this talk, but it's just so much!! I'd like to say, just in case anyone is wondering as there seems to be question (maybe?)...we don't officially open until February 18th of 2008. That is our date and it doesn't seem to be changing. Also, I believe we...
  10. Katya

    Peeps on SSE! Soft openings!

    All of the scenes are technically called show scenes. For instance "Caveman" and "Egyptians" and "Renaissance." :D So I got to see them in a little more detail, let's say. And a little closer (nothing like standing right next to it all).
  11. Katya

    Peeps on SSE! Soft openings!

    Hi everyone! First of all, I'd just like to say I've been terribly entertained reading this thread. Next, I'd like to say (again, as I put in quite a bit of input into the 180top thread referenced earlier) that I am indeed a SSE cast member and I worked the entire weekend! And I'm so glad...
  12. Katya

    Spaceship in Spaceship Earth

    If said spinning lights you're talking about are the ones after the classroom and clouds...then yes, they do spin, but they move at, so far as I can tell, nearly the same speed as the ride vehicles so you never really notice. Every time I've been up in the ride with lights on and been in that...
  13. Katya

    Spaceship in Spaceship Earth

    On a side note, I'll be going in to work today from 9-3. I'll see if I can't glean any new information for you all, although tomorrow is the more likely day for me to discover things. And if anyone is deciding to stop by, I'll be the one that looks just generally too tired to be there and...
  14. Katya

    SSE Postshow/New Turtle Talk/Character Spot

    Funny, leave work for a weekor two and they change it all. Should be interesting to get back to SSE, that's for sure.
  15. Katya

    Spaceship in Spaceship Earth

    Indeed, I'm not sure where the gutters are, but I do know that there is a walkway (with decent space to walk on for an average sized person; not a leaisurely stroll, but if it was needed to do work) around about the middle. It's fun because if you look out the door, you can see Downtown Disney...
  16. Katya

    Spaceship in Spaceship Earth

    I can't quite tell if this has been disproved, but after watching video of the old ride (which I believe is yours, Martin, found it on MouseBits) these rotating gobos would have to be after it, not to mention that the AA in the window would have been in this same room, as the shots of the...
  17. Katya

    Fun Fan get together for EPCOT's 25th on Oct 1st

    I'm not so sure this VIP tour is what you're thinking. As a CM who works at SSE, we see these groups come through all the time, generally very large families, who don't want to be bothered with planning their day themselves. So far as I know, there's not a whole lot of information to be...
  18. Katya

    Spaceship in Spaceship Earth

    Behind that wall up there is really most of the scenes you see in the Neighborhood Vingettes (what we call it). Half of them are really just reflections of what is up above, you can tell if you're really looking at it. I very well might be able to say I could do that. Time allowing in other...
  19. Katya

    Spaceship in Spaceship Earth

    Interesting. Like I said, I really haven't a clue how they get them on and off the tracks, but I also am pretty sure that they just don't do it all that often. I'm not sure where the hatch is on the outside, but I am sure that you can see it even with work lights out if you're looking in the...
  20. Katya

    Fun Fan get together for EPCOT's 25th on Oct 1st

    As a current Epcot CM, I had already fully intended on being there that day one way or another. And I'm entirely excited, so of course, count me in.
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