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  1. S

    News New Buses Debut With Features to Better Accommodate ECV/Wheelchair Users

    I believe they already do so you can’t board say a whole party of 12 with an ecv. I forget what the limit is, and who knows if it’s actually enforced consistently
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    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    I’m surprised they aren’t on eBay being sold for big $$$ personally
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    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    Wondering how many if any of the critters from splash will be repurposed in this. Thinking of the fishing birds and some of the guys in the finale specifically
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    News 'Beyond Big Thunder Mountain' Blue Sky concept revealed for Magic Kingdom

    I think you can make a whole “studio” land work; even with Toy Story land in Hollywood studios, you still have the rest of the Pixar properties you can draw from if you wanted to make a Pixar land there. My issue is more when you make the studio land as a shoehorn into an existing space ala...
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    Rumors. Musings. Casual.

    My two cents, any celebration that isn’t specific to that resort feels kinda “meh” to me. Like the 100th anniversary of Disney as a company didn’t really resonate with me when I was at WDW in November
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    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    I’d be fine with them doing this, especially if any expansion beyond thunder mountain was a frontier land reboot of sorts. Plus Im not a fan of peco’s bills so changing that out would be a plus for me
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    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    It’s also possible the scale of the AA and features are exaggerated since it’s an animated character being brought to life as well as for better visibility of the character from the ride itself
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    Rumors. Musings. Casual.

    I last went to Uni in spring 2021, and I had such a good time. Stayed at the new value hotel on the old wet and wild site, and it was super cheap and crazy nice at the same time. Definitely nicer than Disney values imo and a cheaper deal. One thing I think universal did well to start was making...
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    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    I think for me, it’s broadening the horizons of what the “frontier” is in Frontierland. When you come down to it, New Orleans and St. Louis were kinda the gateways to the frontier beyond, and the west has a much more varied environment than just red rocks. The point can be argued either way...
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    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    That’s definitely a way you can guarantee you’re first in line for opening day!
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    What If Disney Park: Disney What Ifs

    You could kinda fold this into an idea for a villains park “what if there was no happily ever after?” I like the two examples you give
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    New Magic Kingdom Map

    Did you keep the park with just the 3 existing train stations or did you add any additional? I’ve always found it odd MK has less stations than Disneyland despite being a good deal bigger
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    New Magic Kingdom Map

    What I think is an overlooked interesting/impressive thing with all this is the minimal rerouting of the train track you had to do. Just a small adjustment in the top left of the park
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    Rumor Stitch's Great Escape Replacement— Don’t Hold Your Breath

    Been closed longer than it was open at this point Edit: referring to wonders of life here, not stitch to make it clearer
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    News 'Beyond Big Thunder Mountain' Blue Sky concept revealed for Magic Kingdom

    I kinda like super hero island at universal in that it doesn’t try to have a realistic place setting, but comic book quirkiness. Granted Disney is trying to make lands based off their movie IP, but I think you’ll run into the issue with setting as you always said
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    News 'Beyond Big Thunder Mountain' Blue Sky concept revealed for Magic Kingdom

    Single IP lands should only work with very specific franchises imo. Things like Star Wars and Harry Potter are a no brainer because they’re cultural phenomenons. Even Toy Story and frozen have tons of staying power. I’ve always argued with pandora that it shows that non IP lands could work to...
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    News 'Beyond Big Thunder Mountain' Blue Sky concept revealed for Magic Kingdom

    The best part of it is the queue honestly. Super cool and well done but the ride is such wasted potential
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    News New Polynesian Resort DVC villas building to open 2024

    I heard on Alicia Stella’s podcast that it’s possible Helios is behind in construction which is why they haven’t opened reservations up for it yet. She’s usually pretty spot on with universal news, so I’d wager she’s on to something. Though whether or not that puts it on a later timeline than...
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    Rumors. Musings. Casual.

    I’d believe that. I think they’re gonna aggressively add to their existing parks in the years following EU opens to try and create draws for the hordes of people coming to the new parks. Not to mention that EU already has some credible rumors for phase 2 expansions
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