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  1. B

    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    Most teenagers are fine...occasionally you would get those kids with attitudes that think it is funny to swear while in the parks or act like jerks to the CMs
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    New Year's Eve Announcement?

    Do you really think that One Republic and Jennifer Hudson are God Awful "musicians"? Plus they also had two amazing christian singers Disney's parade is more for all the family since it is actually enjoyable to watch.
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    I was joking...but you are partially correct. I do know that plenty of people who liked IoA as a teen and hated Disney now love Disney more since they grew up and gained maturity, insight and some a family lol. Just because teens like Universal know it does not mean they will like it when they...
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    New Year's Eve Announcement?

    The macys parade shows one balloon then shows a performance. The Christmas Parade showed the parade people just dont want to believe that they did but they did
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    New Year's Eve Announcement?

    same as the macys parade...they show one balloon then show some no name singer lip synching...rinse and repeat
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    Less Teenagers at Disney? YES PLEASE, can DIsney give Uni all the Brazillions too? :ROFLOL:
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    Should Disney make a Phineas & Ferb attraction in HWS?

    thats because people love characters...just because you dont they should not punish the vast majority because of your likes and dislikes....
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    New Year's Eve Announcement?

    so you must hate the macys parade then....
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    Is the GF not popular?

    Maybe to book it is the least popular but i can tell you that guests find the WL to be the worst of the deluxes...Yacht Club is very popular partially because of the pool
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    New Year's Eve Announcement?

    I saw a parade and i saw some good performances...maybe i am not a cynical person who complains about niece sure did love it
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    New Year's Eve Announcement?

    And yet if you did you would see that it was good and much better than the Macys thanksgiving parade
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    I love when they take all the photos from the day and put them together to make a collage of Walt giving the DL opening speech
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    Does Disney have a "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" problem?

    I like IOA but you said it best it is a theme park to me...much better than a Six Flags but not as special as Disney
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    When is management going to realize the ineptitude of Meg Crofton?

    Its one of the sad realities of the world...would it be nice if everything was new and exciting? Yes but the stockholders do matter and if you keep reaping losses and losses even though you are creating awesome attractions you are going to be in trouble...Capitalism for you
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    For such a lukewarm presentation i sure did love the actual MM&Y at MK it was awesome in my opinion
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    Now that you say it i do notice the everest lapbars lol....i am optimistic hopefully they pull thru on it
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    New Year's Eve Announcement?

    Not even close to being true....maybe you were watching the Macys thanksgiving parade
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    New Year's Eve Announcement?

    20 people online does not equal many. The Marvel Presentation alone was epic
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    Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW

    I was just about to say that it looks like the mummy vehicle
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    New Year's Eve Announcement?

    My friends loved it especially the marvel panel
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