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  1. nthebulln7

    Worth it?

    I love the response! I'm ready to pack my bags and get going! Well, time to start planning! Thank you all very much!!!!
  2. nthebulln7

    Worth it?

    Hello everyone! So i caught the wdw bug bad today and was looking at some deals to go to wdw for a weekend. In doing so i found that me and my friend could go down to wdw on feb 22-24 with a 3 day park hopper ticket at the Pop century resort for about $343 a person. My question to you guys...
  3. nthebulln7

    Caribbean Beach Resort

    My family and I have stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort 3 times and we absolutely loved it! I has a great Caribbean feel and is very nice for a moderate resort. Although I believe the main themed pool is going to be down for a while for some refurbishments, each little sub-section has its own...
  4. nthebulln7

    Disney's Hilton Head....

    Yea.... I think I should just start saving money. I'm from Atlanta as well but I go to Georgia Southern so Hilton head is pretty close. WDW is only about 5 hours away from here and i really want to take a weekend trip but being a college student, I'm always short on funds.
  5. nthebulln7

    Disney's Hilton Head....

    Thanks for all of you reviews! I just really need a Disney fix and was just wondering if this may fill a void for a while. I dont have a whole lot of money right now to go to WDW so i was just gonna see if this day trip would hit the spot.
  6. nthebulln7

    Disney's Hilton Head....

    Hi all! So I am in dire need to a Disney fix and i was wondering if Disney's Hilton Head Resort was worth a day trip to go check out. I only live about 2 hours away from Hilton Head and Disney World is a little expensive and far for me right now. Anybody have any reviews or comments? I was...
  7. nthebulln7

    Two Days - is it worth it?

    It's Disney! It's always worth it! Do whatever it takes!
  8. nthebulln7

    Forget The Parks!!! I.....

    Oh man, just chillin at the Yacht and Beach Club pool is the best! And then you could take a stroll around the boardwalk! I could do it all day, every day!
  9. nthebulln7

    Epcot, Magic Kingdom, & MGM all look magical at night..but what about Animal Kingdom?

    I think AK is awesome at night! It's so cool to see every path very lightly lit and it feels like your exploring a whole different park. Its great to just stroll and just take in the true beauty of that park. And the Tree of Life is perfectly lit so it shines from all angles! I wanna go back! lol
  10. nthebulln7

    how many more days for you?

    4 More Days!!!!
  11. nthebulln7

    What to do....

    Thats kind of what I had in mind but it sucks because the morning EMH are only for epcot and MGM. There is no EMH in the morning for the 30th! :(
  12. nthebulln7

    What to do....

    Ok so here is the scenario.... I will be at WDW on March 30, 31 and April 1. I am arriving on March 31 and leaving on April 2. I have a three day park hopper ticket and I would like to accomplish most things at the parks. If I go to the parks on the three days mentioned, how should I plan it? I...
  13. nthebulln7

    I have only one thing to say........

    might as well throw my number in.... 8 more days!!!!
  14. nthebulln7

    New Waterpark in Orlando, New worry for disney?

    Yea i thought they did it somewhere else. Ps I voted for you!
  15. nthebulln7

    New Waterpark in Orlando, New worry for disney?

    Does anybody else think that this waterpark wont work? I mean how are the animals gonna react when they have people zooming past them every min? I dont know, maybe im just a worry wart. But i must say, it does look like alot of fun!
  16. nthebulln7

    Top 10 Things To Do On Your Own

    This is a great thread. I really want to go to the world by myself. I just want to take everything very slowly so I can take it all in. I'm the Disney nut in my family so I want to see all the details, without rushing off everywhere!
  17. nthebulln7

    Disney Dream Job Contest

    I haven't heard anything back and I did the Haunted Mansion :( Oh well, i tried. I wish i could have tried harder lol. CONGRATS TO EVERYONE ELSE! YOU ALL HAVE MY VOTE!
  18. nthebulln7

    Disney Dream Job Contest

    Congrats everyone! I sadly have yet to hear anything :(
  19. nthebulln7

    Best scenery at WDW

    hahaha thanks! I was just conferming the fact!
  20. nthebulln7

    WDW Picture of the Day

    hahahah thanks!
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