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  1. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Pro-Tip. Any person who says they won't visit Avatar Land out of protest is not telling the truth.
  2. E

    Nasty incident outside Club Cool at Epcot tonight

    I can't believe you typed this with as straight face, just saying.
  3. E

    Nasty incident outside Club Cool at Epcot tonight

    I hope this was meant to be sarcastic.
  4. E

    Food & Wine Festival - Drunkytown?

    Food and Wine Festival is great.
  5. E

    Nasty incident outside Club Cool at Epcot tonight

    I've been to EPCOT plenty of times during the Food and Wine Festival, it wasn't a bunch of drunken fist fights.
  6. E

    Club Cool Closing? (FALSE RUMOR)

    It gives people free drinks in the Florida heat. How about actually building something in the abandoned restaurant instead?
  7. E

    Nasty incident outside Club Cool at Epcot tonight

    Something like this happens, and now people want EPCOT to not serve liquor anymore? If anything should happen in response to this, it's different security protocol. Not judging the actions of millions of guests by one idiot.
  8. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Because TLM determines how all future rides will feel. Well, I guess they should give up building anything new now.
  9. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Yes, the theme park expansion is going to be "bogged down" by the "film's issues." Like the issue of it being the most successful movie of all time. I'm sure that's going to be really holding it back just like that whole Harry Potter fiasco that bombed so badly.
  10. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    But the movie was bad, because so many people liked it, and fictional animals are so different from mythical animals!
  11. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    I don't know what you're talking about. But I'm sure if the announced Muppet Land in AK, it would be getting praised, because the Muppets are now owned by Disney so you don't have to get jealous and bitter about their success as an intellectual property.
  12. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Remember, conservation messages are only preachy when James Cameron uses them and not Disney. I'm thinking like a real Disney nerd now.
  13. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    They're offended because the movie is racist against humans! We can only like films where the aliens are bad guys like in Avengers, where they showed up for no reason randomly, but it still has a good plot because.... Iron Man!
  14. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    That must have been why the Fantasy Land Expansion was a flop in regards to improving attendance in the park. You're so smart.
  15. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Sort of like what was said earlier about Avatar fans. But if it's Star Wars it's an insult right? Because Disney owns it now? Also someone couldn't show Avatar to their three year old, so cancel the whole expansion. I guess they should just close down Disney Hollywood Studios. To many...
  16. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Because hundreds of people posting whiney complaints on the internet override what millions of people say with their money multiple times, making something one of the most profitable projects ever conceived?
  17. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    According to this forum: Movie makes billions of dollars due people going back to see it four times because the audience loved it so much. Movie becomes the most successful film of all time. Movie breaks home video records. Movie receives multiple academy awards. Movie receives near...
  18. E

    AVATAR Concept Art released

    Yes, you'll take two repainted kiddy rides and a miniature water playground over what's in that concept art. Did James Cameron do something to you personally, or are you just jealous of the fact he made the most profitable movie of all time and you didn't?
  19. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Yes, that's why they are building Avatar Land. It has a unique and strong vision. According to this thread, everyone loves Avatar Land. I guess if some people don't and still want to talk about a proposed expansion project that was canceled a decade a go, you can go to your local grocer and...
  20. E

    AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    How about getting over it since Beastly Kingdom is never going to happen?
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