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  1. F

    Indy Rumor

    I'm not gonna say how I know and I'm not gonna say this is definate but all I'll say is that even with the new movie do not count at all on an Indy ride at MGM. I'm not gonna explain, thats all im gonna say.
  2. F

    ET is Gone!!!:(

    MIB would look very nice. Still I think they are getting Spidey. I just do. It might take longer to build but they need something huge to compete with ToT at DCA. I don't think MIB would do that, I think it has to be a Spidey calibur ride. Just my opioion!.
  3. F

    Walt Disney World expansion in 2006/2007 ?

    Well here is my two cents. With obviously some sort of Everst attaction coming and something happening at Epcot this is proably getting pushed off the board for right now. While it might seem good you have to think about the bigger picture. Right now Disney does not have the moeny for us and...
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    ET is Gone!!!:(

    Jeez. You don't have to be so mean about it. I didn't know that but theres no need to get all snotty about it.
  5. F

    ET is Gone!!!:(

    Wow guys, don't get me strated with this updating stuff. Remember USH's version also recieved the 20th Anniversary. It was plastered huge on the side of the building. So for all of you who think they won't close it just because it got updated think twice. All I'm saying is USH's also had the...
  6. F

    The guy (or gal) above me!

    ^^^Doesn't like Gemini(lol i do) haha
  7. F

    The guy (or gal) above me!

    ^^^One of the nicest FREAKS ull meet.
  8. F

    The Mummy (check this out) !

    Alright lets look at the facts. Mission Space is a groundbreaking ride that has never been attempted before. The Mummy is a rollercoaster and thats basically all we know about it. Who knows how high calibur of a ride it's going to be. If you fil-flopped the two I'm sure they would still be...
  9. F

    The guy (or gal) above me!

    ^^^Knows anything and everything about Disney
  10. F

    The guy (or gal) above me!

    ^^^Has got a criminal record.
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    The guy (or gal) above me!

    ^^^Irish lad!!
  12. F

    WDWMagic Prom

    I think I wanna join the prom too. Seeing as there is an SUV limo there should be plenty of room for me lol. (time to get drunk)
  13. F

    The guy (or gal) above me!

    ^Always looking for that special hunny. LOL
  14. F

    The guy (or gal) above me!

    ^Loves Winnie the Pooh.(who doesn't) lol
  15. F

    The guy (or gal) above me!

    ^It spells Benjamin backwards.
  16. F

    ET is Gone!!!:(

    One can only hope they don't. They most likely won't. The only reason USH closed there's was because there attendence was so low it was not even worth running anymore. Plus with DCA opening ToT soon USH won't be too good with just E.T. That is why I think Spidey is going to make his way out...
  17. F

    The New 21 Question WDW Detective Game!!

    Oh haha I had no idea. How did ya do? Thats really neat. So whats Alex really like , lol?
  18. F

    ET is Gone!!!:(

    Well the reason was attendence was doing bad. To tell you the truth they have been wanting to close it for a while but did not want to hurt Speilberg's feelings. The attendence just was sub-par to the other rides and it was a ride like "been there, done that". Also USH has really wanted...
  19. F

    ET is Gone!!!:(

    Well it is official. Today at USH ET was closed. It has even been taken off there website. Rumors are suggesting that a duplicate of the Mummy Coaster thats being built at USF is going to replace it. Personally I think that we will see Spidey make his way out West. The only problem with...
  20. F

    Ride videos?

    There are some at Orlando and a few other at this site I cant think of right now.
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