Peeps on SSE! Soft openings!


Well-Known Member
the old space station scene...later the floating news and classroom the infinite star a clear tribute to the original pegboard walls that used to be fitted to the sides of the walls that were at the very end of the descent tunnel from 1982-1994. :cool:

The animation itself seems to be a tribute to the animation seen in the neon city of the 50s in horizons. The style is very WDI retro. :D

But does it all tie in? :eek:


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Original Poster
I am at mgm as we speak. Does anyone know if it is still open. I am debating trying to get over there if it is!

Was open until i left, not too long ago, so give it a try. If people are in the queue, they'll shortly reopen the doors and let more in, though telling you to go away.


Well-Known Member
I was able to ride SSE twice today and these are my thoughts:

I am not at all thrilled with the end. You have this great build up and then an awesome climax with the 180 top but from then on its all down hill (figuratively and literally) into a big black mess. The only part of "the return to earth" that I enjoyed was the first lighting effect. It was very cool but it only lasted for a few seconds.

I think it's great that Disney is trying to make the theme park experience more personal and interactive I just feel that the "create your world of tomorrow" is so much of a cop out. Disney you could have taken this to the next level by creating scenes that have video screens built into the sets like in the Nemo attraction at the Seas. As you ride back to earth the choices you make about the future could appear in the show. Instead I get a boring second rate video that I quickly grew tired of. Also if I were to change my mind about a choice I had no way to go back and fix it. I also know that there are some individuals out there who may not want to select any choices and ignore the screen prompts altogether. For them they have nothing to look at for the last five minutes of their ride. Also in the "create your own future" it asks you where you are from but does not relate this to you at all in your video.

I think Judi Dench did a wonderful job on the narration but she is cozy and quaint for an attraction that requires a grand and impressive narration. I think it's great to have a female narrator but I miss the commanding presence of Jeremy Irons. I also feel the script itself as mentioned before insults the intelligence of the audience, although it didn't bother me as much the second time I rode it. Still I would like to see some tweaking of the script.

I think all the scenes looked amazing with the small touches they made to each one. My favorite little change would have to be the cave drawings moving. I also thought the two news scenes (although the first one more than the second) looked great. My only complaints with the scenes are I miss the video of Walt in the living room (which looks SO much better than the abstract living room it once was!), the fact that you have this big black ball of nothing after the "matrix" tunnel before the 180 top, and I was extremely, extremely upset they removed the Greek Theater scene. Theatre has played such a role in our history I find it upsetting that there is reference to all the arts but no reference to theatre.

While I knew I would miss the old score I'm still on the fence about the new one. It goes back to my problem with Judi being quaint and cozy. The new score just feels to trapped to me. When I think of Epcot's music I always think of Grand and Powerful and Majestic and Inspired. This music was just, nice. It lacks the showmanship of Epcot.

Another thought I had while riding the ride is that now with the touch screens it is clear that there is an on-board computer with the ability to play two different audio tracks in a car for the passengers in the front row and the back row. Now a days with so much focus on Diversity (especially in Epcot with World Showcase) and the fact that WDW brings in so many foreign guest why isn't there the option to pick what language the narration is in? It just seems like a no brainer to me.

Now I realize that the ride is not finished but at the start of the ride they took my picture. I was told this would be important for later but at no time did it ever come up again. Is this for the post show?

Despite my disappointment with the end I feel the Imagineers did a wonderful job with this refurbishment and re-imagining of Space Ship Earth. I can not wait to see the final product on February 18th.


the old space station scene...later the floating news and classroom the infinite star a clear tribute to the original pegboard walls that used to be fitted to the sides of the walls that were at the very end of the descent tunnel from 1982-1994. :cool:

The animation itself seems to be a tribute to the animation seen in the neon city of the 50s in horizons. The style is very WDI retro. :D

But does it all tie in? :eek:

You know what would be really funny? If they ever actually build another incarnation of Horizons and they look back on the future of the 80's, they use an actual ride scene from Horizons? That would be hilarious.:p


New Member
I'm very sad.


I've posted a handful of things from this week. But, I'm so so sad. Everyone I've met up with has been on the ride. I have no ability to get a PM while on the go tomorrow. If the ride is open or going to open, could someone actually give me a call just to let me know? I literally walked by it today and since I can't see, didn't know the door was open. So upset, so please call. Now, the number is written backwards here to prevent spammers from harvesting it, so read it from end to beginning then dial.


I'm hoping that someone would be nice enough to do me that favor. Otherwise I'm not going back for a solid year.



Well-Known Member
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm."
-Al Gore, Futurama

Today, after much depression on Thursday, and a day of being upset on Friday, I have been on Spaceship Earth! When I got in, they had just closed from the morning previews, and I then waited for hours, including being at the head of the HUGE line to see the wall! (If you were there, you know what I mean!)

In one word, fantastic. It really ensures Spaceship Earth's survival for years to come!

More Tomorrow.

"I am so sleepy I can barely keep awake."
-Hercules, MST3K


Active Member
Before I jump into bed I wanted to share some pics from the insanity that was the wait for SSE earlier today. More can be found here on my Flickr page it includes pictures of the exterior and interior. Enjoy!





2 and a half hours pass...




Well-Known Member
The curtains on the walls were covering the old scenes from the finale.

the beginning of the ascent also features curtains with the star field lights embedded in them, perhaps they bought them in bulk, they do their job mostly... except for the brightness of the monitor making them more obvious.


New Member
It's hard to pass judgment without actually riding, but the narration seems like a teacher trying to teach 5th grade students a history lesson. I agree that in the previous SSE narration that there were some holes as there are a lot of people who have not stuided early history and some may have been lost. There is no way to get lost with Judi--nope--she lets it all hang out! :)

I also agree that the music is just "eh". I am not trying to put down older people at all (I'm no spring chicken) but this sounds like a great-grandma talking to us. Sure it can be comforting, but since the ride is very slow and long we need some excitement here. Like when Irons used to say "the renaissance!" he said it with such enthusiasm.

I'm sure it's fine and it better be because it will be another 20 years before we see anything brand new. Probably by that time I won't be around or care enough to see it! :)



New Member
Thanks all for the great info. Does anyone know if SSE will stay open all the time now, or is it hit and miss like last week. We will be there Thursday-Sunday. Hoping for a ride (it's my wife's favorite!!). Again, thanks for all your updates.


New Member
Hi everyone!

First of all, I'd just like to say I've been terribly entertained reading this thread.

Next, I'd like to say (again, as I put in quite a bit of input into the 180top thread referenced earlier) that I am indeed a SSE cast member and I worked the entire weekend! And I'm so glad someone put pictures up of the craziness outside, because I swear no one would have believed it.

I'm also surprised no one's seemed to mention our fantastic new costumes. (Okay, so, in case you couldn't tell, some of us aren't fans.)

I know that even I myself while the ride was open this weekend only got to ride once, but I got a pretty good look at the show scenes from 180top back down to load (walked the track backwards) and I'm a big fan of the improvements.

A couple of things I know people wondered about...there's no language selection, but we've always had Ears to the World for guests that you can get at guest services which translates many attraction to different languages with individual rides having their own...broadcasts or something or other. It may not be functional yet, but it's always been an option before.

I also know that if no selections are made on the monitors it probably choses a video at random. On my initial ride through there was no one in front of us and there was still a video on the way down.

Photo capture is coming, I know. As other people have said, these are just previews and everything isn't done. Not to mention, we haven't even been told about anything that isn't there.

Personally, I have a few favorite touches. I love the new video for the Caveman/Mammoth scene, it looks very impressive to me. While I'm also sad to see the greek theater scene go, I'm very impressed with the new Greek classroom (it's supposed to be some sort of astronomy class, I believe) and I really do love it. The Sistene Chapel scene was opened up significantly and you can now see Michelangelo painting and even his face! The main frame computer room is also a big favorite of mine. And, from what I understand, that Dodge Charger outside the garage scene is, in fact, a real Dodge Charger. Or so I've been told. Yet no one seems to want to tell us how they got it there.

Overall, I can assure you from my studying of the ride, every scene has been touched. There are a lot of new costumes, and everything in general has most definitely been spruced up.

I will also say, in defense of myself and my fellow cast members, if we seem slightly put off by the questions, forgive us. I think while I was working this weekend I didn't go 30 seconds without someone asking me if the ride was going to open and in truth we don't have any advance notice. It fluctuates greatly (especially because as someone stated, the Imagineers are there and they are actively working in the ride during the day). I can also say most of us have been working quite a few hours due to this event. We love it, but lots of hours make tired people.

I'd be willing to answer any other questions (if I can, of course) so feel free to throw them my way. I know I'm very excited myself about all this. SSE has a very special place in my heart now, so I was just as eager to see it as you all were!


Well-Known Member
I know that even I myself while the ride was open this weekend only got to ride once, but I got a pretty good look at the show scenes from 180top back down to load (walked the track backwards) and I'm a big fan of the improvements.

What show scenes?!?!?!?


She says she walked it backwards so she means from 180top back to where it starts. She said where it loads.So still no info if there is in fact more to the ending.


New Member
All of the scenes are technically called show scenes. For instance "Caveman" and "Egyptians" and "Renaissance." :D So I got to see them in a little more detail, let's say. And a little closer (nothing like standing right next to it all).


Well-Known Member
Sorry I thought she meant the descent she walked down. I was getting excited there, thinking there was still more to come in the descent. Yes the bottom up is fantasic, top to bottom is sad.


New Member
In case anyone wants another video of the new Spaceship Earth, I've posted mine (with binaural audio) here:

I tend to agree with most of the posts on here. First half: OUTSTANDING. I really don't miss any of the old scenes, as they've kept most of my favorite bits. Having new animatronics in an old ride is like night and day. Everything is so smooth and lifelike now... really well done.

The second half... I'll hold judgement until it's done. As it stands now, it needs work, but that's why it's a sneak preview. I think adding the photo capture heads into the cartoony video will make it a lot more fun, but not fun to the point where watching a video is better than seeing real scenes around you. Granted, the old scenes weren't that great, but something is better than nothing.

One of my favorite parts about riding the old SSE was relaxing to the music and fiber optics on the way down (even with all the bumps in the ride track). That relaxation has been replaced with very bright LCD screens that light up the darkness around you. Hopefully more will be done here.

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