Vault Disney Letter Writing Campagin


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I am thourly upset with disney managements decision to cancel the Vault Disney Series of programs. I have been thinking bout this all day and I belive we should all start a letter Writing campagin to let Disney management know that were unhappy with this decision, especially the remarks made concerning the statement By richard Ross "The Disney Channel is a service for kids and their families; it's not a general entertainment service for everybody," .."We can't be all things for all people." Thoes statements really get my goat. If any Member on the boards is as upset as I am and is interested in participating let me know if you are going to write to Disney to let them know of there opinion of this change.
I would really encourage you to do this to see if they really have lost the Magic or not.

Below are included the addresses of Management responsible for the changes.

Here is the address that you can write to Disney.

Disney Headquarters
(818) 560-1000

Below are current names and addresses for prominent Disney personnel.

Mr. Roy E. Disney
Vice Chairman
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521-4873

Mr. Michael Eisner
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521-4873

Mr Robert A. Iger
President and Cheif Operating Officer
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, Ca 91521-4873

Mr Thomas O. Staggs
senior Exective Vice President and Cheif Financial Officer
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, Ca 91521-4873

Mr Peter E. murphy
Senior Exective Vice president and Cheif Strategic Officer
The walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, Ca 91521-4873

Ms Anne M. Sweeney
Presedent, ABC Cable Networks Group and Disney Channel Worldwide
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, Ca 91521-4873


Steve it it possible you could help organize this Letter Writing Campagin and if you have any stradegies we could use to make this a success---Thanks


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I cant belive no one is interested in this. the two threads about vault Disney made me belive we all could come together on something. In the one day since I posted this only 14 views and no replys. This is truly sad that I am all alone in this.


Account Suspended
You are not alone.

Originally posted by jmarc63
I cant belive no one is interested in this. the two threads about vault Disney made me belive we all could come together on something. In the one day since I posted this only 14 views and no replys. This is truly sad that I am all alone in this.

I want Zorro and other programs on DVD. I am pleased they closed down "Vault Disney". See this link for details:


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Re: You are not alone.

Originally posted by Talsonic

I want Zorro and other programs on DVD. I am pleased they closed down "Vault Disney". See this link for details:

You know talsonic I'm not supprised you said this. You always have a way of focusing the negative spin on subjects.

Can't you say anything positive an any subject?

Is this article suposed to justifiy what you said?

Is this article supposed to kick us in the pants for assuming that Disney was going to keep the vault going so we are to just sit idely by and take it?

Is this article supposed to be the gosple on the situation? I think not. I read the article and don't belive for a minuite that he is any kind of true fan of Disney, the way he berates us by saying we should have spoke up when they moved it to latenight from it's former time slot is insulting at best.


Account Suspended
It's not the gosple, but it's true!

Hi jmarc63! Didn't desire to throw a negative cast on the topic. Just attempting to be realistic. IMO the article by Mr. Hill was right on the money. Disney has a long standing history of re-releases re its movies, cartoons and television productions. Whether or not Mr. Hill is a fan of Disney has no relevance to the discussion. The important thing to me is that these Disney productions will (one day) be released on DVD. Just for your edification, please allow me to point out that cable and broadcast television are the bane of good entertainment. American Idol pops to mind. Vault Disney is history, thank goodness. You seem to labor under the impression that a "letter Writing campagin" will change things. It won't. Call this post negative if that is your desire. I call it the truth.:D


Well-Known Member
I understand, but I do not agree, Talsonic. Jmark, you are not alone.

I don't think that is just about DVDs. I do think that the move makes no sense for increasing audience. (As I have said in another thread, Zoog fans are young and not up that late, or shouldn't be.)

I also think, however, that, as the article implies, perhaps we should have spoken up sooner. Frankly, though, with all the company's "Walt 100th" hype, I never gave it a thought the company would be "burying" him (symbolically, anyway, by taking him off the air) during this celebration...



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I have been busy with family matters to give more attention to this as I would like to , but I am currently composing a letter that I will be sending off to Disney very soon. I will post it as soon as I compleat it. I endend to get input from friends to help me articulate my feelings about this for best responce and seem like im too irate

Thanks to the few that have posted.


New Member
Originally posted by jmarc63

Below are current names and addresses for prominent Disney personnel.

Ms Anne M. Sweeney
Presedent, ABC Cable Networks Group and Disney Channel Worldwide
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, Ca 91521-4873

I spoke to Ms. Sweeney about this: she said that all of the Vault Disney programming would be available on video for "those people", that she had heard almost no complaints about it, and that they shouldn't stop calling it "The Disney Channel" because having Lizzie McGuire on instead of Walt was even MORE Disney than having Walt Disney on and that Lizzie McGuire is this generation of kids' Walt Disney.

I swear, she actually said that.



Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Vault Disney Letter Writing Campagin

Originally posted by fabdisbabe

I spoke to Ms. Sweeney about this: she said that all of the Vault Disney programming would be available on video for "those people", that she had heard almost no complaints about it, and that they shouldn't stop calling it "The Disney Channel" because having Lizzie McGuire on instead of Walt was even MORE Disney than having Walt Disney on and that Lizzie McGuire is this generation of kids' Walt Disney.

I swear, she actually said that.


I am sorry, but not necessarily surprised, to hear that.

Lizzy McGuire is not the problem. But repeating her over and over and over, at the cost of Disney's wonderful heritage programming, is. Both should be on the channel.

So should other adult family programming, such as concerts live from Pleasure Island or Disneyland, as they have done before.

The heritage programming is not only important for the heritage itself, but it was GOOD PROGRAMMING. I watched the classic MMC ('50s version) in the '70s as a kid, and really enjoyed it!

Many of the old programs are wonderful, and kids still love them when exposed to them, especially period pieces. Old Yeller stills stands up today. It has become a part of our culture, and should be introduced to all generations. [And, no, a $30 "collector's edition" DVD does not count -- it does not reach new people; nor would sales of such a "special edition" be hurt by exposure on TV. That is also how I got to know "Old Yeller" when I was young -- on Sunday's Wonderful World of Disney.]

By burying these classics, only to repeat current shows ad nauseum, they are only cutting off their nose to spite their foot: they are not nourishing new generations of long-time Disney fans. Being current is great, but completely obliterating the past, without any regard quality, only teaches our children that quality doesn't matter: just make sure you do something new everyday! Why do quality work, when it will only be replaced by the "next big thing" tomorrow!?

General Grizz

New Member
It better be all on video. And that mean's I'm looking for every opening celebration, Wonderful World of Color episode, complete cartoon shorts of every episode of the Ink and Paint Club, and the entire Ludwig Von Drake collection. Yeah...right.

What I am about to give you is nothing but pure common sense.

Is it all in money now? That's really a pity. SHAME.

First the Carousel of Progress...and now his programming. His programming that stands for the fundamental unity of American prosperity and progress - a foundation that has now separated the family into programming for toddlers and programming for teens. This essential unity has therefore been DESTROYED and it is a true blow in the head to call whatever you want to call that programming on the channel Disneyesque.

Is this whole 100 YOM thing for money then? What - close down the attraction that Walt wanted to thrive in his parks as long as they existed - his own living vision of progress - and Disney hasn't even put effort in even advertising it or giving the sense to the public that it stands for their 100 Years celebration?!

Some may argue that his classic programming is taken off the air - because no one watched it. Well, think of it this way. How is one supposed to watch it when it's on from 1-5 in the morning - I don't know if I'm the only one who does it, but I am someone who sleeps at night.

Save Walt. And I don't only mean his programming (which my neice ADORES on video. After all, when a child watches "The Wonderful World of Color," he or she will not run away from it. Like Mary Poppins, it is programming that is all new to them. It's classic.) or his theme park attractions - it's his outlook he set out for his company. As a wise member of this forum once told me, maybe they should read Walt's quotations instead of selling them. It'll give them more money in the long run - that's for sure.

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