Ride videos?


New Member
The only ones i have seen are the ones at the Universal official page those are short and not so good.. so i would be interested if anyone knows of any also

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, thanks for the link, but you have to be some kinda member of that site to see the videos. I'll ask my mom if I can join. Any other links?


New Member
What about here ?

Also, does anyone know where I can find a Dudley Doright's Ripsaw Falls and Cat in the Hat video? Digital Universal and Orlando Rocks don't seem to have them.


Well-Known Member
i have the entire e.t. ride at universal hollywood on tape (i was so obsessed that i made my dad keep the camcorder out on the ride, yes) but i have no idea how to get that onto my computer. and e.t. isnt that exciting of a ride and probably not what you were looking for anyway. sorry! my main thing is disney, so i really know where to find universal stuff.


New Member
Some more videos here!

I'm still looking for a Dudley Doright's Ripsaw Falls video and the Cyberdyne music from Terminator 2: 3D (I found the Cat in the Hat video).


New Member
I visited my local AAA store this weekend and they had USF/IOA videos.. .Haven't had a chance to watch mine yet, but wanted to let you know!

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