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  • It is ok - it did get cold fast !! LOL I was like what the heck?? of course today it's 71 out ha ha! Everyone is going to wind up getting sick because of all the up and down temps I fear. And sorry for your turmoil - I could tell you were upset about the whole thing. It really isn't fair for her to force you either way - not sure how I'd deal with it other then telling her to get over it but that's me! LOL Her next step will be...well if you talk to (insert her sister's name here)...then I'm not talking to you. I feel it coming so get ready for the ride ha ha!

    Tracking - not today! Had to pick up breakfast AND lunch for a work staff meeting which means I know today is a fuh-get about it day lol tomorrow back on track but yes I had been tracking AND treading...that's why i was so surprised I only was down 1/2 a pd. Oh well - there is always next week.
    Well you are back on track and that is what counts so yeah! :) I think you will enjoy Relocate the Weight. I've been having fun with the group and several members have even "friended" me LOL and yes it has been forever!!! Can't wait for you to catch me up tomorrow....and OMG today is taking forever to get over ha ha ha!
    Oh wow you will have to fill me in completely Tuesday night! LOL Go ahead and get your things done and I'll see you then :) Welcome Back!
    Email 2 - you need to come back! I miss yacking with you AND I've been to World Market TWICE since you have been gone LOL
    Also, I can't remember if anyone in your family is a Falcons fan, but if so, I apologize for thinking very nasty thoughts towards them (as they're playing the Giants tomorrow! ;) )
    Do you enjoy living in the South? I have to imagine it's very different from NJ (even in South Jersey), or Alaska, at that! We go to the city about twice a month now to visit my dad. It's about an hour drive or hour-train ride, so nothing too bad. Thankfully, it's a lot quieter than stereotypical NYC, which is Times Square. The streets are quieter and there are tons of restaurants (the last figure I read had around 10,000 in Manhattan alone).

    I have some lady-friends that watch Project Runway, but I've never seen it myself (for obvious reasons!) How is Mad Men? I hear nothing but good things about it, and I've been meaning to watch it for the longest time.

    Safe travels to/fro Alabama! I hope you have a great time when you're there. Too bad your school board gives you all of this extra time now and not when you really need it (for WDW!)
    Your new living room sounds wonderful! Can't WAIT to see photos! I'm sure you are tickled pink about it. GREAT for Costco for not giving you any garbage about the leg. I know some stores would "blame" you instead of fix the problem so yeah Costco!!!

    NO I still can't enter! I click on "enter now" and it just sits there..wah! Am going to try from work. Maybe it's just my poopie home computer.

    Drive safely and have a wonderful trip! If you get a chance, pop on here. I sent you a FB invite for a new group. It's Disney peeps trying to lose weight. I LOVE it. it's called "relocate the weight" - check it out!
    Happy New Year to you as well! Your night sounds more than successful...low key can be very nice sometimes! We had tacos and kinda-sorta watched the ball drop. The apartment is about a mile away from Times Square, and we could hear the fireworks and such going off. There were fireworks going off from Downtown and the Queens/Brooklyn too, which looked really pretty. But other than that, it was very low-key. We didn't watch any of the pre-midnight events, they just don't hold much of an interest for us. But Times Square today was insane! We walked through it and there was still confetti absolutely everywhere.
    The Hawaiian shirt was definitely Disney themed. :) It's the one they had for sale in the MK and a few other had the retro logo and the Poly/Contemp and MK and it was a sort of green color. Very not-hip, but I loved it! As far as the pins it too late for stocking stuffers? :D

    Community is definitely a different kind of humor...think more-obvious Arrested Development. It isn't for everyone...folks I know either love it or hate it (I love it). I though Parks and Rec was kind of funny, but nothing too worth it. I also heard good things about New Girl..I may have to check that out. Lately I've had more spare time for things like TV, which is more than acceptable. I'll have to check out AHS as well, and I hear that this show on AMC called "The Dead" or "The Living Dead" (it's about zombies) was very good as well.
    I've tried several times since last night to enter the everyday contest and whatever the click here button hasn't been working for me! LOL I think the system is in overload so will try later.

    I got on the scale and think I've actually dropped a bunch. Even tho i've been eating i'm sure it's all stress weight loss which they say happens big time during huge stressful situations. I couldn't believe it so hopped on and off a couple times to make sure what I was seeing was right LOL

    And YES we do need to get together occasionally other then WW - would be nice!
    email #2 - did you see the big Disney announcement - BARF! LOL got to wdwmagic where the thread is talking about the upcoming 12/31 announcement and you'll see my comments. If you are there between Jan and March - good for you! After that...BARF! lol
    Sounds like you low keyed it quite well! Happy New Year to you too! My MAIN goal is 1 pd a week this year. I can assure you I'll have gained tomorrow night (lol) but it's a new start and new focus!

    OMG our house was PACKED! Everyone came over..pretty much everyone got trashed (except me - I had 2 shots spaced out 4 hours and that was it..I don't like to drink!!) and everyone toasted Rick at midnight...then we couldn't get rid of everyone LOL Finally at 130 Linds passed out in her room, I passed out in mine around 230 but people kept messing with my doors and lights so about 330 a.m. this morning I could up at 10 - yikes! LOL
    Aren't you the busy little emailer! LOL yep another trip! Linds is going with school in early May so I get another solo trip - FQ or Coronado Springs. My sis highly advised against Riverside. Too big, too crowded, 4 bus stops - she said I'd be sorry. Since solo-ing may try Coronado Springs - hear nothing but good about it and staying 7 nights for sure!!

    You sound so organized - that's great! I have one calendar and it's at work. I put everything there and circle my paydays (like I'd forget! ha ha) Here is wishing you a wonderful New Year and have fun in Alabama!
    hi there..thanks so much for writing! i went up, said what i needed to and left. there were so many people there in so many stages of emotions...i dont' do good with that so I left after about an hour. I figured i said what i needed to so i got out of the way...

    got a piece of mail from disney destinations yesterday with a PIN! 30% of room and it covers my dates (11/24/12 - 12/1/) - for 7 nights, QS dining and 7 day base tickets....$1485 - that is pretty GREAT if you ask me! however when i call to book it in 2 weeks it will be 7 nights and then 7 day park hopppers....can probably get that for $1200 or so i'm happy with that :)
    It took me far too long to respond, but Merry Christmas and New Year from our family to yours! How did your Christmas go? Did Santa bring you what you wanted? We had a few Disney-themed gifts this year...the It's a Small World plate series, a vase from the mural in the Contemporary, and my personal favorite...the retro Hawaiian shirt that my family swore they would never let me get! :D

    Santa was especially good to me this year...I now have all of the books I wanted, as well as a few other "cool" gifts. Also got the first two seasons of Community on DVD. I just started getting into it and I love it...Chevy Chase is very funny in it. Tristan got the first two seasons of Flight of the Conchords? He certainly has good comedic tastes! We love the show, and we just found out that they're making a movie next year! We can't wait. I also found out that my dad lives two blocks south of the New Zealand consulate in Manhattan...I'll be sure to send you a picture here if we stop by it!
    You are too sweet! Thanks so much for checking in. I'm doing better but he will be unplugged tomorrow just so you know. It's either stay at a nursing home on a feeding tube and ventilator till whenever...or just let the man go in peace so Sandy opted for go in peace and I don't blame her! I have a living will and there is NO way I would want to "live" the way he is "living" right now. That vegetative state crap SUCKS!!! Her best friend from Charleston should be here by now so that will help her a bit more. She is still up and down but the support group is HUGE so we'll pull her thru thanks again for asking. Keep in touch cause I'll miss you next week! lol
    I will pass on your prayers to Sandy.

    I am glad you went! that is great! I have to get my behind bck on the treadmill and back on track with tracking and such. TOMORROW IS THE DAY! i need a LOSS next week - not gain. News at 11 :)
    Hi just checking in. Rick has severe brain damage so just a matter of getting everyone here to say bye before the inevitable. Wanted to see how GREAT you did last night!
    just got word...severe brain damage. sandy is a wreck. i'll see you next tuesday for sure! i'm sorry :(
    Ok will let you know. I should go no matter the outcome (gain or loss) my eating habits this past week and especially since Friday have been horrendous! to be expected I guess. I will definitely email you tomorrow by noon or 1 to let you know either way....thanks for the thoughts and prayers! xx
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