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  1. EpcotServo

    Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Summer Nightastic drop profile details - SPOILERS

    The Horton Doors? (The doors that open to reveal the outside?) I'm so confused... There's the actual Fifth Dimenson scene, The Star Doors (Which are the only doors you see before the drop shaft) then the Drop shaft. So what, now they show the other set of doors BEHIND the Star Doors and THAT...
  2. EpcotServo

    Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Summer Nightastic drop profile details - SPOILERS

    Oh good, just go ahead and cover that whole Fifth Dimension scene and get rid of the ride's signature line of dialogue...That's...Nightastic. <(>_<; )/
  3. EpcotServo

    World of Color

    Usually I'd be jealous, but you totally earned it for keeping this thread updated and alive all this time! Have fun! :sohappy: :wave:
  4. EpcotServo

    Cracker Barell ALWAYS before Disney!

    Ah yes, a thread of people who love the cheap overpriced food of most WDW restaurants calling food off-site the same thing. I don't like Cracker Barrel because I don't like Breakfast and all the pictures of old long-dead people staring at you is creepy. It is a southern roadside staple...
  5. EpcotServo

    Summer Nightastic TV ad - why oh why

    Why show the resort you're advertising when all the other ones look so much better? :hammer::lol:
  6. EpcotServo

    Magic Kingdom vs. Disneyland, which has more of a "magical" aura?

    Disneyland. No question. Though as for feeling as if you've stepped inside the 1970's, Magic Kingdom and TTC have the edge in that kind of Magic.
  7. EpcotServo

    New Tower drop sequence is open

    You may find Magic a more savage place then you remember... (Ewww, that hurt. It worked, but I hate narnia. Let me wash that out with a...) ...I'd say welcome friend. But not here. Not like this. (Alright...Tron...Better.)
  8. EpcotServo

    Progress at Everest!

    Only fans whom I would ignore with great vigor would name SGE a worse attraction than Journey Into YOUR Imagination...
  9. EpcotServo

    How awesome are these?

    But Space Mountain doesn't have an accurate track layout or vehicle design. And dumbo doesn't tilt like that... \(=_= )
  10. EpcotServo

    Skyway News

    I heard they'll reopen it but don't want to rebuild Tomorrowland Station. So it's just going to be one way, with the buckets being dumped into a giant flaming pile of crashed skybuckets at the end.
  11. EpcotServo

    The return of Mowgli?

    Let's just go without a loin-clothed guy for awhile and see what happens...
  12. EpcotServo

    Disney's Hollywood Studios likely to become Disney Hollywood Studios

    I don't know about the parks, but I'd remove my apostrophe if I was possessive of this thread. Hi-ohhhhh!
  13. EpcotServo

    New attractions for AK

    "Alan, you act like I'm just gonna' walk in and find Beastly Kingdom waiting for me, saying they lost track of time..." "Yeah...Wouldn't that be something?"
  14. EpcotServo

    The old 7 Seas lagoon wave machine?

    See, everyone thinks it was a Wave Machine...When in reality waves were just a byproduct of early testing of what is really there: Disney's Weather Dominator. Which will be activated when Disney wants to rule the world by controlling hurricanes or making it snow at the beach.
  15. EpcotServo

    NEW Retro Epcot Center Shirts

    Nice! They don't scream "1980's" as much as the last ones, which will mean more people will like them. The last one in blue is definitely the best.
  16. EpcotServo

    Harry Potter....and it looks amazing

    Of course. Doesn't stop them from being mentioned a million times when the first one comes out. It's a big hype point for every major attraction, the first POV...Midway Mania's first POV spread like wildfire on this site, and it was in 3-D. :lol:
  17. EpcotServo

    Harry Potter....and it looks amazing

    I find it hilarious that here the arguments about FJ upstage the actual video of FJ. :lol: :hammer:
  18. EpcotServo

    Harry Potter....and it looks amazing

    Spoiler Time: Here's the first POVBMPOH (Point of View But Mostly Point of Audio) There's no getting around it, from someone who would try- It's a powerhouse ride. Like Tower, Everest, Spiderman, ROTM, Indy, and MIB- This ride will be...
  19. EpcotServo

    Take a walk through the line of Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

    I still really don't think it will hurt Disney. I think it will convince more people to come to Orlando, and certainly Universal, but people skipping Disney all together is such a slim number it won't hurt any kind of bottom line. To think that Disney will fall down into a Shatner-esque collapse...
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