ET is Gone!!!:(


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Well it is official. Today at USH ET was closed. It has even been taken off there website. Rumors are suggesting that a duplicate of the Mummy Coaster thats being built at USF is going to replace it. Personally I think that we will see Spidey make his way out West. The only problem with this is space. It is a huge and ride and USH is short on space. USH has wanted a Spidey clone since IOA opened and this looks like the chance for it. Thanks for reading and anyone else wanna say something about it or wish ET farewell, go ahead.


New Member
Originally posted by Favrefire4
Well it is official. Today at USH ET was closed. It has even been taken off there website. Rumors are suggesting that a duplicate of the Mummy Coaster thats being built at USF is going to replace it. Personally I think that we will see Spidey make his way out West. The only problem with this is space. It is a huge and ride and USH is short on space. USH has wanted a Spidey clone since IOA opened and this looks like the chance for it. Thanks for reading and anyone else wanna say something about it or wish ET farewell, go ahead.

I doubt it will be Spidey. No one else seems to think so either, sorry.

I think another family ride would be appropriate don't you?


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Originally posted by RunawayBrain
How could they kill a classic just like that (insert snapping finger sound):(

Well the reason was attendence was doing bad. To tell you the truth they have been wanting to close it for a while but did not want to hurt Speilberg's feelings. The attendence just was sub-par to the other rides and it was a ride like "been there, done that". Also USH has really wanted Spidey ever since it did open. That is true. The issue is not so much the money but more of the space. Spidey is a huge ride and if you have ever been to USH you can tell that space is something they don't have. The only way this ride could come would be to take space away from the studios part which they have already done. A family attraction would be nice but do you think it is really going to be a huge attraction every one can't wait to ride? I mean over at DCA there opening ToT and you know Universal is gonna have to match it so Spidey would seem like a great fit. And the Mummy idea might not be solid. I mean if it doesn't take off well in USF why would they want it in USH. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I'm sad to hear they are getting rid of it. I really enjoy the ride at USF and I hope that getting rid of the one at USH doesn't give them the idea to close the one at USF also. I know USH doesn't have great attendance figures (they are better than DCA though :lookaroun), but they will need a major attraction to pull new crowds in (TOT must just do it for DCA). Hopefully it will be a great addition for them. Goodbye E.T!


Well-Known Member
ET got a reprieve today as Jurassic Park ran into problems and missed it's reopening date. There is an employee farewell party tonight but evidently ET will be opening tomorrow one last time.


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One can only hope they don't. They most likely won't. The only reason USH closed there's was because there attendence was so low it was not even worth running anymore. Plus with DCA opening ToT soon USH won't be too good with just E.T. That is why I think Spidey is going to make his way out West. As for USF they really don't have a need to close ET.

Sorcerer Mickey

Well-Known Member
Strange enough, when I went to USH during the summer, I had to wait an hour and a half line to ride E.T.

If that's how it was daily for the USH E.T., I can't hope for much for the one down here in florida.


New Member
Originally posted by RunawayBrain
How could they kill a classic just like that (insert snapping finger sound):(

The same way that King Kong was killed...

I don't know if they did this in USH to ET too, but in FL they just upgraded the ride for the movies 20th anniversary. Kind of a waste to renovate a ride and close it up right after, so I think ET in FL is going to be around for a while more.


Active Member
Originally posted by Sorcerer Mickey
Strange enough, when I went to USH during the summer, I had to wait an hour and a half line to ride E.T.

If that's how it was daily for the USH E.T., I can't hope for much for the one down here in florida.

Na the wait isnt that long everyday, when I went like 1 month ago, there was not many people. They still need to keep it open though.

Er wait a sec I didn't go there 1 month ago, nevermind I thought you said USF. Geeees I'm dumb :hammer:


New Member
Originally posted by Sorcerer Mickey
Strange enough, when I went to USH during the summer, I had to wait an hour and a half line to ride E.T.

If that's how it was daily for the USH E.T., I can't hope for much for the one down here in florida.

Thats funny.The last time I went to Universal Studios we could just walk in to E.T.:animwink:


Well-Known Member
i cant believe e.t. is gone. my fondest memory of ush is e.t. i'm a huge e.t. fan. the first night i was in hollywood we managed to get into the park free through the victoria station restaurant (we didnt do it on purpose though, we didnt know the other side of the restuarant was inside the park). i loved going down those huge escalators to the lower level, and there was e.t., and the HUGE e.t. store. i spent probably $100 that night on e.t. goods. that was the only place i ever saw e.t. pajamas. and i made my dad tape the entire ride, so i guess i have a lasting memory.

i went on the e.t. ride at usf in february, but its just not the same. and the store is way too small. usf just doesnt have the same atmosphere as ush. i miss hollywood. :(

i hope they dont put a spiderman ride in where e.t. was. i know i must be the only one, but i hate the spiderman ride. :lookaroun

Luau Cove

New Member
I don't think USF is going to close ET. They spent time and some money in updating the ride with a new Spielberg speech, and new queue videos from the 20th aniversary version. Plus, I've been there two weeks ago and attendance seemed high enough. The only problem is that ET system apparently goes down frequently, and all that NAME thing is too slow, probably constituting most of the waiting time!



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by #1pluto
Thats funny.The last time I went to Universal Studios we could just walk in to E.T.:animwink:

same here! In mid december there was literally NO ONE on the attraction, we just walked on 2 times in a row (it was kinda spooky with there being no other guests there!)


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Wow guys, don't get me strated with this updating stuff. Remember USH's version also recieved the 20th Anniversary. It was plastered huge on the side of the building. So for all of you who think they won't close it just because it got updated think twice. All I'm saying is USH's also had the update.

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