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  1. doombuggie

    What was so Great About Epcot's Horizons?

    it was TYPICAL was 12+ minutes long....great scenes...great AA's....GREAT it was the first of its kind, where the guest had an interactive choice to finish the ride. it also used the "orange" smell. it is just a classic disney ride which can NEVR be duplicated
  2. doombuggie

    What is your favorite WDW smell?

    also....basically... Disney air definatly has its own smell
  3. doombuggie

    What is your favorite WDW smell?

    smell inside the great ceremonial house at poly.
  4. doombuggie

    Unusual Disney Fact

    ^^Thanks for the help!! ;-):wave:
  5. doombuggie

    Unusual Disney Fact

    The Jungle Cruise was to use REAL animals but they realized the animals were mostly nocturnal...thus not being viewable all they went AA... In winnie the Pooh...there is a homage to Mr toad...there is a picture of Mr. Toad handing the Deed to _______. someone please complete this<---...
  6. doombuggie

    Unusual Disney Fact

    ok then.... All the rooms in the contemporary(original rooms) were prefabricated and simply "slid" into place using a crane into slots.... The cast used to form the hovercrafts in Horizons...can be found as a prop in the backlot restaraunt in MGM studios... The "We ask Justice, We ask...
  7. doombuggie

    Unusual Disney Fact

    The plane in the "casablanca" scene in TGMR was sought after in a plane graveyard.....after restoring it and getting it ready they noticed the tail# was in fact the ACTUAL plane used in the filming of the movie....totally happened by chance!!
  8. doombuggie

    Raven's 9/17 trip report with pictures

    pics dont work for me :(
  9. doombuggie

    Horizons Hovercraft?

    i was joking around...but i did discuss it a long time ago on here thats all......feel free to discus it all you want...
  10. doombuggie

    Horizons Hovercraft?

    first off this news is VERY old i posted in the Disney triva forum..about 4 years ago...and it is NOT the is the MOLD they used to make the hovercraft.... sorry but it is not your find...but mine...hahah -DB
  11. doombuggie

    Rock N' Rollercoaster ???

    it is 100% the shocker...he covers it up by putting it too his forehead like he is thinking.... nonone just puls back their ring finger for ANYTHING besides the shocker
  12. doombuggie

    your favourite wdw non park pastime

    taking the boat from polynesian to MK to GF and back!! riding the monorail around... DTD, looking for our brick outside MK, Old town... more when i rememebr it
  13. doombuggie

    Where did you get your "Dreams"?

    not the best pic...but yeah he is such a good dog,...and pretty damn smart and cute!!
  14. doombuggie

    Where did you get your "Dreams"?

    we got dream the exit of crush'n'gusher. also my dog got pet of the day dream porcelin bowl at epcot then the next day got pet of the day dream chew toy ball and leash at animal kingdom!!
  15. doombuggie

    Guest Assistance Card

    my mother needs a wheelchair...for knee problems..and my wife for severe asthma me the special entrances are a SMALL benefit for this...they would MUCH rather walk around the is a MAJOR inconvieniece for them and ME to have them in a the little...
  16. doombuggie

    Prop in the backlot restauraunt in MGM is from...

    it is 100% true however i never took a pic of it....will someone do it for me??...if your looking at the is in the room just to the left of the counter.....near the staff entrance to the kitchen
  17. doombuggie

    Die Cast Monorails

    other attraction vehicles arent being sold anymore?? i guess they are limited ediion now...those things are my favorites!! they shold have come out with more space mountain car, SSE, Horizons, Land boat, elevator from TT....oh well -B sorry for the thread hijack....i have a...
  18. doombuggie

    River Country

    not to mention you had to park.....then wait for a bus to take you there...then have to walk another 1/2 mile to get to the entrance
  19. doombuggie

    recent trip observtions

    haha sorry that was supposed to have a wink smiley after it.....we have a few "rotund" teachers here..that despise the pe/health staff....anyhow sorry bout the spelling errors..i am trying to type fast to get my thoughts out. when I meant epcot in general..... they got rid of the...
  20. doombuggie

    recent trip observtions

    actually it was on a laptop...and i cannot type on those...but thanks for making fun of my profession...let me guess you are a fat english teacher??
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