Search results

  1. CrazyForDisney

    Has anyone used with success?

    I signed up for it, and I assume I'm up against a large number of people for the same date / time, but has anyone actually ever used this service successfully? I stay logged in to everything so as soon as I get the text about an opening I hit the link and get right in but every single time it...
  2. CrazyForDisney

    How do YOU deal with that rude park guest?

    Please tell me how to say that in Spanish! :D
  3. CrazyForDisney

    Fall/Winter 2013 room discounts???

    Sorry if this is posted somewhere else. I skimmed thru some pages and didn't see anything. Please direct me to the correct location if so... I noticed today that SoG posted different discounts for the months of September, October and November. I realize that they operate a little differently...
  4. CrazyForDisney

    The Walking Dead...

    Honestly, because I don't feel like it. I've seen others on here help out people which is extremely nice of them to do. I answer questions / help out if I can. I was just hoping for the same courtesy. I'm not trying to sound rude - but you asked so I'm giving an honest answer. Besides, it...
  5. CrazyForDisney

    The Walking Dead...

    That is AWESOME! I love that show SO much :D
  6. CrazyForDisney

    The Walking Dead...

    Now that I have your attention - are you a subscriber to Touring Plans? If so, will you please be kind enough to tell me what the crowd levels will be at MK, DHS, AK & EP from Saturday, Nov. 24 - Friday, Nov. 30th. We had our trip planned prior to the official announcement of the FLE opening...
  7. CrazyForDisney

    What NOT to miss for the Holidays

    I am going to WDW this year the week after Thanksgiving. I have never been during this time of year (the latest was during Halloween last year). We are staying at the WL. I'm excited to stay at the WL because I've heard the Christmas decorations are some of the best around! And Christmas is...
  8. CrazyForDisney

    Be Our Guest Reservations

    Yep. It took 30 minutes for me to get thru Monday morning but I was able to get the day and time I wanted :)
  9. CrazyForDisney

    For what date can I reserve BoG

    I was fortunate enough to get my ressie on the phone Monday morning. Unfortunately, I don't think you will be able to get a ressie for dinner (but here's to hoping something opens up and you do)! I was snooping around online Wednesday as well but was not able to find anything until Jan 7th...but...
  10. CrazyForDisney

    7am on Monday

    I got my ressie this morning and 8 1/2 hours later I decide to call back and add my CC info (I was trying to wait for the madness to slow down). I got right thru and am now on hold listening to Disney music ;) It's a great big beautiful tomorrow...LOL EDIT: 25 minutes later...connected to...
  11. CrazyForDisney

    7am on Monday

    I'm not going to worry about it. I will just call back later today after some of the craziness has stopped and speak with an agent and give them my CC# just in case.
  12. CrazyForDisney

    7am on Monday

    I went thru the automated system to get my reservation. All I had to give was my name and phone number. I would think since they already have a credit card number on file, from when I reserved my room and from other dining reservation's I've made, it should be fine. I have a confirmation number...
  13. CrazyForDisney

    7am on Monday

    Yes, it came up by the confirmation number. Thanks!
  14. CrazyForDisney

    7am on Monday

    Does anyone know how long it will take before I can see my reservation when I log in to the Disney site?
  15. CrazyForDisney

    7am on Monday

    Your name is all. Just don't forget the date and time you want like I almost did b/c I was so excited that I finally got through :cool:
  16. CrazyForDisney

    7am on Monday

    Woo Hoo! It took 27 minutes of busy signals but I finally got my reservation for the day and time I wanted!!! November 26th :):):)
  17. CrazyForDisney

    FLE preview dates

    I will be at WDW during the preview dates but not during the "official" opening date. I've seen where many people have asked on other Disney sites if the preview dates are for AP holders only or if they will be open to the general public as well. Does anyone on this site know if it is only for...
  18. CrazyForDisney

    How and where to get discount codes?

    In March 2011, I finally registered on - not too long after that I got a PIN by email for 40% off any Deluxe resort up thru the end of September so I booked a vacation :) This past January I saved a quote for the month of November at both WL and AKL. I didn't book either and 2-3...
  19. CrazyForDisney

    So Many People going in September

    We went last September 18-23. Crowds were pretty good everyday no matter what park we were at. The longest we had to wait for anything was Toy Story. The queue said it was a 45 min wait but it was really only 20-25 min. We went to MNSSHP one night and that was the only time the place was...
  20. CrazyForDisney


    My DH and I stayed at the CR this past September. The "lack" of theme didn't really bother me but it could be b/c we were really only in the room to sleep and shower (for the most part). We had a theme park view which I thought was amazing. The ONLY reason I had this view was b/c I was able to...
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