Search results

  1. normbalko

    What do you think of the Carribbean Beach Resort?

    We have stayed at CBR every time we've gone, and it has become as big a part of our vacation as the parks themselves. It is spread out, but there's nothing like that brisk morning walk for breakfast through the resort as the sun is just coming up. The quick service meals are basic I suppose...
  2. normbalko

    Leaving kids at home...pros and cons

    this is kind of what i was thinking, at one point in their childhood, each kid will get their own special WDW vacation. kinda like the senior spring break trip, but for kids (and minus the alcohol and debauchery). :) i just wonder how the now 8 year old will handle it when she is 13 and...
  3. normbalko

    Leaving kids at home...pros and cons

    We would love to have a "just the two of us", scaled back vacation to WDW. The problem is my oldest has some pretty bad separation anxiety, and i'm not sure how it would go leaving her for 5 days. I'm hoping she grows out of that soon! I'm surprised it is so unanimous and that nobody out...
  4. normbalko

    Leaving kids at home...pros and cons

    thanks for the advice! we have always stayed at CBR, but considered staying at a value resort. I don't know if we could stay offsite, we rely on the disney transportation too much (for nap times and such), and really the resort has become such a huge part of the vacations itself, i'd hate to...
  5. normbalko

    Leaving kids at home...pros and cons

    I need some advice. I am itching to return to WDW, but now that we have three kids (8, 4, and 1.5), it is getting a little pricey. My 8 year old has been to WDW twice (last when she was 5), and to DL once. She is at an age where she'd be more willing to do some stuff she couldn't/wouldn't do...
  6. normbalko

    Request: Pictures of Meg

    Thanks RU42 and TnkrBelPixiDust! Although, I am partial to RU42's Meg. :) In my opinion Meg could take on any of those sissy princesses anyday!!! Go Meg!!
  7. normbalko

    Booking thru AAA

    I'd never thought about getting an annual pass. It's just me and my wife, and we're planning on staying on-site for 5 days. I wonder if an annual pass is something to think about...
  8. normbalko

    Booking thru AAA

    Our first WDW vacation was booked thru AAA, and it seemed like a good deal, with nice little perks here and there. Now that I'm trying to plan a return trip and investigating it a little more, I am curious if anyone has any opinions on booking thru AAA or just booking thru Disney. Or, is there...
  9. normbalko

    January VS. Late February

    Maybe this will help...has anyone ever gone during that time period, and can you tell me if we would have trouble seeing the whole world in 5 days??? There will only be 2 of us, and we'll be staying somewhere on-site.
  10. normbalko

    January VS. Late February

    Lots of stuff I hadn't considered, thanks alot for the info. I also didn't realize that the end of Feb. isn't value season anymore. May need to reconsider....
  11. normbalko

    January VS. Late February

    It looks like I will be going back to WDW for the second time this winter!!! The planning must commence... It seems that all the books say that anytime after February can be hit or miss as far as large crowds go in the parks. I have been to WDW in late January and it was awesome, no lines...
  12. normbalko

    Water rides

    River of Time; guess I should have translated before including that one! :hammer: I like the water rides too, but it just seemed like it might be dangerous to have all the animitronics right next to all that water. I thought maybe there was some hidden cool "disney" reason fur using so...
  13. normbalko

    Water rides

    Anyone know why there are so many rides that use water for transportation in WDW?? I understand it is some rides (Mailstrom, POTC, Splash Mt., etc.), but what about rides like IASM, Living w/ the Land, and Rio Del Tiempo (i think that's the mexico ride :) ) Seems like they could have easily...
  14. normbalko

    Have any picture requests

    Any pictures of the marketplace at Carribean Beach would be very cool, especially the neat changing menu boards! Also, I don't know how feasible it is, but any pictures of Dinosaur would be great! Especially the part at the end when the carnotaurus comes down to eat everyone! (I had my...
  15. normbalko

    Alien section of Great Movie Ride

    well thats disappointing! I was in the first car, so it makes sense. I guess that's more than enough reason to go back!!! :sohappy:
  16. normbalko

    Alien section of Great Movie Ride

    ok, so here's the url again: sorry!
  17. normbalko

    Alien section of Great Movie Ride

    I've been through it, I watched my video, and I can't remember when or where this alien is in the Great Movie Ride. The only alien I remember seeing is the one that comes down from the ceiling. Did I really miss this ugly beast?? i think this will link you to the picture...
  18. normbalko

    Dinosaur May Open Up Early!!

    Dinosaur is the scariest thing I've ever seen. No ride in WDW or Universal even comes close. I had no idea how intense it would be, but it scared the living daylights out of me, and I had my eyes closed at the end! I want to actually see the end the next time I go, but it will take some...
  19. normbalko

    Leaving tonight for Disney!!

    I'm so jealous! Have a good trip! Hey, is that a Brett Favre jersey you're wearing??? And you're from Chicago??? isn't that like illegal in chicago? go packers!! :sohappy:
  20. normbalko

    caribbean beach.. another thread!

    You'll love the Carribean Beach Resort!!! It's a great place to stay with lots of different food options. I wouldn't skip animal kingdom, there's a lot more to it than just animals. And even if you're not an animal person, it's hard not to be awed by Kilamanjaro Safaris and other attractions...
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