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  1. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Of course you would but the girls would prefer Pixie Hollow. Good thing their opinion doesnt seem to matter. Typical male dominance bullcrap..if its not for us then it shouldnt exist..if the MEN aren't getting anything out of it then it doesn't count. Gee there's Buzz Lightyear..Theres Pirates...
  2. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Wow another guy that thinks Disney should only spend money on the things HE wants to see..shock!! gasp!! amazement!! They didn't consult you before they made plans huh?
  3. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Oh yeah from the looks of things, every grain of dirt that gets pulled out is going to be analyzed for FLE like chemical components.."This week on DSI:Orlando..."
  4. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    "This just in from our DNN studios in Orlando..More rumor and speculation to follow..guesses will be made and facts thrown completely out the window" We now return you to your previously scheduled movie..Pulp Fiction
  5. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    I mean, ok maybe its me but I have seen too many people complain about the quality of additions or changes made in the past. Now here we have this huge, beautiful fresh expansion idea and people still find reasons to complain. Not like anything they do is ever gonna please EVERYONE. So if you...
  6. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    All I can say is its amazing more Disney fans aren't on Prozac, with the rumours and speculation..With the rollercoaster of emotions that rival anything they have at the parks and enough second guessing I've gone thru more mood swings than my pregnant wife trying to decide whats coming whats not...
  7. Loehnwulf

    Help finding a superzoom

    Well compared to the Rebel and the 20D we have now this camera is much smaller, so even though its bigger than one of those slimline models the great thing is its got much better quality better zoom than a pocket camera, but still much easier and more convenient than lugging around the "good"...
  8. Loehnwulf

    Help finding a superzoom

    Thanks!!! There are some really great pictures, very crisp and vibrant!! Very cute kitty as well!! This definitely reaffirms our choice so far..we did a search at flickr for the Panasonic and have to say the majority of the pictures were incredibly vivid and vibrant..
  9. Loehnwulf

    Help finding a superzoom

    I hope this hasnt been asked before but, me and the Mrs are going to WDW in September and don't want to lug around her Canon DSLR and the camera bag that goes with it..We'd like to get a decent lightweight superzoom that we can carry in a smaller pouch..Right now the choices are the Nikon L110...
  10. Loehnwulf

    Anyone else disappointed...that they expand FANTASYLAND?

    So what you are saying is that instead of expanding all of Fantasyland and adding more excitement and freshness to it, you'd prefer to blow it all in one shot on one attraction..See this only reaffirms what I have alwas will never please the rabid Disney give them this that...
  11. Loehnwulf

    Carnotaurus "stand in" on DINOSAUR

    Ok now stop me if I am wrong here but everytime I look at that really bad floating head I think of grumpy from the original Land of the Lost..I just see those opening credits and see Grumpy the sock puppet at the end when I look at it:lol:
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