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  1. Sonconato

    Bob Chapek Confirms Disney Will Overhaul Epcot

    Thanks for posting. I loved that whole area.
  2. Sonconato

    MK - Do You Control FP? Or Does FP Control You?

    With the new 6:30 closure of Kilimanjaro Safaris, it's literally impossible for us to get fastpasses for it on the weekends. Now we don't go to AK as much. I'd say I am the servant here.
  3. Sonconato


    You are so lucky! I'm very happy for you.
  4. Sonconato

    Rumor Wonders of Life getting an attraction soon?

    I know this is off topic, but the videos that @BackDoorDisney put on YouTube are all gone. Did anyone hear anything?
  5. Sonconato

    Bob Chapek Confirms Disney Will Overhaul Epcot

    When @marni1971 says goodbye, it's gone for good. I'm at least glad that I have martinsvids to keep the history alive. Thank you Martin for making those. I mean that sincerely. From the 80's to 2007 this was my favorite park, but now I avoid it like the the mighty have fallen.
  6. Sonconato

    Plastic shopping bags

    It used to be that there were no plastic straws allowed at AK, but for $4.00 apiece it apparently is allowed after all. They are behind the Pluto popcorn bucket.
  7. Sonconato

    Epcot Food & Wine Festival = Booze Fest

    Very well said. I felt the same way.
  8. Sonconato

    Unpopular WDW Opinions

    I agree that Disney does try to avoid confrontation with these people, and most of the time the cast members do ignore it. However, I have seen people turned away back when they did have the second touch points and on rides that still do like Thunder Mountain. I always compliment the cast...
  9. Sonconato

    Unpopular WDW Opinions

    I wish they'd bring back the second touch points. I'm really tired of the people cutting in the fast pass line.
  10. Sonconato

    Updates on Kilamanjaro Safaris Refurb?

    My family and I went on it a week or two ago and the bridge worked for us as well. However, the driver completely ignored it so the first-time visitors on board were confused.
  11. Sonconato

    News Disney removing plastic straws and more by mid-2019

    I just think it's ironic that they are not allowing the standard type of plastic straw, but they are now selling character straws that are also plastic in all the parks, including AK where you can't even enter with straws. Sure, they are reusable, but I have seen them on the ground many times...
  12. Sonconato

    News Rafiki's Planet Watch is closing Oct. 21st will reopen in Summer 2019

    First and foremost, I only made a comment about Sea World, you continued to expand on the subject. Second, Sea World does an extraordinary amount of good for the injured and distressed marine wildlife and there is NO disputing that fact, and I’m not talking about the wildlife in the Parks but...
  13. Sonconato

    News Rafiki's Planet Watch is closing Oct. 21st will reopen in Summer 2019

    They are discontinuing that exhibit. The orcas that are currently there will live out their lives there, but they are the last.
  14. Sonconato

    News Rafiki's Planet Watch is closing Oct. 21st will reopen in Summer 2019

    Very well said. I was at AK yesterday and it was crowded. It doesn't make much sense that they would close anything there.
  15. Sonconato

    News Rafiki's Planet Watch is closing Oct. 21st will reopen in Summer 2019

    Thank you. As an annual passholder myself, I also hope that they continue this elsewhere in the park.
  16. Sonconato

    News Rafiki's Planet Watch is closing Oct. 21st will reopen in Summer 2019

    I apologize for the way I phrased it. Despite what it sounds like, I never did think Disney was harming any animals. What I meant was the emphasis on animals in the park is diminishing.
  17. Sonconato

    News Rafiki's Planet Watch is closing Oct. 21st will reopen in Summer 2019

    I understand the first two, but 3 went over my head.
  18. Sonconato

    News Rafiki's Planet Watch is closing Oct. 21st will reopen in Summer 2019

    Awhile back someone in another thread said slowly Animal Kingdom will be less and less about animals and I'm beginning to believe that it's true. Take away a unique and educating experience and replace it with a run-of-the-mill dance party... Is that now the answer to everything?
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