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    Is Carousel of Progress up and running?

    AWESOME! I hope you're right! 9 days until we leave!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
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    Is Carousel of Progress up and running?

    We will be at Disney World Nov. 21- Dec. 1, and I was wondering what the chances that Carousel of Progress will be running when we are down there.... anyone have any ideas?? P.S.....we LOVE C.O.P.!!!!
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    Should we rent a car?

    We are coming down to disney for 10 days (aren't we lucky?) and will be staying off grounds, but very close for 5 nights, and the remaining 5 nights at Port Orleans Riverside. We want to take one day and go over to Universal Studios. We are flying down so will need to get to our hotel and back...
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    Port Orleans Riverside: what room is best?

    :animwink: You guys have been extremely helpful! It's such a hard decision! I'm leaning toward the Magnolia Bend rooms. We have reserved a "water view" room. I love to look out our window and see a beautiful sight.... just adds to the magic of Disney! Can I request the Magnolia Bend area...
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    Port Orleans Riverside: what room is best?

    We are going to stay at Port Orleans Riverside during Thanksgiving week, and I need advice on where we should request to stay. Magnolia Bend Mansion rooms OR the Bayou rooms? I have read that the Bayou rooms have pedestal sinks, and we like to have room to spread out our toiletry-type stuff by...
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    flying down to disney... advice for claustrophobia?

    :) Thanks for the advice! I think I'll call my dr. and see if he'll prescribe a little something. I know I'll feel so much better just knowing I won't be stressing over the anxiety! I am not going to let it keep me from going to the MOST FUN PLACE in the world!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
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    Jiko or Boma for Thanksgiving?

    :wave: Thanks for your opinions everyone! I made PS reservations at Boma! We will be there at 4:40 pm on Thanksgiving Day! I'll let you know how it goes. I did see some pics of Boma on the internet and it looks very cool! :)
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    flying down to disney... advice for claustrophobia?

    We are flying down to Disney for Thanksgiving. I get kind of panicky in the airplane (I am claustrophobic). Can anyone recommend anything, like over- the -counter medication to take? I was thinking maybe Dramamine would help? Or am I going to have to get something from a doctor before I go?
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    Jiko or Boma for Thanksgiving?

    I screwed up and thought you couldn't make priority seating at the Disney restaurants earlier than 60 days.... and now I am trying to get us in for Thanksgiving dinner and almost all the restaurants are booked! They still have seating at the Animal Kingdom Logde at BOMA or JIKO. Anyone have an...
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    Help! I get claustrophobic!!

    Thank you! You are all a big help! I did do the Haunted Mansion 5 years ago, but never felt panicked at all. But I did on Star Wars......I almost freaked at first. When the doors all closed up and I felt like I was going to die! But then I forced myself to watch the show and to let myself...
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    Help! I get claustrophobic!!

    What rides/attractions should I avoid if I easily get claustrophobic? I hate that I feel this way, but there's not much I can do about it! :( Any pointers? :veryconfu
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    Coronado vs. Port Orleans Riverside

    Sounds wonderful! With friends and family, it will indeed be magical! 7 days is the way to go... we wouldn't go for any shorter. Our kids were 9 and 13.... and they beg to go back again on a Disney Cruise. Our server at our meals was from Slovakia, and he was the BEST! Our kids still talk...
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    Coronado vs. Port Orleans Riverside

    Kenny, Have a wonderful time on the cruise!! YOU WILL, I just know it! We went for the 7-day cruise over Thanksgiving of 2000. It was awesome... everything, down to the last detail. You are really doin' it Disney in December, aren't you?!! LOL. Well, have the time of your life! (are you...
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    Coronado vs. Port Orleans Riverside

    Yup, we knew that taking the step down to the moderates would be a bit disappointing. Not to mention that Wilderness Lodge was only 2 years old when we stayed there... everything fresh and new. Carribean just did not sparkle as much if you know what I mean. Ok... thanks for the heads up on...
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    Coronado vs. Port Orleans Riverside

    :) Hey, thanks for all the advice everyone! We have decided on Port Orleans Riverside! Since we are going in late November, I'm not really sure how much swimming we'll actually do, so the pool is not the biggest deciding factor with us. The food court convenience and quality is important...
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    Dinner on Thanksgiving Day at DisneyWorld

    I did hear about the Liberty Tree Tavern having a Thanksgiving Dinner special. Has anyone heard of that? I called Disney and they don't take reservations at that restaurant until 60 days in advance.
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    Dinner on Thanksgiving Day at DisneyWorld

    We will be at Disney for Thanksgiving this November. Any ideas for where we can get a nice Turkey dinner while down there? It could be off grounds, but we prefer to stay on for the occasion. Thanks for your ideas!
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    Carousel of Progress is....CLOSED??!!!!

    Well, if I am really really LUCKY we will be able to see it. We are going to be there over Thanksgiving, so there may be a chance i will be open! HOORAH!! And, if its because of the motors getting really old, why can't they put in new motors, for goodness sakes! Good grief, they have...
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    Carousel of Progress is....CLOSED??!!!!

    Please tell me I heard wrong! Is the Carousel of Progress closed iindefinitely??? THis is NOT good! I love that attraction, and my kids (ages 12 and 15) can't wait to see it again. We are going to WDW in November this year. If it is true, someone better please confirm that, because we are...
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    Thanksgiving week.... how crowded?

    Thanks so much for your opinions! I think it's going to be ok to go over that week. I feel much better now after reading your replies. I will start our kids on the sprints too! LOL. Actually, my 12 year old son plays football, and he is starting his summer workout (complete with sprints), so...
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