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  1. F

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Are you talking to me, Shelly/Fab? Come back where? I've been a member of these boards for years and read them at least bi-weekly.
  2. F

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I'm at MiceChat (Fab News) and I wouldn't touch it with a ten meter cattle prod, even if it wasn't Exxie.
  3. F

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Jim, you had better have me on as a guest for that one!!!
  4. F

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Right. When I was writing for Disney Magazine and Jim was writing for several different newspapers, we got the exact same treatment. It's the same information, it's just spread more efficiently. Change or die.
  5. F

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I wasn't addressing you, I was busting @Lee's balls, jokingly, if you don't recognize humor. I actually love WDWMagic. I wasn't paying much attention to what you were saying. I apologize for any offence, and love the smell of your many leather-bound books.
  6. F

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I'm Jim's ex, Shelly Valladolid. I'm puzzled at this because I was always under the impression that it wasn't a big secret or anything. I was president of the local NFFC chapter during all of this. Everyone knew. Jim's right about Nancy. She really helped him become what he wanted - a writer. I...
  7. F

    Soarin' vs. Food Rocks

    I'm still trying to figure out what Soarin' Over California has to do with food and nutrition. Kitchen Kabaret ALL THE WAY! David Mumford told me that the Imagineers were just as horrified and disappointed with Food Rocks as us Disney Dweebs - that when he saw the model, he said, "Oh, this...
  8. F

    More people calling it "Epcot Center" ?

    EPCOT Center was my favorite Theme Park. EPCOT 95, etc., then just "EPCOT" was a mismatch of education, thrill rides, and ever-increasingly generic shops. When I say "EPCOT Center", it's with a note of longing in my voice.
  9. F

    What is your Current Desktop Background?

    Bae Yong Joon, mid-battle in Taewangsashingi.
  10. F

    Vote! Your favorite Disney picture (final poll)

    still close ...but I still think MKT has the edge. Oh, look, there's Lucky (weeps).
  11. F

    Magic Kingdom Christmas Tree Removed.

    Just so long as they have it there for the 5AM Hawaii Disney Parade-a-thon!
  12. F

    Vote! Your favorite Disney picture (group 1 of 2)

    It was close between lnsemf and mkt, but I think it might be my curiosity about EE that edged me over. That or its breathtaking beauty. I wish we could vote 1st, 2nd, 3rd. But honestly, there's not a bad one in the bunch. Fab
  13. F

    We support Roy and Gold! Thread

    FabDisBabe (Michelle Smith) Don't forget to click here: Fab
  14. F

    Vault Disney Letter Writing Campagin

    I spoke to Ms. Sweeney about this: she said that all of the Vault Disney programming would be available on video for "those people", that she had heard almost no complaints about it, and that they shouldn't stop calling it "The Disney Channel" because having Lizzie McGuire on instead of Walt was...
  15. F

    Geyser Mountain

    :hammer: RICHARD Tracy? Michelle:veryconfu
  16. F

    Geyser Mountain

    Jim's not going anywhere. Jon and I created this site as kind of a "hub" where Jim's readers can always find him. On the front page, we have new articles written by Jim especially for the site, about two per week, links to articles on other sites (, et...
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