caribbean beach.. another thread!


New Member
i am kind of a newbie here as i have never posted before.

I too am staying at CBR March 2nd-March5th.. only a few days away! I've never been to WDW before or the state of Florida. I am really excited about this whole thing and I love the posts that I read from all you informative people. :D

Can you all go into more detail about experiences at this resort.. the food, the service, the yummy alcoholic drinks, pool hours, the rooms, etc.

I do not really know what to expect or even how much disney I can cram into the 3 nights/4days I will be there. I'm thinking about skipping animal kingdom entirely and spending the majority of my time at the other parks. since i really don't like animals is this wise???

so tell me more. everything! i really must know !!!!!

please help me! i have this certain obsessiveness that must be cured!

since i booked through a travel agent i have not recieved alot of information regarding my room or even which building i will stay at. all i know is the $2000 i spent on this vacation so far with air, rooms, and supplies better be worth it.

We got the dream maker package. whatever that is. but i suppose the park hopper ticket that comes with it was worth the big bucks. comeon people i need reassurance here!!!


You'll love the Carribean Beach Resort!!! It's a great place to stay with lots of different food options. I wouldn't skip animal kingdom, there's a lot more to it than just animals. And even if you're not an animal person, it's hard not to be awed by Kilamanjaro Safaris and other attractions that put you very close to the animals. You'd also miss It's Tough to be a Bug and Dinosaur! You could probably go thru most of the park in half a day, and it would be a well spent half day!! We went last January and were able to see the whole park in less than one day. You're going to have so much fun, I'm so jealous!!!! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Two words...Pool bar! The resort is a great place. Port Royale (the main building) houses the food court, restaurant, gift shop game room and resembles an outdoor caribbean market. Just outside is the main pool, a replica of a spanish colonial fort with a slide, fountains, and firing water cannons. Adjacent is the bar, bike rental, boat rental. There is a bike/jogging path that goes around a large lake in the center of the resort. Each groupnig of rooms is located around the lake and themed and colored slightly differently. Each "country" has it's own beach, playground, and separate pool. Connecting the Jamaica cluster of buildings to Port Royale are 2 bridges and an island with tropical plants. I would recommend requesting to stay in Jamaica prior to your trip. They are usually good about accomodating you if you do it far enough ahead of time. You can receive a free vaction DVD, direct from Disney's website. They latest version has some nice still photos and video of the resorts. As far as the parks go, don't go there with the assumption that Animal Kingdom is "just another dumb zoo." There are some great attractions. If you aren't a big animal fan, there is still Dinosaur (dark ride) and Tough to be a Bug (3-D show). The safari ride is also very good.
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Active Member
My wife and I stayed @ Caribbean Beach for our Honeymoon. It is a great place, but very spacious. I suggest you requets a room near the food court.
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